Hide And Hex

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Jessie's POV:
Since the guardians are taking their final exam right now, the wits have our own plan in having fun till our exam will come up. and since Jax can't have fun with me when he's going to watch the guardians on their exam, we're all playing a game called "hide and hex."
Of course, hex is on my team. I know that borrowing hex without Emma and Andi's permission is not right, but se wouldn't even notice that hex is not in her room anymore.
Team in hide and hex:
Team 1: Jessie, Ben, and Hex
Team 2: Ethan and Emily
Team 3: Sean and Gracie

Me, Ben, and hex are covering our faces toward the tree and started to count, since we're 'it'
The different teams ran off, which is good, cause we're so gonna find them, and besides this is like a practice for our own exam.
As they ran off to go hide we're done counting, ben, hex, and I separated our ways, so we could find each and everyone of them much faster.
"Where do you think they are, hex?"

Emily's POV:
I'm finally gonna beat Jessie, especially at her own game.
"Ethan." I said.
"Let's hide in here." I said as we both snuck in under the counter from the cafeteria.
Little did we know, There was a vent blowing towards us, directly and it was extremely cold.
"Cool." Ethan said as he followed what I said. "This is a cool hiding spot, Em."
So we hid there for a while. I was kinda excited that I could actually win something than Jessie, for once, I'll win and she won't, especially on the exam tomorrow.

Ethan's POV:
It's been two hours and Jessie and Ben still haven't found us yet.
"We already found Sean and Gracie, but where could Ethan and Emily be?" We heard Jessie talking to the other wits, outside the door. So I quickly dip my head down, hoping they wouldn't notice that I'm here with Emily.
"Did you hear that, Em?" I said. "We're actually winning this thing."
I slowly pushed her back, but she didn't move. I leaned towards her and feel on her forehead and she feels so cold.
"Em, are you okay?" I asked. "You feel so cold, Em."
She didn't say anything and just lay there on the ground. So I tried to cast a spell to make her feel better:
"I may be afraid to show and tell,
But all I want is for my own sister to be well."
I tried to Len forward and feel her, but she's still so cold, my spell didn't work.
She sneezes so loud that gave away our position from the other wits. So they rushed in and as much as they still think that this is still a game, Jessie said:
"Ha! My team found you, you lost."
I looked worried and glance at my sister on the ground.
"Ethan, what's wrong?" Ben asked.
"It's Emily," I said with that worried look on her face.
"What about Emily?" Jessie asked, still being clueless.
"I think she's sick." I said.
"What do you mean she's sick?" Jessie said in a worried pace.
"I mean she's sick." I stated a bit more clearly. "She's pale, she has a fever and she's extremely cold."
"Wait, what exactly happened here Ethan?" Ben asked.
"We were hiding under the counter" I said showing them where, then they felt how cold it is in there.
"She's sick because of the vent that is blowing cold magic through you guys."
"How can that make her sick?" I asked.
"Did you not hear the word 'magic' in the sentence."
"What should we do?" I asked in a worried pace then Sean asked.
"She's super sick." Gracie stated.
"We should tell Agamemnon." Jessie said as they all help Emily, who just spoke in a loud voice:
"No! Don't tell anyone."
"Why not, Em?" I asked.
"I'm fine." She said, trying to stand up straight. "There's no need to call the police or an ambulance, that'll be over-exaggerating."
"You're sick, Em." I stated. "Maybe Jessie's right, maybe we should call the headmaster."
"Ethan, no." She said. "I'm fine, okay."
As she said that, she almost collapsed into the ground, but the other wits luckily caught her just in time.
"Ethan, please don't tell anyone, okay."
I just looked down, thinking. I care about my sister, I can't let her get sick, especially when our final exam is coming up tomorrow. I can't ruby, since she scares me a bit, I have to tell headmaster Agamemnon, just like what Jessie suggested in the first place, but I can't tell Emily or else she'll get mad at me.
"I have to go." I said and ran off. "Take care of Emily while I'm gone."
As soon as I got there, I whispered to Agamemnon and told him everything that happened, he was shocked so he said through microphone when the guardians were already doing their exam.
"Attention, students, I will be dealing with some very serious matter right now. Cameron will be watching you guys while I'm gone. He transported us back in the spot and saw Emily on the ground with the other wits.
"Ethan, what did you do?"
"You're sick, Emily. I just can't stand to see you in pain like this." I said.
Agamemnon unexpectedly appeared a television on the wall while he was busy taking a good look at Emily.
"I thought the wits aren't allowed to watch our guardians, headmaster?" Ben asked.
"Well, mr. Davis, as the headmaster of this school, I have to know what's happening in the final exam, and besides, Cameron has a favorite among the guardians, I can't really trust him with this stuff." Agamemnon responded.
I held on tight with Emily's hand and said to her:
"Don't worry, Em. I'm just right here. I will never let go. Just like what I promise to mom and dad, I will always be here for you."
Agamemnon checked Emily using his magical powers and tools.
Unknowingly, the camera caught Andi on film, and what she did is unforgivable and unforgettable to Emma and Jessie (the final exam part 1).
"Don't worry, Ethan," the headmaster said. "Emily's fine, she just have to take a long rest till tomorrow. Watch over her okay?"
"Yes, mr. Agamemnon." I said. Ten Jessie just storms out of the room in an angry mood. So I ran after her.

Jessie 's POV:
I can't believe that Andi would do something like that.
"Jessie, what's wrong?" Ethan asked when he ran after me.
"Andi is what's wrong." I stated. "Why would she do something like that?"
"She might have reason why, Jessie." He said. "Andi is a great guardian. What she did, she always has a reason why."
I wanted to look away but I didn't when he said:
"Just asked her why and understand for why she did." I just nodded as he pointed at Theron and said: "well, my sister needs me, I have to go."
I nodded as he left and ran towards to Emily, then he transported her to her room and stayed there with her all day until tomorrow came.
I wanna understand perfectly why she did that, but it makes no sense to me, it's what she wanted and she just threw it away, I'd better have a good explanation when she gets back.

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