When I Say, "I Do"

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Emma's POV:
I hope this works. I'm so glad that Agamemnon was able to agree with the favor we asked him. But I'm still suspicious about why Maddie will help me. I wonder...
"Emma!" Someone called interrupting me in my daydream.
I face towards her and saw that it was just Andi.
I smiled. "Oh, hi, Andi."
"Where were you last?!" She asked in a concerted way. "I've been so worried.
"Sorry, Andi." I told her. "But there's just something that I have to do."
"Do what?!" She questioned. "Can you just tell me what you and Maddie are up to?"
"I can't," I said. "It's a surprise."
I smiled and walk away through the halls, where I bumped into Jax accidentally.
"Jax," I said in shock.
"Woah," he said with a smile on his face. "Are you okay? You seem distracted lately."
I gave him a fake smile and said, "I'm fine, Jax, don't worry."
I walked right passed him and headed to the direction of the Panthers.
"Well?" I asked giving them that face as Maddie grin towards me an said, "it's time."
"When are we gonna do it?" Katie Akers.
"The plan will be set at exactly 2pm, and Diego will be taking Jax at the exact spot. Everything is set, Emma."
"I still don't get it," I mentioned. "Why are you doing this for me and Jax? It's not like you to help others."
"You're right," Maddie agreed. "It's not like me to help you or your relationship. But trust me, when I something like this for you, I'll get something out of it."
"Like what?" I asked followed by Katie saying, "I'm sorry, Emma. We can't tell you that."
"But does it have to do anything with me or Jax at all?" I asked one more time as Maddie replied, "maybe, maybe not."
She gave me that Maddie smile of hers and left, but before she did after she walked right passed me, she told me with no eye contact, "just don't forget your position, Emma."
I didn't respond as I just let her leave, with be panthers following her, as usual.
I sigh afterwards, doubting myself if I really should continue with this wedding. All I know is that she's planning something, something big. But the problem is that I don't know what it is. I don't know. What am I supposed to do now?
So I went to Andi's room and put on my wedding dress, so I could be ready for what's coming, by that, I mean for the secret wedding that Maddie and I prepared.

Jax's POV:
I was in my room looking at the black and white suits I have, so I could choose between them on our wedding, even if I don't LITERALLY know when will that be. But it's not bad to be prepared.
Anyway, I used my magic to cast them here. But unexpectedly, Diego showed up right behind me that made me a bit careful.
"Woah," Diego said. "Dude, relax. It's just me."
"Sorry, man," I said back. "I've been stress out lately."
"Why should you be?!" He told me. "Its Emma that should be stress."
I gave him that look asking why as he continued, "after all, she's the one who's handling all of the arrangement and preparations."
"WHAT!?" I said in shock, not knowing he stress we both could have in this wedding preparations.
"Yeah," Diego continued. "For someone who's going to get married in such an early age, you sure are clueless. More like, ignorant with things like this."
I looked down in upset as I told Diego, "I had no idea. All I want is to be with her for the rest of my life. I wasn't thinking clearly with the cost of all these."
"It doesn't matter," he told me as I get shocked at what I heard him say, especially more shocked when he continued, "this is Emma's problem, not yours, man." He placed his hand on my shoulder as he continued, "all you have to do is pay, that's all."
I looked down, feeling furious towards Diego and push his hand away from my shoulder while I scolded him, "HOW COULD YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT!?"
"Relax, man," he said. "It's just a wedding."
"Its not just a wedding," I responded. "It's something much more than a wedding."
"What are you talking about, man?" He questioned. "Let's just play some video game."
He was about to walk away, but I didn't an days, "NO!"
"What?" He asked, facing me.
"I said, 'no.'" I repeated.
"What are you talking about, man?!" He said. "Let's just go."
"No!" I said. "I want to be there for Emma. I want to help her, even if I'm not supposed to."
"But Jax-" Diego said, but he soon was interrupted when I ignored him and quickly walked away and headed to Emma's direction, were she is now.

No one's POV:
But unexpectedly, Diego smiled at Jax when he ran off looking for Emma Alonso.
Diego then took his phone out and dialed a number in his phone and spoke, "the plan is all set."
"Good," she said as he hang up, which actually turns out to be Maddie Van Pelt. She turns towards her panthers after hanging up on Diego as she told them, "we'd better get going."

Meanwhile, Jax was looking all over for Emma, but still no sign. It's already been 1:56pm. And it's nearly 2:00.
Anyway, as soon as he found them at the auditorium. He saw that the doors were decorated so fancy, and he opened both doors at the same time and he unexpectedly saw that everyone he knew and every staff member and wits students with their guardians, next to them.
Jax was shock at what he had seen and told them, "what's the meaning of this?!"
Unexpectedly, Agamemnon came walking towards Jax and kept pushing him up to the isle while saying, "come on, Mr. Novoa, we don't have time for this. You'd better get ready for your wedding."
"Wedding?" Jax questioned as Jax's friends came pulling him to isle for him to get ready as they cast a spell for him to be all dressed up.
So the wedding is starting when the music started playing as the people are starting to come walking down the isle, then the bridesmaids came walking down, and Jax's best man is all suited up as he glanced towards him, thinking that Diego pushed him to find Emma. It's all part of Maddie's plan.
So suddenly, Emma came slowly walking down the isle as she smiled brightly while Jax did the same as he couldn't believe where he is now, being able to be right next to Emma for the rest of their lives, being able to spend a lifetime together.
As soon as Emma finally reached her destination, standing in front of Jax and smiled directly at each other, Agamemnon took out his book and started to read it. But while he was reading, Jax noticed that his father was there at his wedding, outside the room, where Jessie was able to noticed it too. So she and Jax exchange faces as she stood up and walked out to talk to Jake Novoa, while Jax, himself, was continuing to listen at what Agamemnon was reading while he tighten his holding hands with Emma, as he took a look at her, he smiled knowing that he will finally be happy.

"Dad, wait!" Jessie told Jake while the wedding was being continued.

Meanwhile, as soon as Agamemnon reached the part when they both exchange their vows and placed their rings to each other, Jax spoke first and said, "Emma Alonso, I place this ring in your finger, knowing that I will be able to spend the rest of my life with someone like you. Not just for being the chosen one, but also for never giving up on me." He paused and smiled. "You know the real me, Emma, and I promise you that I will always protect you. And I also promise that I will show you how much I love you." He smiled as he look at her after placing he ring in her finger and continued, "as I said before, this ring represent our love. And as long as I'm alive in this world, I would never stop loving you."
Emma smiled as Agamemnon face towards her, so she could say her vows to Jax. So she smiled at him as she got ready to put the ring in his finger, she told him with a smile as she looked down on the ring and their hands, touching. "Jax Novoa, you were the only one who stood by me no matter what decisions I've made. You never stopped believing in me and what I could do. If only I realized it sooner about how much I care about you. So, Jax Novoa, I place this ring in your finger," she said while slowly placing the ring in her finger, and continued. "-to represent our everlasting love that could last a lifetime. The moment when I say 'I Do,' is the moment when I knew that I will always love you."

Jax and Emma smiled at each other, knowing how strong their feelings towards one another.
"If no wits or guardian objects," Agamemnon stated. "You may kiss the bride."
Jax smiled looking at Emma's eyes as she did the same as they both slowly lean towards one another, and they slowly lean their lips to each other. They kissed as they knew how much they're going to willingly do anything for each other. Everyone clapped and cheered as they all stood up and watched the feeling of Emma and Jax's love at their own meaningful and own loving wedding as it unexpectedly rain outside the academy, and inside it as well, (auditorium).

But they didn't care, their guess we're still smiling while Emma and Jax were still kissing each other, feeling their unconditional love through the air.

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