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Sonali Santiago.

"Did you finish your homework?" I asked my younger brother Prince.

"No." Prince hung his head low.

"Really Prince Ja'Mari Santiago?" I raised my eyebrow placing my hand on my hip.

"Yes, I'm sorry. Its just Dre let me stay up and watch football with him." He explained.

"De'Andre!" I called out for my boyfriend. After about 5 minutes with no reply, I huffed and walked into the living room only to see Dre playing Call Of Duty on Prince's PlayStation 4.

"You ain't hear me calling you?" I placed my hand on my hip standing in front of the tv.

He moved his head and continued to focus on the game. I rolled my eyes and unplugged the game.

"Yo why the fuck you did that?" Dre spat.

"Because you weren't listening to me." I started. "Now that I have your attention...why did you let Prince stay up watching some football game? Knowing he had homework to do?"

"Because he asked and I let him." He shrugged. I rolled my eyes and looked down at my MK watch reading it was 8:21 a.m.

"I gotta go, and do me favor and straighten up the house. Its dirty, and I just cleaned it yesterday." I told him kissing his cheek and walking off.

He grabbed my wrist, "Baby, can I borrow 50 dollars? The boys and I going out tonight."

"I thought you had made drops the other day. Why you asking me for 50 dollars?" I asked.

He smacked his teeth, "You gonna give it to me or not baby?"

"Fine Dre. This is the last time." I told him in a stern tone.

"Yeah yeah Nali." He shooed me off.

"Asshole." I mumbled loud enough so he could hear me.

"Why you didn't bring my baby?" My best friend Phoenix pouted referring to my little brother.

"Because he has school." I reminded her.

"I thought he was supposed to be with your dad this time of the year." My other best friend Ezra questioned.

My dad and I have shared custody of my brother. Weird right? Only because my mom left us to go marry some other man like 3 weeks after Prince was born. Since my father was in and out of the country, I volunteered to keep Prince for 6 months every year. It was now August, meaning I had him for 8 months. I don't mind though, he's my little munchkin.

"I thought so too." I shrugged walking off to the front of the shop flipping the sign from closed to open.

"Oh, boo somebody by the name off Odell Beckham is supposed to come by here." Ezra reminded me.


"They didn't say, but I'm pretty sure for his hair done." Ezra shrugged as her client walked in.

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