Chapter Thirty-Eight - The Cheese to My Macaroni

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Previously on your favorite daytime soap opera, 'To Love a Man Out of Time':

"You caught me by surprise, you know; beat me to the punch. Doesn't happen that often anymore," I hear him finally say softly.

Confused, I hesitantly drag my eyes up to his. A small smile blooms across his mouth.

Now, on today's episode:

"I was waiting until Fuller was out of the picture so you would feel safe and I figured that'd be a more creative gift than roses. But I guess I'll have to think of something else to give you when I pick you up for our first date."

I blink. "What?"

Steve chuckles softly at my reaction. "I haven't been completely upfront with you either, Anne." His smile grows and his eyes shine warmly. "I realized a while ago that I want to be more than friends with you."

I'm shocked in my disbelief and I'm pretty sure I make a sound like I've just swallowed my tongue. "You...but, you're you and-and amazing, and...did you forget that you're, you know, awesome? I mean, why?..." I ask, trailing off quietly as I am utterly befuddled. This is not what I was expecting.

He places his free hand on the side of my neck, just below my ear, brushing my cheekbone with his thumb. My eyes close for a brief moment and I instinctually lean into his gentle touch. "You keep putting me on this pedestal, like I'm some untouchable thing, a perfect person for trying to do what's right. But you're missing something- someone critically important." He hesitates in his explanation while he thinks of a way to explain. "It's like what Sam did with Frodo, saying there'd be stories all about Frodo's adventures and how he saved the world but Sam was completely oblivious to the fact that without him, Frodo would never have made it. Middle Earth would've been lost. You've helped me more than you can know, just by being you. Without you, I don't think I'd be where I am now. You're the Sam in my story. Strong, kind, generous, unflinchingly loyal, funny, clever, good, you're also completely could I not fall hopelessly in love with you?"

I'm a puddle. Melted away entirely into warm goo. Words flee from me like shadows in the dawn. "Oh."

His grin flashes before he puts on a more serious face. "I should warn you though, I don't want some casual relationship with you, Anne. I know it might sound old fashioned, but I'm serious about this- about you."

I find myself beginning to smile warmly. "Steve, are you saying you're sweet on me? That you want me to be your best girl? Wear your pin?"

Steve grins good-naturedly and hugs me tighter. "Doll, I'm mad about you. Will you go steady with me?" His tone is light but his eyes are earnest.

"How could I turn down such a swell guy? I think that'd be dynamite, Steve." I answer, still not believing that this is actually happening to me. "But- just to make sure -I'm not actually high on pain meds right now, am I?"

He laughs. "No, you're not. But how 'bout I prove it to you?"

My eyes widen. He isn't, I mean, he wouldn't be so forward, would he?

Steve's gaze drops to my mouth before he pulls his burning blue eyes back up to meet my eyes. "May I?" he asks softly, studying my face.

My heart stutters like I'm having some sort of episode and I try to mentally steady myself. Since words of substance once again escape me, I nod and say, "yes, please."

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