Chapter 34| Love gone wrong

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I peek through the blinds on the window. I look over the horizon as the sun begins to rise. The birds flying across the sky, reminding me of Rue. And Prim, the old Prim.

I awaken everyone and we set off on our journey to Snow's mansion. We have to stay stealthy though, because we are "dead."

"Pollux says he can take us down into the sewers." I hear Castor say. "He knows it better than the back of his hand. He used to work down there. Didn't see the sun in five years."

I give Pollux a sympathetic look. He's always been the nicest one in the squad, yet he's been through so much.

We climb through one of the vents that leads to the sewers. It smells really horrid, but I've experienced worse than this. I don't mind it and keep moving.

Peeta's on my left side, my hand in his. And Prim is to my right, my shoulder draped around her. I'm holding each one of them so tightly to me, as if in an instant, they could be taken away from me. And it's true. I find it quite interesting how one second, everything can be fine. And in the next, all hell can break loose. Killing your loved ones. Taking them from you.

I look over to Prim and see that she's uneasy about something. "Prim, what's wrong?" I ask her.

He looks me in the eye, and I can see a few tears streaming down her face. "Everything is wrong. I'm remembering things, and they're taking over my mind. All these memories flooding my mind, confusing me. Like my old cat, Buttercup. He's dead isn't he?" Her voice is rather cold. Demanding.

"We haven't checked district twelve yet. He might still be alive. That cat can survive anything." She nods, closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath as if she's remembering something else.

"Katniss, I don't want to lose you. I don't want to be the one responsible for it, either. I'm having flashbacks at night in my dreams. Nothing can keep the nightmares away. No medicine, no prescriptions the doctors say will help."

My medicine is Peeta. How his arms protect me from any night terrors I have.

"Well I'm sorry Katniss, but I don't have a Peeta." Prim says. I had no idea I said that out loud. And Peeta is walking right beside us.

"No idea? Do you not hear yourself?"

"Sorry, I guess I've been having problems about that lately. But if you would just tell me about your nightmares, I could help you." I say. "And so could Peeta. We were all in the Capitol at some point."

"You weren't hijacked." She states.

"Yeah, but we were tortured. And we were in two games. We know nightmares, Prim. We've been having them for a long time now."

"Maybe later. We're about to get to camp anyway. If I have problems tonight, I'll tell you." She says. "And if you see my fists squeezing until they turn white, wake me up. I don't scream in my nightmares. It's like I'm frozen with fear." I look at Peeta. That's the same thing he does. Sometimes I think that they are the siblings. Certainly not Prim and I.

I set up my sleeping bag and lay down in it. You can hear the loud noise of waste as it rushes through pipes. And the smell is nauseating.

"Is anyone awake?" Almost everybody in the room says "yes."

I rise up. And I decide to come out and say it. "I made it all up."

"What?" Peeta asks.

"Commander Vosch didn't come up with the mission. I did. And it wasn't necessary. The only way to get you people to come along with me was to lie. And I did. And now people have died. Even my best friend. Finnick, he's dead because of me. I killed Finnick. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I start crying. Not loud sobs, but short, silent tears.

"Katniss, we would've come along no matter what. We are your squad. And you need us, we need you." Says Cressida.

Everyone nods. "No. You all don't understand. I can't do this knowing that they are dead because of me. I'm not worth it. I never wanted any of this. I never wanted to be in the games. I just wanted to save Prim, and keep Peeta alive. Snow has to know that."

Nobody answers. That's the way it stays.

I watch Prim as she struggles to fall asleep. When her face softens and her breathes even, I know she is asleep. She makes facial expressions, and slightly moves her mouth. I look down and see her hands are clenched up in fists.

"Prim," I whisper, shaking her shoulder. "Prim wake up."

She quickly rises, looking around frantically, shocked with fear. "Prim, it's okay. Come here."

She lies in my arms, I lie in Peeta's.

And we all sleep peacefully that night.

Thx for reading!!!!

Just one more chapter and you're free from this prison of a book! Just don't get mad at me for the ending. MUHAHAHAHA.

Anyway, you should check out Midday_Hanging_Tree !!! She has been so supportive, and is my bestest friend ever!! You should talk to her, too. Everybody message her right now. She will love it. Won't annoy her one bit. (Hehe your welcome) watch out Kylee your about to have a lot of notifications! Jk I doubt anyone's actually reading this.

Once again, thank you for reading, and for the 2K FREAKING READS!!! I never thought I would get this far, let alone write a book in the first place. I wouldn't be able to do this without you!


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