Chapter 20

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I must've drifted off into a light sleep next to Luke, I woke up after beau stormed in to tell us the girls outside had gone. He eyed us up and down before exiting the room. Luke was watching American horror story on his tv and people were getting cut up, there was lots of blood, not the best sight to wake up to. He felt me stir and he sat up making my head drop off his chest.

"I need to talk to you about something." He spoke abruptly, "good thing you woke up, it's been bothering me and I just need to tell you." My stomach churned in nervous knots, I had no clue what he was going to ask me, it felt like it would be bad news. Hopefully not. I nodded my head hesitantly, wanting him to continue without hearing how anxious I was.
"So yeah- the boys and I are going on tour in a few weeks, it means travelling for a long time, so we wouldn't see each other for several months." My heart sank. "But then I thought, you love travelling, come with me?" He smiled at me, I loved the idea, so much that I bounced with excitement, like a five year old, and hugged him tightly.
"Yes, oh god yes!" I said, just incase he didn't understand my excitement was accepting his offer.

The next hurdle would be tackling my mum, I already know she doesn't like the idea of me and an older boyfriend, she would no way let me go. But this is such an amazing opportunity, I get to go to France, Germany, Lebanon, all these other crazy places too! And the best part is I'll love spending the time in those places with Luke.
"Luke this is so amazing, are you sure?" He nodded his head at me and I hugged him again, my arms wrapped around his waste, so tightly it seemed as if I'd never let go.

Luke lay back down but I was too hyped to calm down, I stood up, my knees were shaking quite a lot. I was nervous to ask mum, because if she said no- that would be it. No exploring with Luke for me. I paced round his room, he watched me, but didn't say anything. I ran my hands through my hair violently, in a stressful way, trying to think of an easy way to ask mum.
"So mum- you know you want me to be happy... Ugh no" I muttered under my breath trying to fix up a good speech that would manage to persuade her. If just have to take my chances. And if she said no; well I don't know what I'd do then.

"Lie down Leila- don't stress babe." He was tapping the empty space on his bed next to him beckoning me over and I plonked down making the bed bounce slightly.

"SKIIIIP, BRO FUCK YES." I heard screams from downstairs.
"DAN" Jai yelped.
"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH." Beau was screaming the loudest, he seemed the most excited.

"LUKE GET YOUR FAT ASS DOWN HERE YOU SMELLY CUNT." Jai shouted up and I followed Luke downstairs intrigued.

This boy was welcoming Luke and the others in long bro hugs. He seemed to hug beau the most and for the longest time, they seemed pretty tight.

"Good to have ya back." James walked in from outside and patted the guy on the back.

"Oh skip this is Leila." I smiled, embarrassed as I'm awkward in new situations involving people. I shook his hand, quite polite he seemed. I recognised him from The Janoskians videos, he must be the fifth member that I'd never met before, not quite sure why.

"Luke's got a - guwlfweeeeeend." Jai said in a baby voice to tease the both of us. Skip just giggled and walked further into the door and someone else, a girl, followed in after him, also carrying a suitcase.

All the boys hugged her, and again, I awkwardly stood waiting for someone to involve me.
"This is my girlfriend." Luke said showing this girl who I was.
"Lucy." She said opening her arms for a hug.
"Hi I'm Leila." I smiled at her and we, awkwardly, hugged for a few seconds. When Chelsey walked in the room they both went mad, jumping up and down and hugging like crazy. I was pretty jealous, me and Chelsey has got really close but I think Lucy and her were best friends. I hope me and Lucy would get along too, wouldn't want any bad blood. It will be hard to bond with skip and Lucy as I've known the other for much longer, but hopefully I'll manage and one day we'll all be great friends.

Into the evening all the boys were in the sitting area playing Fifa and drinking, Chelsey, Lucy and I were in the kitchen with small glasses of red bubbly and we just started gossiping. Firstly it was all about me and Luke, I hated it, all the attention was on me and I felt so self centred. Eventually we moved on to talking about Lucy and Skip.
"So where did you go for so long?" I asked.
"Skip and I went to visit my family back in Texas for a month, then we went on holiday in the Caribbean. It was my birthday gift from him. So romantic and it was such a beautiful island." I look at her with jealousy in my eyes. I've always wanted to go to the Caribbean islands, clear blue water, coconuts, beaches, boat trips into the deep ocean. Just sounds so beautiful and adventurous.
"That sounds lush." I said in awe. She showed us some photos she took and it simply looked amazing, like it was perfect blue sky's and white sand and she hadn't done any editing.

We spoke for what felt like 10 minutes but actually turned out to be a three hour conversation. Lucy and I got along, I didn't want to be a third wheel in their friendship but I sure felt welcomed and I have a lot in common with Lucy.

It was 1 am and I thought for once that I should sleep in my own bed, at my house. I felt bed sick and just wanted to sleep. The red bubbly had kept me going but it was almost out of my system. Luke walked me round to my house even though I'm next door, he's a gentleman like that. He pecked me a kiss on the cheek to say goodnight. Our hands slipped out of being clutched together, I stepped inside, quietly shutting the door behind me and watching Luke walk up the drive through the side window.

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