Chapter 4

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Leila's POV

Last night, after me and mum had unpacked everything that our feeble selves could, we went to sleep after struggling with tremendous jet lag. It was only nine am and the morning was already bright and warm, so I just grabbed my denim ripped shorts and the baggiest rolling stones tee I owned, along with my damaged black vans and set out to explore the neighbourhood. I took my canon to snap photos of the new neighbourhood, and my penny board to make my life quicker and easier.

The house next door, 12917, was silent unlike last night. I think they had a party as music was playing loudly till the early morning and I could hear lots of hollering people and splashing coming from their pool. It sounded like fun.

I took a peek through their gate that also went down a hill and saw red cups lay all over the place and then a comer piled with puke caught my eye and it made me physically hurl.
Without realising I muttered "ew.." under my breathe, and someone got up off the floor.

He started stumbling towards me up the drive and in a croaky, dry morning voice damaged by vodka he managed to say "Hello?" whilst grabbing onto the gate to hold himself up from falling.

"Um hi-um .. I was Ju-st uh" I couldn't help but stutter a arrangement  of words out of my mouth, I'm never good talking to new people and I could feel my cheeks getting flushed.

"You uh? I ain't got all day" He said rudely in a quite brutal way. Yet I couldn't get mad at that face, he was so gorgeous, his hair looked fluffy and soft even after him sleeping on the floor outside. His eyes were a dark mud brown but they had a glow in them that caught my attention.

"Oh, I'm Leila, I moved next door yesterday and thought I'd come - uh - introduce myself..." After realising I was lustfully staring into his eyes and probably scaring him away for ever we managed to exchange names and I agreed that I'd come back another time when he wasn't so hungover.

Jai ... Jai .. He seemed OK.

I got back on my black and blue floral penny board and fled on down the road peeking in all the houses but no one was around. I took a few pictures of a rusty chain on a gate and some vibrant, saturated flowers that were neatly arranged in someone's garden. There wasn't anything else much to do so I used the change discovered in my pocket to get some bacon from the small supermarket across the road and I went back to 12916 just in time to make mum some breakfast.

"Today I'm going to stay home and continue to unpack, but feel free to go out and explore darling, don't let me hold you back!" I managed to understand what mum said through her loud munching of the bacon. I love the amount of freedom she gives me as she knows how much I am obsessed with adventuring new places.

"Yeah thanks mum, that'd be great! I'll keep in contact with you but should be back for dinner." I lightly pecked her on the cheek and ran upstairs to get my phone ready for the day. She waved me out the door and I ran up the drive and kicked back onto my penny board.

As I zoomed past everything I could see Jai as a blur cleaning up his driveway. I really liked the way his face was, he seemed quite rude but he's probably just grumpy from being hungover.
I could tell today was going to be fun, although I was alone, I had my music and my camera to keep my company.

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