Chapter Seven - Moving

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The doctors don't think my mom wake up. Her brain is still showing some activity, but they have to keep her on life support. There's nothing to indicate a change in her status. I'm going to fly back to California to pick up the rest of my things from storage. I've decided that I'll be staying New York indefinitely now. I don't care for all the people, squished together like so many ants in an ant farm, but I need to stay near my mom. It's literally the only thing I can do for her. Besides, I have a good job and I'm not so alone any more.

I'm planning on being gone for a few days since I doubt I'll be able to get the moving van in order and say good-bye to Jenny (my sort of friend and roommate from college) in less than a day. Just the traveling there and back will take at least two days in itself.

Steve was kind enough to come with me to the airport. I think he knows how nervous this trip is making me.

"Can I ask a huge favor from you, Steve?" I inquire softly.

"You know you can."

"If, if something should happen with my mom while I'm gone...I'd like to put you as one of her emergency contacts, just for while I'm gone. I-I just, if you could just be with her, if they call, so- so she isn't alone...I know it's a lot to ask, but, I can't stand the thought of her waking up alone, o-or not waking up..."

He took my hand in his. "I'd be glad to do whatever I can to help out. That's one less thing you need to worry about while you're gone, okay? If something happens, I'll be there."

I give his hand a squeeze before I let go. "Thank you so much, Steve."


I was able to get a direct flight to LAX, which cost a bit more, but it was faster. Once we land, I debate with myself a bit.

'Should I let Steve know I've made it? Would that just be weird for him? I know it'd be weird for me. Would he care? I think he might. I would want to know my friend had arrived safely, I suppose. Having a friend requires too much thought. Or I may be overthinking things again...Nah, I never do that.'

With a sigh, I send him a quick text to let him know that I've landed in LA. He shortly replies with a 'thank-you' for letting him know and a request that I tell him when I get to where I'll be staying. I guess I did the friendly thing then. Good for me. This whole 'friendship' thing is a real learning experience for me.

Unfortunately, I had lived several hours north of LA when I was in California, so I have to take a bus the rest of the way. It isn't too bad. I've brought a couple of books with me so my mind is well distracted. Although I do have my phone within my line of sight at all times, just in case the hospital calls.

Jenny offered to let me stay with her while I'm in town. She's also picking me up from the bus depot, which is only a few minutes away from her apartment. By the time I step off of the bus, I feel quite gross. I may not have actually done anything all day, but I'm positive that I smell...and not like wildflowers. Also, my butt is no longer on speaking terms with me. Entirely too much sitting.

I haven't made it very far before I'm nearly tackled. "Mmph! Jenny? I really hope that's you...otherwise you should know that I'm not good with having my personal space invaded by strangers and I will have to hurt you if you don't let me go." I'm only halfway teasing as I hug her back.

The strawberry-blonde with her arms wrapped around me laughs and releases me. "Still the bubbly social butterfly, I see." Jenny is a couple of inches taller than me, so I have to tilt my head up a bit to look her in the eye. Yes, I look her in the eye. She throws a mini fit if I avoid eye contact with her ever since she sort of made me a 'project' while we were in college. It was all very 'Galinda and Elphaba' of her. She tried to make me more appealing to the general public and also tried to make me enjoy the general public. She experienced limited success. And while I appreciate the sentiment behind her actions, I couldn't appreciate her actual actions themselves. It always felt like she didn't like who I already was, like I wasn't good enough. Besides, I relish the times when I can be alone. That's something Steve seems to understand about me.

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