Chapter Four - Almost Nothing

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A/N: I couldn't find a good gif to go with this chapter and it's a bit of a downer anyway...So, have a happy Chris Evans :)


It's Steve's second night in my computer class. He's an incredibly fast learner, but it's like he's never even touched a computer before. How would that even be possible? He picks up everything with ease so long as I make sure to explain all the terminology, and I do mean all the terminology. He didn't know what the mouse was. Just, how?

I had just started on the wonders of the mighty Google when my phone starts ringing. I never bother putting it on vibrate when I'm at work because I have no friends who would call me. That sounds pathetic. I mean, I have a friend in California, but with the time difference and her work hours I don't worry about an unexpected call. If someone is calling me now, it can only be bad.

My heart is in my throat as I fumble to snag my phone out of my pocket. A quick glance at the caller ID sends my heart falling to my shoes. "E-excuse me, everyone. I'll be right back." I walk out of the room as fast as I can and shut the door behind me. "Hello?"

"Hello, this is Jamie calling from Minter Legacy Hospital. May I speak with Anne Johnson please?"


As soon as I hang up, I go back to my class, opening the door with trembling hands.

"I'm so sorry everyone, but we have to end class early tonight. I-I'll make it up to you next week with some of my homemade snickerdoodles." They look disappointed, but most are kind enough not to say anything. I grab my purse and as I wait for them all to gather their things and shut off their computers so I can lock up behind them, Steve touches my arm. I nearly jump out of my skin. I had no idea he was standing next to me.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes for my reaction. "What happened?"

The last of the cute old ladies has passed out the door, leaving Steve and me alone in the room. His question fills my eyes with tears as I fumble for my keys, unable to find the right one through my blurred vision. Steve gently grabs my hands, stilling my movements.

"I-I- that was the hospital. It- my mom had a-a, I don't even remember what he called it. What did he say? I'm such an idiot. How could I already forget what it was called? I'm so stupid! I-I need to get to the hospital. I need to lock up and leave. Where are m-my keys?"

His grip on my hands tightens. "You're holding your keys, Anne."

"Oh." I try to tug my hands away but he doesn't let go. Instead, Steve unwraps my death grip on my keys and takes them from me. But he leaves his left hand holding my right. He flicks the lights off and after leading me through the door, shuts it behind us.

Somehow, he knows which key locks the door and does so with ease. Pulling me along, he leads me through the library and out the front doors. Jeff, the night guard, will lock the front doors for us. I expect him to let go now that we're outside, but he keeps his hand on mine and doesn't stop until we reach a motorcycle parked at the curb.

"All right, what's the name of the hospital?" He asks, as he looks me carefully in the eyes.

"Uh, it's Minter Legacy." My head is swimming.

"Do you know what street it's on?" His voice is smooth and calm.

"I- it's- I usually just take the bus from the apartment. It- how come I can't remember?" My chest is tight. I feel my tears finally start to fall as my eyes dart around trying desperately to find something I don't know.

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