"Feel better now?" Scarlett asks me timidly as I walk through our bedroom door dressed in a towel. I nod with a smile to show her that I'm okay. Which I am, as far as she is concerned; whether or not my smile is genuine as a mystery to myself.
I haven't spoke a word to my sister since last night when I left to meet with Naomi and it is obvious that I have hurt her.
"I'm sorry I was so moody this morning, but I will explain later. Get dressed, we're going shopping!" I exclaim.
"Wait...what? You hate shopping!" She asks me, puzzled. Hmm. Good point, I guess that makes it a little obvious that I am trying to change the subject.
"I haven't got you a birthday present yet. I'm cutting it a little fine this year." I reply, averting my eyes from Scarlett to look in my drawers for some clothes.
"Hey, we should call Octavia; I haven't had a proper conversation with her in ages."
"Sure. Anyone else? I need to catch up with Annie- I'll call her on the way. What about Carly? Or Kai or Naomi?" She mumbles through the turtle-necked jumper she is trying to force over her face unsuccessfully.
I try to respond, but my face seems to resemble a fish out of water. I need to talk to Naomi, and I don't think I can get a better opportunity than this: if we were to be alone, things would get awkward with my guilt and her shyness.
"Sure." Is all I can manage with a croaky voice. I cough to clear my throat before continuing. "I say we just invite Annie, Tave and Naomi. I'm not in the mood for a crowd today." Turning to see in the mirror, I catch sight of Scarlett nodding- all the while pulling her hoodie over her hands in her clenched fists. A wave of deja vu passes through me momentarily, but I choose to ignore it. Grabbing my phone from my skate bag, I begin to send a mass text.
"So who are we meeting?" asks Annie as she moves to sit beside me on the bench outside the shopping centre.
"And what exactly are we here to buy?"
"Naomi and Octavia. I need to but Scarlett a birthday present as well." I reply, trying not to shiver when I say Naomi's name. Shoppers pass by us, into the building. Teenagers wearing stupid clothing, families with screaming children and couples walk by hand-in-hand.
"What about you Scar? Have you got Indie's present yet, or are you also on the hunt for one today?" Annie questions, pausing momentarily to wave Octavia over towards us.
"No, I haven't got it yet, but I know what it is already. No more questions!" She finishes with a cheeky, secretive grin on her face. Damn, now I just want to know what she's getting me!
"Hey, what's the plan today then?" Tave asks after standing directly in front of me. When I look up into her face- shielding my eyes from the sunlight as I do- she flicks me directly on the nose.
"What the hell was that for?!" I exclaim, rubbing my nose.
"Old times' sake." she responds simply, sitting on the floor in front of Scarlett and trying to avoid my hand as I make a futile attempt to flick her back.
"Anyway, we are waiting for Naomi then I need to find Scar a birthday present. It needs to be good, too! She seems overly excited about what she's getting me..." I trail off, looking worriedly into my sister's eyes. Knowing her, she will be planning something big. She usually cannot keep a secret longer than an hour.
"Well, lets get going then. I think that's Naomi now." Scarlett says, ignoring my worried stare and getting to her feet. I stand as well, grabbing Tave's hand and pulling her off of the floor. I refuse to look where Scarlett is pointing. Well, at least until the vague silhouette I see in the corner of my eye gets out of the sunlight.
"Hey hey!" Naomi greets us with, and this is when I choose to look up at her. I haven't seen her since leaving her at the rink yesterday, and damn, if I thought she was beautiful before, it is nothing compared to how she looks now.
Her pale brown hair is curled slightly (despite the fact that I know it is naturally poker-straight), her face is almost completely void of makeup which gives her a more mature, girl-next-door feel, and her outfit looks like something off of a runway. She is wearing high-waisted, white skinny jeans paired with some black boots. Her shirt is sleeveless and baggy, the colour being a deep, lapis blue on a shiny material. She's slung a medium-sized brown bag over her shoulder, and has many blue and white bangles (alternating colours) down her left wrist. If I was unsure of my feelings earlier, I sure as hell am certain of them now. Man... there is no way in hell that I am straight.
Her face looks unsure when she meets my eyes, but she quickly replaces it with a warm smile. I'm sure my face looks the same, but I lost control over my actions when I saw her. No doubt about it now, I'm in love with Naomi. I open my mouth to speak without realizing it.
"Hey there. I need to find Scarlett a birthday present, but we should talk. I have some things to tell you..."

School, Prejudice and Survival
Ficção AdolescenteThe life of teenager Indigo Jones is a unique one. And her new discovery about herself makes things so much harder. Will her friends, twin sister and Rules to Survival help her in this new, strange lifestyle?