Being Broken

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Luke's POV:
Every time I see Andi and Philip together, my heart breaks. I tried saying hi to her early in the morning, but she just pretended that I wasn't even there. She walked passed me with Philip by her side.
I sigh as I walked away and stumble across Kim, who says, "Luke, is everything okay?"
"Not really." I said. "Andi's spending more time with Philip than with me."
"What do you expect would happen, Luke?" She said. "You lied to her and you cheated to be Emma's guardian, Andi's own best friend."
"What are you talking about?" I asked confused. "I didn't cheat. I won fair n' square."
She smiled and gasp as she said, "you don't know, do you?!."
"Know what?"
"Luke, Andi was supposed to win. Not you." She stated and I got shocked about it when I asked. "That can't be. I won."
"Andi lost the exam intentionally, Luke." She said. "She gave it up for you."
As much as what she says is true, I still couldn't believe it when I said,  "Andi wouldn't do that. She wouldn't throw away the competition."
"Don't believe me, fine." She said back to me. "Go check the video, and you'll see that I'm telling the truth."
She walked away after.
Two hours later. And I still couldn't forget about what Kim said to me. So I've made a decision that I'll go watch the video. After lunch, I went to headmaster Agamemnon's office.
"Mr. Archer, what are you doing in my office during school hours?" He said while he was doing some paperworks on his desk.
"Mr. Agamemnon, I need to watch the video." I said a Agamemnon looked at me in shock as he stopped writing his important paperworks when he replied. "Are you sure about this, Mr. Archer?"
"Please, I need to know."
He sighs as he cast a spell to show the video to me without speaking. I slowly turn myself to see the video and I saw it. Everything. I saw her one foot in the portal, and when she was about to walk in, she didn't. She step back and ran away. I don't understand why would she do that. I don't understand why would she throw the competition away.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him while I face at him and he stood up as he walks towards me saying, "she was supposed to win, but she told me that she doesn't want to win. She told me that it has to be you."
"That's not a question right for me to answer, Mr. Archer," he said as he walked back to his seat and continue his paperworks and I immediately left his office to find Andi.

Agamemnon's POV:
I remembered everything. I know that it's wrong for me to make Mr. Archer win the game, even if the true winner is Ms. Cruz, but she asked me to. I called Andi to my office after curfew when the game is over. Before I could say anything else, she spoke out of terms first, "Aggy, please don't tell Luke about what happened in the maze."
"Why not, Ms. Cruz," I said as I stood up, walking towards her. "You still won, Ms. Cruz. You should be proud."
"I'm not." She said to me. "I don't want to win. And who am I kidding? I'm just a human being, I'm not a witch or guardian, and I I feel like that I can never be more than just the best friend of the chosen one."
"Ms. Cruz, everyone experienced this kind of phase. It's normal."
"This isn't a phase, Aggy," she spoke back, interrupting me. "I don't want to be Emma's guardian, not anymore. Just please, promise me that you won't say anything."
"As you wish, Ms. Cruz."
"Thanks, Aggy," she said as she walked out of my office.
That's all I can remember. The betrayal and anger that I can see in her eyes.

Luke's POV:
I went and confronted Andi without warning and thinking, all I can feel right now is being a fraud. I was pretending someone that I'm not. Feeling like I deserve something like this, even if I don't deserve it. Andi should've won and not me.
"Why would you do that, Andi?"
She fake a smile and laugh with Kim and her wits by her side. "What are you talking about?"
"The exam." I said. "You throw away the competition. Why would you do something like that, Andi."
She looked down and sigh as Kim told to her wits, "guys, we should probably give them some space."
But they refused to leave:
Jessie: are you kidding? This is the best part
Ben: yeah. We want to know would happen next
"It's okay," Andi said, interrupting all of us. "I can handle it."
"So tell me, Andi, why would you do something like that?" I said then asked followed by Andi replying when she looked at me in the eyes. "Because I don't want to be Emma's guardian."
"It doesn't matter." I said. "I still would've wanted it be a fair game."
"Luke, you won. Why can't you just be proud of that?!"
"Because I feel like a fraud. I was supposed to lose, instead you made me win the game." I said followed by Andi saying, "I didn't make you. I wanted to lose."
"You should've won, Andi Cruz." I said. "And I'm supposed to lose."
"Luke, I-"
"We promised each other that it's going to be a fair game, the way it's supposed to be, Andi." I interrupted her as she spoke back. "Luke, you won. You wanted to win for a long time. Be proud of that."
"How can I be proud of something I won, if it's not a real competition." I said followed by her saying. "Luke, I'm sorry if I lied, but this is how it's supposed to happen."
"You should've, Andi. And not me." I said and walked away. "At least now I know who's the best guardian. And it's you, not me."
Broken promises. Broken trusts. And broken hearts. I feel like I'm all that, but I'm not. I'm not that great, the way I've always thought I was.

Philip's POV:
I can't wait to get my vengeance on the guy who killed my father. I want to hang out with Andi for my accomplishments. So when I walked in the cafeteria as I passed by Luke, who just walks out. I saw Andi, who was just about to cry.
"Andi, are you crying?" I asked, but she looked at me and wiped her eyes to say, "Andi Cruz don't cry, Philip."
"I know." I said. "I just want to let you know that I'm always here for you. And if you need to lean someone's shoulder, mine is always unoccupied for you."
"Thanks, Philip." She smiled.
I smiled back, then Emma showed up in the cafeteria as she just walks in.
"Did you tell him?!" Andi immediately asks Emma with no hesitation in an angry tone from her voice.
"Luke." Andi said. "Did you tell him about what I did in the exam?"
"Of course, not," Emma immediately spoke back. "I wouldn't tell him if you don't want me to, Andi."
"If you didn't, then who did?"
"Andi, you have to calm down." I said to her, because I'm getting worried about her. "Take a break. You've been through a lot."
"But, Philip-"
"You took care of me when I got sick," I said interrupting her. "Then let me take care of you now."
She looked at me with that sad and west eyes of hers.
"Philip's right, Andi," Emma agreed with me. "After what happened in your activity with Mr. Archer, you need a lot of rest."
"Okay, fine," she said stubbornly. "But just one nap."
"I'll carry you there," I joked to make her laugh and smile, which worked when she said, "thanks for the offer, Philip, but I think that I still have enough strength to walk myself to my own room."
I smiled as I saw her walked out of the cafeteria and just made me smile even more about how much she still cares about me, the way I always have cared about her, and my feelings for her will never change.

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