Chapter 22|Prim

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As we head back from the hospital, I just can't stop thinking about this baby.

About the fact that I'm actually having Peeta's child.

The fact that here is a human inside me.

"I think this calls for a celebration," Peeta says with a smirk.
"Oh god, Peeta," I sigh.

He tells me to go the room, and he'll be back. I obey and decide to take a small nap. I have nothing better to do anyway.

Actually I should probably tell people that I'm having a baby.

I call my mother first. She answers with a worried, "hello?" She has been training to be a doctor. They don't accept just anybody here. You must have a degree.

"Hey mom," I say. "I have some news."

"Oh goodness, Katniss. Your aren't pregnant are you?" She asks.

Uh oh.

"Well..." I say.

"Oh, Katniss! This is great! I'm sorry I said that, it's just that your my girl and all," she says.

"It's okay, mom. I have a lot of phone calls to make, so I need to go. Bye," I say.

"Bye honey."

I decide to just go tell everybody else, because I think they are all in their rooms. I leave a note for Peeta just Incase I'm gone when he gets back.

I go to Finnick's room first. It is closest, and I don't want to face Gale. I know I have to, but not yet.

I knock on his door, and he answers, smiling when he sees me.

"Hi. Is Annie here? I have some news for you both."

He nods. "Hey, Annie. Come here, Katniss has news."
I see Annie walk up to the door. She stands to Finnick's side, clinging onto his shirt.

"So, what's the news?"

"Well... Me and Peeta are having a baby!" I say. Finnick smiles so bright, it's painful to the eyes. And Annie squeals. They are both so happy for me. It makes me happy.

They both hug me, and I tell them I have to go tell the others. I have Johanna, Haymitch, and Gale left. I need to go ahead and tell Gale now.

I walk to his room, slowly knocking on his door. He answers and smiles when he sees me.
"Hey Catnip," he says.

"Hey," I say. "Listen, I have some news and you might not like it." I say.

He mumbles something under his breath.

"I-I-I'm pregnant." I say. I can't describe the look on his face.
"With who's child?" He asks.
"Well, Peeta's." I say.

He shakes his head. "I thought you were never having kids."

"That was in the old world. With the hunger games and districts. But now, it might actually be safe." I say.

He sighs. "Well, I'm happy for you. Congratulations. I'm guessing you have other people to tell. Bye," he says, and he actually sounds like he means it.

"Bye," I say, walking towards Johanna's room. It's in the same hallway. I knock on her door, and she slings the door open. She has nothing but a t-shirt on.

"What do you want, brainless?" She asks rudely.

I try to amuse her a little. She doesn't seem to be having a very good day. "I'm having a baby brainless! He or she will be the most brainless baby in panem!" I laugh. I get a smile out of her.

"Wait, your pregnant?"she asks. I nod.
"Congrats!" She says, actually hugging me. And sounding enthusiastic. This and a first and probably an only.

"I have to go tell Haymitch now. Bye Jo," I say. She waves, shutting the door.

I walk down the stairs to Haymitch's room. He has been really sober lately. I knock on his door and it takes him a while to answer. "Hey sweetheart." He says.

"I'm pregnant," I say. I'm getting straight to the point because I'm tired and want to go back to the room.

"Wow. I never thought I'd see the day. Congratulations, sweetheart." He hugs me. Haymitch has been the closest thing to a father I've had for a while.

I go back up to the room to see that Peeta still isn't here. My note lies untouched on the nightstand where I left it.

A few minutes later, Peeta comes into the room with a basket. He also has a small present in his hands, wrapped up with a neat little bow.

I smile and kiss him. He kisses back, and it seems as if it's been an eternity when we both finally pull away.

"I got food," he says. That's all I needed to hear.
I look in the basket and see all kinds of food. Mostly seafood. I pull it out and we have a picnic on our bed. It's amazing.

When we are done, Peeta asks if we can take a walk. "Sure," I answer.
We walk through the hallways and he leads me out of some doors. "They're usually locked, but they're unlocked tonight because they aren't expecting anything to hit us." He says.

I look and see a beautiful beach. The waves crash against the shore, I sand is cool and damp under my feet, I just love it.

After we walk for about fifteen minutes Peeta stops. I give him a confused look. That's when he bends down on one knee, pulling the small present out of his pocket.

"Katniss Everdeen, I have loved you forever. And I will never stop loving you. We have been through everything together, and I am honored to call you mine. I love you, so, so much. Words can't even express it. I would die for you, and I think I've already proven that. I know I'd never deserve you in a hundred years, but would you please give me a chance? Will you officially marry me?"

He opens the small box. It has a ring inside. I look at him in shock, tears streaming down my face. "Yes! Yes Peeta! I love you so much!" I say. He slips the ring onto my finger, and I get a closer look at it. The pearl that Peeta gave me in the quarter quell is laying on top of the ring. I didn't even notice he took it. Diamonds are surrounding it, and on the side it says "always."

We go back inside, and lie down in our bed. The night that follows is peaceful.

I get a call in the middle of the night. I answer it right away, and it doesn't wake Peeta. He is a really heavy sleeper.

I answer it, and it's Haymitch. The first thing he said is "We got Prim back," and I'm already out the door.

I'm running up the stairs. I don't even know where she is. I'm guessing the hospital. I run and see a sign with her name and room number on it. I rush to room 311 and see her inside. I almost faint.
She sure as heck didn't look this bad when I saw her on television.

Her face is lined with bruises. Her hair is burned off in certain places. She has scars everywhere.

She gets up and starts running towards me. I think she is going to embrace me. I open my arms for her.

But her hands find my throat instead. And her feet find my stomach, kicking it and choking me until I lie unconscious.

Thanks for reading! I'll update in the morning because I'm about to fall asleep. Love you! Merry Christmas Eve!😘❄️🎄

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