Old Friends

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Emma's POV:
I was on my way to Jax for our breakfast date, but unexpectedly, she saw some people who she DID NOT expect to be there at he cafeteria.
I was speechless and still was shock to see them, and as soon as they turn their heads and saw me, the said: "Emma."
I smiled and slowly walk towards them, "what are you guys doing here?"
"Like we'd miss the chosen one's wedding," Maddie said being so sassy as Diego with his arm over Maddie, he said, "we came to attend your wedding, Emma."
"But," I said. "We haven't seen each other for over two years now."
"That's doable, Emma." Diego said. "After all, we're still friends."
"We sure are." I heard Andi said as he slowly walk towards us and smiled as Luke was standing right next to her.
"Who's this, Andi?" Katie said with that tone in her voice.
Oh boy. Is she flirting with Luke? This is bad. She might make Andi get mad, but instead, she smiled and stayed calmly and said, "Panthers, this is Luke Archer, he's-he's-"
She hesitated to say, "-my friend." She panicked as I saw he reaction on Luke's face when he heard Andi said that.
"Anyway," I interrupted. "Why don't we show you around."
"Thanks, but I'll pass," Maddie said followed by Sophie saying, "yeah, and besides, the food here is so awesome."
I smiled. "Hi, Sophie."
"So, where's the groom?" Maddie asked impatiently as I said back, "who? Jax?"
"Who else could it be!?" Maddie said rudely. "There's only one guy who's going to be married. Geez, Emma, you can be such a pain."
"And so are you, Maddie," I stated. "And besides, I have no idea where he is."
"That's good." Maddie said followed by Katie asking, "it is?"
"Yeah, Maddie," Diego agreed. "How can it be good?"
"Can you all just shut up," yet again, Maddie said in a really mean way. "Emma and I need to talk in private."
But I'm used to it. She just really doesn't know how to show affection for others, but I understand. Maddie kinda reminds me of one of the twins, what's her name? Oh, right, Emily.
"About what?" I finally asked Maddie back.
"About your wedding," Maddie stated. "About your plan everything."
"I know Andi is your best friend," Maddie interrupted. "But she doesn't know anything about stuff like this."
"Hey!?" Andi said feeling offended, until she finally agreed. "Yeah, well, that is kinda true."
"Andi," Luke said facing towards her. "Can we talk in private?"
"Sure, about what, Luke?" Andi answered, but Luke didn't respond and just grabbed her away from our Miami friends.
Anyway, so Maddie and I sat down on an empty table while her panthers sat on the other, giving us the privacy Maddie wanted.
"So what's up?" I said.
"When are you going to get married? Where? What time? What will be the bouquets? What will be your wedding dress? Who will be your brides maid? Your maid in honor? Who will be Jax's best man?" Will the wedding be big or small? What's the-" Maddie kept asking me these questions, and not even giving me a chance to speak. Until I finally interrupted her saying, "Maddie, slow down. I don't know any of that just yet. I didn't plan anything, okay."
"Well," Maddie said with that smile of hers, or more like a grin. "Luckily for you, you have Maddie Van Pelt to help you."
"Why are even so concerned about my relationship with Jax, anyway, Maddie?" I said suspiciously. "What's in it for you?"
"Believe it or not, Emma," she said. "I'm here to help you."
"You're right," I said. "I don't believe you."
"Can you just listen for just a moment!?" Maddie said annoyed. "Besides, I am the only one who can help you with this."
Suddenly, I got interested and asked, what do you have in mind?"
She smiled at them with that devious look of hers and started explaining.

No one's POV:
Luke and Andi went to the hallways to talk in private.
"Why did you tell them that we're just friends?" Luke asked followed by Andi saying, "I just don't want them to know that we're more than friends."
Before Andi could reply, she was interrupted when Katie and Sophie showed up.
"What are you guys talking about?" Sophie asked.
"Nothing." Andi replied as she walked away.
And Luke walked away from he other side.
"What was that all about?" Katie asked to Sophie as she responded. "I have no idea."
Suddenly, the wits came walking towards them and accidentally bumped into them.
"Hey, watch it!" Katie said annoyed.
"Why don't you watch where you're going?!" Emily said.
They both glare at each other, until Ethan interrupted, "Emily, calm down. It was just an accident."
"Fine," she said. "I supposed so."
Then the wits came walking away and walked towards the cafeteria for breakfast.
"Doesn't that blonde kid remind you of someone, Sophie?" Katie asked.
"She reminds me of Maddie." Sophie responded that made Katie shocked at what se said and agreed. "That's right. She is like Maddie."

Meanwhile, as the wits came walking on the cafeteria, Jessie was shocked and told Emma, "Maddie? What is she doing here?"
They both turn heir heads towards her as Maddie said, "Jessie? Oh, great. It's that brat!"
"Hey!" Jessie said feeling offended. "Who are you calling brat!"
"Who else could it be?!" Maddie said. "You are, of course."
"Okay, that's enough fighting for one day," Emma said. "Jessie, Maddie is only here to help me plan my wedding with Jax. And Maddie, Jessie is here to finish her studies."
"Fine." Jessie said followed by Maddie saying, "whatever."
And the wits continued to walk away. "She reminds me you, Em." Ethan said as Emma turn towards him and said, "what?! She is nothing like me."
"She's kinda like you, Emily." Ethan said followed by Emily saying, "she's not like me, okay. We're so much different. Can we just eat!?"
"Fine." Ethan agreed.

Meanwhile, Emma and Maddie were still talking, until they were interrupted by Jax, who suddenly come in late, "Emma, hey."
"Jax." Emma said surprised as he walks towards her and kissed her on her cheek.
After that, he noticed Maddie in the other side of the table and said, "Maddie? What are you doing here?"
"Don't worry about it, Jax," she said as she stood up and walked away towards her panthers, and Diego, too.
"What was that all about?" He asked as Emma respond with a smile. "It's nothing, Jax, really."
"Okay," he said trusting her as E sat down on the other table and continued, "well, I'm sorry I'm late."
"It's okay." She said as they continued on their date.
Meanwhile, as Maddie headed outside to tell her panthers and her boyfriend about the plan.
"Are you sure Agamemnon is going to allow you to do that, Maddie?" Katie asked.
"He will." Maddie stated. "I just know it."
"Okay, so where will we start?" Katie asked followed by Maddie saying, "follow me."

5 hours have passed and Emma snuck out, hoping that Jax wouldn't find her.
She met up with Maddie and her panthers at the front door of Agamemnon's office and went inside, knowing he's not there.
"Okay," Maddie said. "You know what to do."
And they did, they spread out to find for what they're looking for.
As for Maddie, she opened Agamemnon's cabinet and grabbed an elixir without anyone knowing about.
"I found it!" Emma said loudly that made Agamemnon walked in his room and saw all of them in his office.
"Ms. Alonso, Ms. Van pelt, what do you think  are you doing?!" Eh said. "And what are you doing with my automatic wedding maker gun?"
"Oh, please," Maddie said. "It's not like you're ever gonna use it."
"What Maddie meant to say," Emma said. "-is that we need a favor from you, Agamemnon."
"What kind of favor?" Agamemnon asked, feeling a bit interested and was willingly going to listen.

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