Truths And Lies

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Andi's POV:
I'm speechless. I'm shocked. I don't know what I'm supposed to do here.
"I don't understand any of these. How did Philip die?" I said and asked as I walked away from them.
"That's what's important right now, Andi." He stars. "Just give me the mirror."
"No, give it to me." The evil boss guy said back.
"Enough with the lies!" I yelled out. "All I ever wanted is to know the truth."
"You're not ready to know the truth, Andi."
"Then when am I gonna be ready, Luke?" I yelled back at him. "Later? Tomorrow? Or more like never?"
"You know that's not what I mean, Andi," he stated, as I shook my head and looked back at him and said, "then what do you mean? All you guys ever do is lie. How do I know now that whatever you say is the truth? Or a lie?"
"Because you know me," he stated. "I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. You know that."
"I don't know what I know anymore, Luke."
I held onto the mirror tight with no reply, and when I looked at it as k was about to break it by throwing it down on the ground.
Emma stopped me by yelling out. "ANDI, DON'T!"
I looked at her with that look in my cave, then she looked down as she continued. "I'll tell you everything you need to know. Just please, don't break the mirror."
"What's so important about this mirror anyway?" I asked, looking at it.
"It's a long story."
"Emma, don't you dare tell her," Luke said. "She's not ready to know."
"Look around, Luke!" Emma said. "She's gonna find out eventually. And she's our friend. She deserve to know what really happened"
I just stood there quietly, not knowing what she to say or do.
Luke finally nodded as he agreed.
"I didn't know anything about Philip's death, Andi." Emma stated. "All I know is that these guys took my family away from me. And now, they took Jax and his father too."
"I would've understand all of these, Em," I stated with that teary-eyed look on my face as I continued asked. "Why would you keep something like this from me?"
"Because he threatened to kill you too."
"Wait, are they all dead?" I asked in a worry pace as I directly look at her and she did the same as she was about to reply back, but Jax's boss interrupted by replying back to him. "No. But they will be. They way you're going to be."
"Don't touch her," Emma said, pushing me back away from him.
"Then give me the mirror." He stated. "And no one's going to get hurt."
When Emma's about to say something, I interrupted her by saying. "Never!"
"Andi, what are you doing?" Emma asked as I stepped back and replied. "They can't have this mirror, Emma, for whatever reason they might have. It's still dangerous for it to end up to some guy like him."
"Kill them all." He stated to Jax with a look of displeased. "And bring me my mirror."
I was about to ran off through out of the place, but Jax trapped us all inside as he blocked the door and I stepped back with Luke and Emma beside me.
"What are we gonna do now?" Luke asked followed by Emma saying. "Does anyone have any ideas?"
"I do." I stated as they both looked at me. "One more step, Jax. And I'm going to break this mirror."
"You wouldn't dare."
"Oh, I dare." I said back as we wee face to face from each other with that angry look in both of our faces, but then Emma pulled me back and asked. "Andi, what are you doing?"
"You're not really going to break the mirror, are you?" Lucas said and asked, then I have him that look on my face and said. "Are you kidding me? It's just blackmail. The way they're to you guys."
I faced back to Jax as he looked directly at me with no words coming out of his mouth and said. "You're going down, Andi Cruz."
"Bring it!"
"Enough!" Evil Philip yelled to stop all of us arguing and we looked at him as he continued. "We can't risk of losing the mirror. We've waited for this to happen in a really long time, Doctor."
"You're a doctor?" I said confused.
"That's my name, moron." He said. "Doctor D."
"Hey!?" I said as I got offended, then he was walking back to his boss as I yelled. "Jerk! Chicken!"
"Excuse me?"
"You're just not a wizard, Jax, you're just a chicken." I said as he stopped himself from leaving the place.
He faced at me with that angry look on his face as he slowly walks towards me and we both look at each other, face-to-face, as he asks, "call me chicken again, I dare you."
He gave me that evil and angry look on his face while I just smirked at him, then he jump on me angrily, making me drop the mirror, but luckily, Emma just caught it just in time, before it fell on the ground.
Doctor D tried punching me, but I kept on ducking, so I could avoid the punches he's been giving me. Unexpectedly, I pushed him away from me as I got up and grabbed check from the root of the tree while I was checking the pages about that mirror.
"Bad move, Cruz," he said as he stood up and he slowly walks toward me as I walked back, away from that crazy maniac while he was giving me that death stare.
I can see how distracted Emma and Luke are so focused on defeating evil Philip. But I can also see that they're both losing. So I looked at him directly and smiled as I yelled out. "Emma! The mirror!"
She saw me that I was being blocked by Jax as she suddenly tossed it to me and I caught it from afar by jumping to the edge, just so I could catch it safely in my hands.
I smiled at him when I was laying down on the floor, so I stood back up with the mirrors in my hand.
"Do you want to know what's a bad move? This." I said while  I kept smiling at them, because I had a plan.
I walked closer to the tree a shot the mirror to the ground, next to the roots of the dyad tree as I said, "that's my bad move."
"No!" Philip yelled out in an angry kind of way. "You'll pay for this. You'll all pay."
Doctor D walked over with his boss as they both disappeared with that angry look in their faces.
"Andi, do you have any idea what you have done." Luke said followed by me saying, "oh, come on, you guys. I scared them away. This should be good news for us."
"Andi," Emma said. "Breaking the mirror cost something big,"
"So, what?" I said. "I'll pay it."
I was about to walked away, but Luke grabbed my hand, stopping me, as he said to me. "This is serious, Andi."
"I know." I stated. "And I'll pay it."
I walked out and they followed as we all headed back to the big event that Agamemnon's hosting as I sigh when we all headed out.

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