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This is the short story of two boys
Two boys,who we're total opposites
Wallflower, and social butterfly
Oh and of coarse the me, the girl
Who had only enough space for one, in this heart

I had my plan mapped out
I was really beginning to like him
And he was starting to like me
He was a wallflower
And I admired that about him
It took months for him to open up to me
And we were finally something
Finally, wallflower let me wear his sweatshirts
He was vulnerable and I screwed it up royally

You see, I didn't know the social butterfly yet
But once we spoke for the first time I was hooked
The first day I got his number
We texted all day, all through the night, and then we even Face timed
He put an effort forth to talk to me
And I admired that , with every piece of me

The wallflower on the other hand
Wasn't straight forward
He was a total different ball game
But I swore I was going to figure him out
And I did eventually
But by the time I figured him out
I had already met the butterfly

It's hard to focus on someone who gives you so little
When you've got a open book in front of you
The book can be so tempting to read
And once you get one read in
Your hooked

He is an addiction
He bites his lip perfectly
He whispers blissful nothing's to me
He loves displays of affection
And I can't get enough

Today I realized I may like this butterfly more than I thought
And I also realized that he has completely replaced the wallflower

I'm sorry
Maybe it's the all the things he does
Maybe it's the way he doesn't hesitate
Or perhaps it's the simple fact that instead of me having to figure out the wallflower Someone finally is taking the time to figure me out

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