Just So You Know

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No one's POV:
Luke walked back in the room as he slowly pulled Andi's arm towards him when he said softly, "Andi, I'm not done talking to you."
"Well, I am." She said when she faced towards him.
She then ignored him and faced towards where the others are looking at as Luke was trying to talk back to her. "Andi, please, listen."
She still continuously ignores him as he forced Andi to face towards him and told her, "Andi, you have to listen to me. There are things you and the chosen one can't handle."
"Luke," she said. "We can handle it."
"Just so you know, Andi." Luke said as he soon let Andi's arms go as he continued saying, "I trust you. And I'm asking you to trust me."
Andi was speechless as she did not know what she was supposed to say as Holwer caught her attention when he stated, "no one can defeat me. Not even the chosen one."

Meanwhile, Jax took Emma's hand for him to say, "Emma, I just want you to know that I will never leave you. I will always fight right by your side. Always."

"Is that so?" Howler smirked as he questioned. "And who is going to defeat me? A powerless chosen one? A weak guardian? A sick zombie? An dead mother? A human?"
Emma panicky faces towards her mother and asked, "he's right, mom. What should we do?"
"This is your battle, Emma." She stated. "I can't help you. I'm not even here."
"Then what should we do?" Emma questioned followed by her mother saying when she slightly smiled. "I don't know, Em. You've always been good with scrap booking. Be creative."

Emma then started to look around the room and started to think on what's her next move is going to be as Howler looked unbelieved and shock as he told her, "scrap booking? You sure? How can scrap booking stop someone as powerful as me?"

Emma finally smiled as she got an idea. "Just you wait and see."

Emma then ran across the room to grab the star that she saw that powers the entire machine as she immediately took it out.
"What have you done!?" Howler said angrily.
Emma then threw the glass star to the ground to destroy it as Jax walks towards her quickly as he stood right next to her.
"Emma," Jax said, facing her. "You okay?"
"I'm okay, Jax." She responded, looking at him as she continued. "I think it's over."
"I think so too." Jax agreed with a smile.

Then, Howler faced down angrily with his fist clenched, he then unexpectedly started laughing evilly, which concerns/worried everyone. "Do you really think you can defeat me by destroying the star?"

"But all of your power is gone." Emma stated followed by Howler saying, "maybe. But I still have magic. Ever thought of that?"
Emma suddenly became speechless as Holwer continued, "guess not."
He then walks pass Jax and Emma as he walks towards his machine and powered it with his magic as he clicked his red button that says, "start."

"It's all over now," Howler said followed by Jax saying, "it's not over, until we say it is."
"Jax," Emma called out his name as she let him face her and continued, "I don't think I can defeat him."
"Emma, of course you can." He stated. "You're the chosen one."

"But someone as powerful as me can't even defeat someone as evil as him." Emma told Jax as he did not know what he should say next to convince Emma that she can defeat him (Howler).

Jax then sighs as he looked down, then he took Emma's hands to say, "Emma, I don't know if we can win this fight, but I know something even more powerful than magic."
"What?" Emma asked as Jax smiled when he responded, "love."

Emma's eyes widen up when he heard what Jax said as she looked at him in shock and Jax looked at her back with a smile on his face.

In the meantime, Luke tried and tried to talk to Andi but she still refuses to listen to what he had to say, until finally, Luke forced Andi to look at him when she said, "what now, Luke? I already heard what you had to say."
"But I'm not done talking to you." Luke stated followed by Andi saying, "what do you want to say, Luke? How much we can't win? We'll lose even if we try to win, even if-"
"That's my what I'm saying, Andi." Luke interrupted. "I'm saying that this is something none of us want to mess with. Andi, I'm asking you to trust me, after all, I trust you. I love you."
"Luke," she sighs. "You keep saying that you love me,"
"I do." He interrupted again as she sighs when she continued, "Bit do you even know the meaning of the word."

"Andi, please." He said. "I love you. I do."
"I'm done listening, Luke." Andi stated. "I'm done."
Luke did not know what he should say next when Andi turned and looked away as she faced towards where the others are looking at. Howler.

"Andi," Luke spoke softly as he frowned and looked down in an upset kind of way.

"It's over," Howler stated. "You can't stop me now. Not ever."

"but we can try!" Emma yelled as she immediately cast a spell towards Howler, but he immediately dodge Emma's attack as Andi tan towards emma and Jax as she stood right next to them as Andi told Emma, "I'm with you, Emma. All the way."

"Okay, that is it!" Howler yelled impatiently. "I had it! You and your friends won't be able to stop me. It's over. So, just give it up!"

"We will never give up." Emma stated. "As long as we have love in our hearts and we stay together as one. We will never be defeated. We'll win. Even if the odds are against us. We can try."
Andi smiled. "That's right! And we won't stop until you'll be defeated."
Howler then unexpectedly, started laughing evilly, like he isn't even scared that he might lose.

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