Chapter 19

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This morning I woke up with some regret about last night. Should I of introduced mum and Luke? She was not keen on our relationship. In fact she said "He seems like a lovely man, but he's 20, he's too old for you Leila. I do not approve but you made it clear that my feelings did not matter in this situation." She was right, her opinion didn't matter, however she is my mum, so I do feel slightly guilty for doing something she's not comfortable with me doing. But I didn't want to let my guilt stop me from doing what I love. And that is doing Luke.

I started the day the same as always, I had to get up extra early to do my homework that I had procrastinated till last minute, I gave my room a quick tidy and also did my daily routine to make myself look presentable. Callie pulled up outside exactly on time, today I thought I should go to class, id missed like two weeks and had a lot of photography to catch up on. I enjoy taking photos but the lesson can be a bore, I just want to have fun with my photos, edit them how I like and share them to inspire other people. But at school, we have boring projects, were told to take photos of things that are hard to make creative and in general my teacher is shit and gets on my nerves.

I only had one lesson today and the rest were frees so I planned on a quick in and out in one hour. It still felt like it dragged on, maybe if Luke were here it wouldn't be such a boring school day.

I rushed out school after first lesson, not waiting for Callie to drive me, but jumping in the car and was driven home by Max, my friend from photography. He was quite chill actually, he had brown fluffy hair that he combed to the side, his eyes were a dark green and yellow, his skin was darkly tanned like he'd just spent a year in Spain and his height was crazy, he was at least 7ft tall and made me feel like a midget. I guessed that Max had a lot of money as his first car, that he drove me home in, was a red Lamborghini, he didn't mind standing out. The engine revved so loudly as we drove down streets, I felt embarrassed at people staring in awe. Max was wearing dark shades on his eyes, even though the sun wasn't even that bright, he still looked cool though.

The car jolted to a speedy stop outside my gates, I jumped out and he immediately drove off not wasting another minute of his time on me. I was about to walk into my gate when I heard a scream that made my head look up abruptly to see a crowd of fans around The Janoskians house. It was crazy. How did these kids find where they lived? I took a few steps back and realised Jai and Beaus heads were poking through the bars, talking and taking photos with the girls. Jai saw me and embarrassed me by beckoning me over, "Leila, come here luv." A few of the fans heads turned round to look at my while Jai's attention was focused on me and not them.

"Ya, this is manic." I raised my eyebrows at the sight of girls screaming their names and begging for photos and videos to later brag about to their friends.
"Luke's inside, I'll let you in." Stupidly, Jai opened the gate slightly and I sucked my tummy in helping me to fit through the small gap. I was halfway walking steadily down their drive when suddenly I heard a screech and turned round to a stampede of girls charging down after me. Jai was knocked down on the floor where a few girls had stopped to help him up, and beau was just stood there, kind of frozen in silence probably trying to decide on how to herd these girls off their premises.

Luke, hearing this noise from inside, sneakily locked the door that was swung open wide, trapping me outside amongst the crazy people. Most of them were crying, shaking, laughing or just panicking by the fact they were on The Janoskians residence.

I saw Luke looking out from the lounge window, he looked like he was filming it on his phone, probably for snapchat. I waved frantically trying to get his attention that it was me, before realising most of the girls were doing the same crazy wave.

Jai luckily spotted me from above the drive and came down and guided me through a bush and small path that led to their back garden and we snuck in through the side doors, and beau followed. Only one or two fans snuck into the house after us but they were easy enough to get rid off when wanted.

Luke and I snuck upstairs while James went down to help the others to control them.
"That's the craziest it's been outside our house." Luke lay down on his end, exhausted. I sighed and flunked down next to him, gasping in air from the suffocation I got when stood on his drive.
"How do you cope" It wasn't intended to be a rhetorical question but we were so out of breathe from the mad rush and panic we just lay there sighing trying to catch our breath.

Stay with me - Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now