Chapter Thirty-One - He Turns

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The next morning I awake with the distinct impression that I've done something I shouldn't have. I blink blearily a couple of times before a hard-faced Steve comes into focus. I instinctually scoot back.

Angry Steve is scary Steve.

He's in the chair by my bed, arms crossed. Who knows how long he's been sitting there, waiting for me to wake up. Steve doesn't say anything; he just sits there looking too upset to talk.

I scramble the fighter jets of my memory, desperately trying to think of why he's mad. Clearly, I don't operate at peak efficiency first thing in the morning. They land on something and I speak before I can stop myself.

"Did James tell you about the 'My Little Pony' magnets?"

His unyielding expression is a resounding non-answer.

Steve's never been mad at me before.

My only other secret is something I'd hoped he wouldn't find out. But I never thought it'd make him mad to find out that I was in love with him. Upset that I kept my true feelings to myself or that he'd have to let me down and that our friendship would change, sure, but not angry.

Like a child, my eyes start watering.

"Steve, I'm so sorry. I-I didn't know you'd be angry with me. What can I do?" I plead pathetically. I need my best friend.

His expression softens as he takes in the tears pooling in my eyes and my distraught state. "Anne, you lied to me- to the team. I'm upset that you'd keep it from me, but of course I'm not mad at you, not really." He takes my hand. "After what you said last night, I had Tony show me the tape. It's not your fault, Anne. But why would you hide this?"

Of course it isn't 'my fault', but, geez Steve, arrogant much? And what did I say that would make Steve ask Tony for a tape of me confessing to James of my love for Steve?


"Just so we're on the same page, what exactly did Tony show you?"

Steve furrows his brow, probably wondering how many secrets I'm keeping from him. "What Fuller did to you. I'd thought he left you alone after hurting you in the beginning...I didn't- we didn't know that he, he tortured you."

I breathe a breath of relief that one secret is safe and my stomach falls at the revelation of another. "I thought it would be better this way."

"Anne," he tightens his grip on my hand and leans closer. "You were tortured because of your relationship with us. We need to know that to protect you better. I-I'm so sorry this happened to you, Anne." He looks earnestly into my eyes. "We can move you out of state, somewhere away from me- from us, if that's, if that's what you want."

I shake my head. "You're such an idiot. Of course that isn't what I want. I love you- guys, you blockhead."

Steve relaxes his shoulders, looking relieved but still concerned. "Okay. Okay, we'll figure something else out."

"Good. Because there's no way I'm leaving the future of your pop culture education in Tony's hands. He'd probably just show you things like 'Fifty Shades of Grey' or the 'Saw' series just to mess with you while leaving out the important stuff like 'Buffy'. Which we're starting soon, by the way. Clear your calendar, it's a seven season show." I pause to breathe a little heavily. "Shortness of breath isn't good for someone who rambles."

He smiles a little at this, but quickly turns serious again. "Fury wants to meet with you."

"What? Why?" I know enough about Director Fury to understand that he doesn't just do meet-n-greets with the general populous. Also, he sounds scary.

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