Chapter Seventeen - Friends. Ish. Maybe?

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It's been a month since I met Carson. I've been seeing him every week at the gym and once or twice a week at the park. We always talk for a bit. It's weird, but it's a nice weird.

I spend longer than usual getting ready to leave for my self-defense class this evening. Not that it makes much difference. I'm still in my slightly grungy workout clothes- 'until just recently, I had never seen a reason for buying cute workout clothes' –with minimal makeup and my hair in a bun at the base of my head. Actually, I look exactly the same. Well, that's a depressing revelation.

As I finish filling my water bottle, there's a knock on my door and I open it to see Steve. "Hey! I thought you were still out of town- on, business?"

His grins. "I got home this afternoon. I remembered that your class is tonight. Would you like me to keep you company on the way there? I could use a workout tonight to unwind anyway."

I raise an eyebrow. "You just got back from a weeklong mission and you're going to the gym to unwind? Have you been psychoanalyzed since thawing from the deep freeze?"

Steve's smile shifts to the side in an amused smirk. "I believe it's been proven that exercise releases endorphins, which help to raise your mood. And there's somethin' about its repetitive nature that I find to be particularly calming."

"Whatever, you big weirdo." I say through a laugh. "Netflix and freshly baked cookies are way more relaxing than beating an inanimate object until your fists are bloody. Well, not your fists. Because, you know, your 'superness' makes you absurdly resistant to damage. Also beefy. Do you even need to exercise?" I pause as I poke his muscled arm. Steve just chuckles.

My phone buzzes.

"Shoot." I mumble as I grab it and shut off my reminder to leave. I'm running late. "Did you want to stay in tonight or do you sincerely want to go show off- sorry, 'relax' at the gym?"

Steve smiles. "A session would help me work out some kinks. You ready to go?"

"Yeah," I smile back. "We'd better get going if I don't want to be late to class. And I don't. Want to be late, that is. For class. So, let's go."

"Yes, very efficient there, Anne." Steve mocks me as I lock my door.

"You know, it still weirds me out when you use sarcasm."

He scoffs playfully as he starts down the hall. "I'm not allowed to be sarcastic?"

I pretend to think about it, trotting to keep up with his pace. "Nope. You're too nice. Sarcasm is by definition a harsh, bitter, cutting thing. And you're..." I trail off.

"I'm what?" He glances at me out of the corner of his eye, not turning his head.

I actually do think this time. "You' Not some goody-goody, just...good. You probably don't realize this but your actions and reactions are on a level no longer commonly seen by the average person." It's vague, but I can't think of how to better describe it.

Steve seems unsure how to take this.

"It's one of my favorite things about you," I add, putting him at ease.

Out of my peripheral vision, I see a smile tug at the corner of his mouth.


We're at the gym sooner than I expected. I'd forgotten how easy it is to pass the time with Steve. He stays with me for a little once we enter, saying that he'd like to talk to my instructor who happens to also be one of the owners of the gym. They apparently have some sort of understanding because, let's face it, if you had a superhero as a patron of your physical fitness establishment, don't you think you'd catch on at some point?

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