Chapter 20|You are my sunshine

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2 weeks later

"Miss Everdeen, you are released. You are free to join the rest of district 4 in our daily activities." My nurse, Heather tells me.

"Thank you for being so nice to me all this time." I say.

She nods and walks out of the room.

I get out of my bed and the first place I go is Peeta's room. He is up and out of bed. It's glad to know that he is better, too.

"Hi," I say. He smiles. "Hey, Katniss. How are you doing? They just released me," he says, hugging me.

"They just released me too! Maybe we can get a normal room together, if they'll allow it."

"By 'they' do you mean your mother?" He asks.

I laugh. "She'll understand. Everybody knows what we have been through. We need each other, to get through this. We've been through everything together, Peeta. She has to understand. We're practically married, anyways."

He nods and we walk out of the room, hand in hand.
When we get to the front desk, I see a lady sitting in a chair. "Hello. We have been released from the hospital, and would like a room together." Peeta says.

She nods without looking up. "And what are the names?" She asks.

"Katniss and Peeta Mellark." She looks up, and shock registers over her face. "Oh my, I did not know you two were staying here. It is such an honor to meet you." She says, shaking our hands.

"We would like to  have a room together. Is that a problem?" I ask kindly.

"Alright! Here are your keys. You will be on the third floor in room 316." She says, handing us our keys.

We smile and take them, heading to our room.

"312. 313. 314. 315. 316!" I say excitedly, opening our door. These rooms are nicer. They have nice blue walls with little designs on them. There is one huge bed. I immediately plop down on it and sigh.

"Somebody's tired." Peeta laughs.

"I-" I try to think of something. "-have no excuse." I say, trying to sound disappointed. He just laughs and lays down next to me. I get under the covers with him and rest my head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. It soothes me.

Oh, how much I've missed this. Being with Peeta.

"I want to get married, for real." I blurt out.

He looks down at me. "Really?" He asks.

"Yeah," I frown. "You don't?"

"No, no." He says. "I was just surprised that you want to. When do you think we could do it?"

"I don't know. But I want to have it in the meadow in district twelve." I say. "When Prim gets back."

He nods. "It might be a while, but we can do it. Someday."

"Can you sing for me, Katniss?" He asks.

I nod, thinking of what to sing.

"You are my sunshine. My only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away."

He smiles, and I snuggle into him.

I fall asleep, dreaming of my wedding day. I stand in front of a mirror, making sure my hair is okay. My father hooks arms with me and walks me down the aisle. Tears slip down my face as I see Peeta, in his suit looking handsome as ever. I just look into those beautiful blue eyes of his and fall in love all over again.

Thank you for reading and getting me to 100+ votes! AND PLEASE READ Midday_Hanging_Tree 's story I do, I need you! It's amazing!!!!❤️🎄💎

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