Chapter 15

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My hangover was bad, every minute, second, I felt like I was going to throw up. I left The Janoskians house just in time to save my dignity, I stormed into my house, running upstairs, reaching the bathroom just in time to get my sick in the toilet. It had been a good time last night, one of the best, but this hangover was daunting and my head wouldn't stop pounding. I guess I wouldn't be going to school today, I'm so relieved.

Mum knocked on the door to the sounds of my painful hurling, she peeked her head through the door, and creased her eyebrows in a sympathetic way. Her robe was loosely tied around her waist and she was still rubbing her dreary eyes.
"Sorry to-" I was interrupted by more puke, "-wake you up" I continued my sentence with a lack of breath and buried my head back down to face the toilet, awaiting for more sick to come.

She scuffed her slippers, that were way too big for her, along the grey bathroom tiles and patted me on the back ensuring it was ok. She then left looking displeased at the smell, but soon returned with a glass of water.

I was in the bathroom for a good half an hour emptying my stomach. In that time, I had missed several messages from Haley, my best friend from back home. We had arranged to Skype to day, and luckily, my ill hour had passed just in time for a catch up chat.

Mum left early for her first day of work to make sure she wasn't late, she was all dressed up in a smart black suit skirt. She looked like an appropriate lawyer. I lay buried comfily in my white bed sheets, watching The Vampire Diaries on Netflix, and waiting for Haley to answer my Skype calls.

"AHHHHHH oh my god, tell me all about it! Any boys? You better not of replaced me? Oh my god I miss you so much. It's been hell without you here!" Hayley's high pitched voice came out as a scream, making me jump, I had to turn the volume almost off.
"I have so much to tell you. No one around here could ever replace you." We spoke for what felt like hours, mostly about Luke. I showed her photos, told her about his channel, told her how I've never felt like this towards someone before. She made cooey sounds that made me cringe and she stalked him on Instagram, succeeding her attempt to embarrass me.
"You got yourself a hunky celeb babe" We synchronised chuckled and my dimples by my eyes became visible, I missed this, I missed her.

I took my laptop down to the kitchen with me so that it was as if Haley was there with me. She got to watch me make myself a banana smoothie, we always had it, for some reason we used it as a hangover cure even though it probably never even helped. There was a knock at my door that spooked the both of us out, neither of us were ever keen on being home alone, I always feel like I'm in a horror film and I'm about to be attacked. I left Haley on the counter and walked over to the door. This time the doorbell rang.

I unbolted the door and Luke burst in.
"Sorry I'm impatient when it comes down to seeing you." He gave me a smirk soon realising a gawping face on a screen behind me.
"That's Haley, my best friend from back in England." I smiled at Haley hoping she wouldn't bring up the conversations we had about him earlier.
"Hiiiii" Luke sat down on a stool and spun my Laptop round so that the webcam was on him. He waved in the camera, immaturely, and then grabbed me into a hug so she could see the both of us.

"Haha-" It sounded like an awkward laugh, I definitely felt awkward. "-this may seem rude, not intentional but it's really late here, ya no timezones, it was nice briefly saying hi to ya Luke. Gotta sleep now." I puckered by the camera like I was blowing her a kiss.
"Love yaz Leila."
"Love you too"
The call ended and suddenly my headache was back because I didn't have my best friend to make me forget about the bad things.

"You alright?" Luke asked.
"Yeah- just miss her, got a bad hangover too. How did you know I was at home?" I queried.
"Your car." I nodded at him with the little energy I had and then walked upstairs, he followed me, as I expected.

I got into bed and he lay beside me, we were in the spooning position. My hair was all tied up so that it didn't go in his face, he just lay there with me, watching The Vampire Diaries, he didn't ask any questions, he didn't pester me. He knew exactly what I needed even though I hadn't asked him. His arm was over me, holding the sheets down tightly so that no cold air could get in, his head rested in the back of my neck and his body was pulled in close to mine, it made me feel safe.

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