Chapter Twenty-Three - Aggressive Oreo Consumption

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After seeing James be so comfortable and even playful with us a couple of nights ago, Steve decides it's finally time to tell the rest of the Avengers about him. I'm sure that Nat and Clint already know, because they're spies and it's kind of their thing to notice what others hide. And since Bruce is currently on furlough from Tony and Thor is in an entire other realm, Steve is pretty much just going to be telling Tony about James.

Steve has started calling him Bucky again, but I can't quite bring myself to do so also. To me, it sort of feels like I need permission, either directly or through an easiness that doesn't need spoken recognition, to call him by a nickname. I don't think I have that with him yet.


Steve had asked if I wanted to go with him, but I'll be a little busy.

"So would you be able to meet us at the tower in about thirty minutes?" Steve asks. Sounds like he has me on speakerphone.

"Um," I hesitate. Of course I'd like to support them, but I don't really want to be there if they start arguing, and well- "I, I have a-uh, thing, tonight, actually."

'Why is it always smooth and reasonable in my head but it's a big mush of idiocy when I open my mouth?'

"A thing, huh?" James' suggestive voice floats through my cellphone.

"Oh, don't be vulgar. I have a, a thing that could be classified, in some circles, as residing under the general heading of-of a date. Sort of. Not really. It's a friendly thing and he'll be here in about fifteen minutes. But it's taken a long time to line our schedules up to do this and I kept putting him off. If I do it once more, I don't think he'll ask again," I explain in all my powers of eloquence.

There's a long silence and I think they've hung up but then Steve says rigidly, "Is it with that Kevin guy you were upset with because he wasn't being a good friend?"

I cringe. Not a great first impression. "It's Carson, and...yeah... But he said he was upset with me because he thought you were my boyfriend and I hadn't told him."

"Sounds like a schlepper," James mutters.

"A wet sock," Steve agrees, at least I assume he does judging by his tone. I have no idea what either of those mean.

"Could you wait to talk like grandpas until after I hang up?"

"Fine," James acquiesces. "I was just saying that this Corbin guy sounds like a moron."

I clench my teeth. "Carson. And you haven't even met him, you can't-"

"You're right!" Steve interrupts. "We haven't."

My eyes widen in slight terror. "No-no! N-"

"Fifteen minutes, right?" James asks. "We've got time."

"James, so help me-"

"You said I have responsibilities as your best friend." Steve stops me. "I believe one of those responsibilities was to check out fellas who want to court you," his voice tightens.

I close my eyes. "You remembered that, huh? Look, even if Carson does want to court me, I don't want to court him. We're just hanging out and grabbing a bite to eat."

They're silent again.

"Ugh!" I cave like supports made of limp noodles. "You need to behave – if he sticks around, you'll have plenty of opportunities to torment him later. But if you go too far tonight, you'll be in serious trouble." I sound about as intimidating as a six-year-old scolding a policeman for eating a donut.

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