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Sonali Santiago.

I made it to my condo and instantly went into my bathroom

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I made it to my condo and instantly went into my bathroom. I turned the shower on and stripped from my clothes. Once the water warmed up I got in the shower making sure I scrubbed Odell's scent off of me.

Fifteen minutes later , I was out of the shower and was now in some sweats and a tank top. It was still early this Sunday , and I didn't have anything to do.
I exited my room and went into the living room only to see De'Andre pacing back and forth.

 I exited my room and went into the living room only to see De'Andre pacing back and forth

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"What's wrong De'Andre?" I asked tugging my hair behind my ears.

He looked up at me and sighed in relief.

"I thought you had left me."

"Why'd you think that?" I chuckled.

"Because when I came back last night you weren't here."

Shit, I thought.

"I was out with Ezra." I lied.

"Oh, what y'all did?" He asked sitting on the couch pulling me in his lap.

I sighed in relief, "We just went to a local club. What made you cancel though?" I asked.

"I was handling business."

I was tired of De'Andre's "I was handling business" excuse. As his girlfriend I should know what's going on at all times.

"That's such a bullshit answer." I scoffed.

"Baby , don't worry about it. Just know things are gonna get better around here. Now get up , I'm taking you shopping." He said pinching my thigh.

De'Andre taking me shopping? With what money? Usually I take him shopping.

"Okay De'Andre." I mumbled getting up from his lap only for him to pull be back down.

"Can you quit calling me by my government name? What happened to you to calling me baby , babe , daddy." He smirked placing his hand on my thigh.

I quickly removed it and chuckled, "Baby."

He smiled and I shook my head.

"You happy?" I asked.

"Very." He said kissing my lips. He slipped his tongue in my mouth deepening the kiss. He placed his hand back and my thigh gripping it causing me to whimper. My thigh was a little sore from Odell gripping it when he ... You know went down on me.

I quickly pulled back and chuckled, "Somebody's happy."

"Extremely happy , cause you don't know how much I love your ass girl. You been putting up with my shit for the last 6 years. You've been there for me when I've hit rock bottom and I love you so so much for that. You remember what I told you when I first met you?" He asked.

I feel so guilty.

I nodded, "You told me even if I'm broke Ima try to give you the world on a gold platter."

"And I'm trying, okay baby? Just bare with me. Things going good on my end and I'm not trying to jinx it alright?"

"I hear you babe."

"Good." He pecked my lips. "Now go get dress, I gotta spend some money on your fine ass." He said lifting me off his lap and slapping my ass in the process. I glared at him and he chuckled.

"I look good in this?" De'Andre asked coming out of the dressing room wearing some Versace outfit.

I looked at him and smiled, "You looks so cute." I cooed and he straight faced me.

"You saying that like I'm first grader. I'm not Prince." He laughed.

"Well I can't help it , you look cute."

"I do , don't I." He said looking at himself in the mirror.

"Get yo conceited ass in there and changed bwoy." I laughed. He laughed and turned around going back in the dressing room.

My phone ranged for 100th time since I was with De'Andre and guess who it was...Odell.

I quickly answered it getting up from my seat. "Hello?" I whispered walking around the store.

"Sonali! I've been callin' , why you ain't answer my calls?" He asked.

"Well excuse me dad." I said sarcastically.

"Daddy is better."

"Can you stop being so childish?" I huffed.

"Are still mad at me?" He asked.

"Aren't you supposed to be playing?" I ask ignoring me.

"The game is over , now answer my question."

"Yes , I'm still mad at you. I'm not just mad at you , I'm mad at myself for doing something so stupid with a guy who's has a crazy ass girlfriend! Not only that I have boyfriend, that I love." I whispered into the phone as I looked at the shirts on the rack.

"You can keep saying you love him Sonali , but actions speak louder than words." He commented.

"Oh hush," I rolled my eyes. "I think we should keep our relationship strictly on business. So don't contact me unless it has to do with you hair. Goodbye Odell." I hung up before he could reply.

Seconds later Dre appeared with his clothes in his hands.

"Ready baby?" He asked.

"Yeah." I nodded and grabbed his hand interlocking our fingers.

We walked up the register and they scanned everything and read the price which was 5,374.99 dollars. I was shocked when De'Andre didn't even ask me to help him pay , he just payed the full thing and even gave me some money.

"You know I would've went half with you." I said once we exited the store.

"No need." He kissed my cheek. "Damn I love yo ass."

Now the guilt was most definitely eating me up now ....

"I love you too baby."

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