Chapter Ten - Huh. So That Does Work

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It's been almost two and a half months since Battle New York and I had to switch gyms. It sounds rather less important when placed in the same sentence as an alien invasion. But it is inconvenient. I've been going to the same gym for the same self-defense classes ever since I moved to New York six months ago. I don't like change. It gives me hives.

My previous instructor, who was a great teacher, moved to Indiana. No idea why. The new instructor is a lot younger and a lot more obnoxious. He's a complete know-it-all, and maybe he does know it all, but it's beyond annoying. And I can't be under the tutelage of someone I can't respect. So I decided to go gym shopping.

My old gym was just the first place I had found that offered decent self-defense classes. It was close to the library and the class I was interested in began after I was off of work. This new gym that I'm going to try is much closer to my apartment and the class is a little later at night. This means I can just walk there after I've gotten home from work and had something to eat. It's actually a bit more convenient- wait, no, change is gross. I stand by that.

Tonight is my first time there and it's not bad. The people are friendly but not talkative. The instructor is knowledgeable and tolerable. The information is consistent with what I've been learning, but it also has new things. I was stiff and uncomfortable at the beginning, but now, by the end of class, I've loosened up and spoken with a few people.

Feeling especially brave, I've decided to stay a bit later and talk with the instructor. Just to get an idea of who he is and what he wants for the class. I've spent about ten minutes with him and I've made my decision. I'll give it a try. I think I'll like it.

When I move to gather my wallet and sweatshirt from the corner of the room, I see a familiar face. Or rather, a familiar face sees me.

"Anne? Do you come here often?"

My laugh escapes before I can stop it. "Steve, did you just use a pick up line on me?"

He blushes. Legit. Blushes. It's the cutest thing. "I-I meant, I haven't seen you here before." He tugs on his gray t-shirt.

"I'm looking into one of their classes," I explain with a smile of amusement still plastered across my face.

Steve shifts to rest his hands on his hips. "Oh! That's great! Which one? Have you already finished for the night?"

"Yeah, I was just about to walk home," I shrug my wallet and sweatshirt as evidence.

"How'd you like it?" he asks, crossing his arms.

My face splits into another grin. "The class or your pick up line?"

'Score! He's blushing again.'

"I'm just teasing you," I pat his arm. "I actually really enjoyed it. I think I'll probably stick with it for a month or so to make sure, but I'll probably stay here long term."

He drops his hands to his sides. 

'Does he have ants in his pants? Why is he so fidgety?'

"Well now that I know, I'd be glad to walk with you on the nights you have class." He gives a genuine smile and my heart melts a bit.

"Thank you Steve, but I wouldn't want to mess up your schedule."

"Don't worry about it. Giving me the chance to spend time with a beautiful lady, I should be thanking you." This time his smile is a smirk. I didn't think he could smirk.

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