Finding The Chosen One

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Jax's POV:
I finally stood up, with my broken leg hurting, as I was limping when I was walking forwards, and as abdi stood up when they all did, she asked, "Jax, where are you going?!"
"Where do you think?!" I said rudely when I faced her and continued, "I'll go find Emma."
I continued limping forward as I stopped when Andi stated, "You don't even know where she is. How could you possible know where she is."
"I don't care, Andi!" I yelled. "I will find her, Andi. She's my wife after all."
"But, Jax," she called out my name, but I ignored her when I continued limping my way out of here, until I was shocked when I saw Emma, only it wasn't her. She looks younger. I saw her talking to Lily. And it looks like she's having a problem as she discussed it over with Lily. I frowned when I remembered that I may not see her ever again. But I vowed to find her, no matter how long it may take. I will bro give up on her, and I will keep that promise.
I frowned and slightly smiled when I saw Emma in this memory cage, I remembered everything we've been through together, as I continued limping forward slowly, until I accidentally Tripp and fell onto some thing. But when I stood up, I saw that it was a pin, and it looks so familiar. So I slowly leaned forward towards it and took it in my hand as I analyze it closely and careful, as I begin to smile brightly when I realized that it belongs Emma. Now I know that there is hope in finding the chosen one after all. I continued limping towards the group, where I saw them whispering and discussing, but I smiled when I ignored that and said, "guys! I found Emma's pin. Emma's here! I know she is."
I showed them the pin as Andi took it and smiled when she said, "Jax, that's great news-"
But like slightly hit her by her hips to get her attention as he gave that Luke and she continued, "Jax, we've been talking, and-"
"And what?" I questioned.
"And as much as we want to find Emma," she stated. "We have to find our way out, out of this cage or memories."

I was stunned at what I heard Andi said, and when I was about to respond, something stopped us, when we all saw Emma (a memory) packing her stuff and bringing it inside, when Andi (her younger self from the memory) came walking towards her and offered to help, which shocked the other academy students when they saw, as Luke asked, "Andi, is that you?"
Andi sigh in frustration when she said, "let's just go and get to work."
Luke smiled, "you were so young."
Then Andi grabbed Luke by his hand and pulled him towards the other side as everyone followed, but I didn't when I said, "I'm still going to find Emma, and I don't care if you're giving up, because I won't."
Andi face toward me and said, "Jax, we're not giving up. I'm Emma's best friend, I will never give up on her."
"Then what do you call that?" I questioned. "You're giving up now."
"Jax," she said. "I'm not giving up on Emma, we just have to think this through, we have to find a way out before we could save anyone."
"Excuses, excuses," I said. "I'm going to go find Emma right now."

When I was about to walk away and go find Emma, something stopped me when the surroundings around us started to change into something a bit more different, and when it stopped. It looked like we're in a school play, well, behind the stage actually, and it looked like it's just a rehearsal.
"Where are we?" I asked followed by Andi saying, "oh no, I think I know exactly where we are."
"Where?" I asked one more time, but before Andi could've respond back to me, Maddie responded first when she said, "iridium high."
"What?" I said surprised. "It looks so different."
And when I to
And another look around, I saw myself from the party battling against this guy using fake swords, and I've never seen him before, and I don't remember this from my memory.
"Who is that?" I asked, but no one would respond, until I face towards them and saw how guilty Andi's look is as she was trying to avoid eye contact with me as I asked her, "Andi?"
She sighs. "He's Daniel."
"Who is he?" Maddie asked as Andi responded, "he used to be the captain of the Sharks."
"What changed?" Diego asked followed by Sophie saying, "that's impossible, I'm the captain of the Sharks."
"Not quite," Andi responded as I crossed my arms and old her, "spill it, Andi. What going on?"

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