The Secret Of Life

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Jessie's POV:
"WHAT!?" I yelled out loud at the cafeteria in shock, with my mouth open.
"Shh." Jax told me as he covered my mouth using his hand and he looked around to see if people saw or heard, but luckily, they didn't.
"Jessie, you can't tell anybody." He continued. "Not even father."
"Why not?!"
"You're too young to understand, sis." He said with that smile on his face.
"Okay," I said. "Let me get this straight. You proposed to Emma,"
"And she said no," I continued.
"Then she propose to you," I said.
"And you said yes." I continued.
He gave me that smile again. So I said out loud in a stress kind of way, "well, I don't understand anything anymore."
"Jessie, this must be a secret." Jax stated. "No one must know. Not even your little wits friends."
"Fine." I groan, annoyed and I stood up and headed out the cafeteria, but Jax stopped me when he said, "Jessie, I'm serious. This is my secret with Emma. You can't tell anyone."
"Don't worry, big brother." I said with a slight smile. "I won't tell anyone."
On my way out of the cafeteria, I came across to some eavesdroppers who were hiding behind a garbage can.
"What are you guys doing here?" I said annoyed as I looked down on them.
"What secret?!" Ethan immediately said curiously followed by Gracie saying, "what's the secret that the chosen one and your brother are keeping."
"Get off!" I said, stepping back from them. "You guys looked insane."
"What secret are they keeping Jessie?" Emma said as she was standing by the wall. "Not that I care or anything."
She lied, of course.
"Give me one reason why I should tell you?" I finally said with my arms crossed.
"Uh," Ethan said. "Because we're curious."
"Because we're friends." Gracie continued.
"Because we wanna know!" Ben stated out loud, furious with impatience.
"You're all wrong!" I finally said after rolling my eyes on them.
"Come on, Jessie." I heard Emily said. "Can you just tell us what's the big secret?"
"No." I said back. "I can't tell you. I made a promise to my big brother."
"So what?" She said as I rolled my eyes again and walked away from them, towards my dorm room.

Andi's POV:
"YOU DID WHAT!?" I yelled out loud that people out my dorm room might heard.
"Yup," Emma said. "I proposed to Jax."
"But why?!" I asked immediately confused. "The guys is the one who's supposed to proposed, not the girl, Em."
"He did proposed." She replied followed by me interrupting her, "and you said no. Can't you just live with that the rest of your life?"
"Andi?" She said. "You know I can't."
I looked away with nothing else to lecture her with as I face towards her and said, "okay, but Emma, are you sure about this? It's a really big decision."
"I know it is." She stated. "But I love Jax. And I want to live the rest of my life with him."
"Okay," I finally said giving that look on Emma and continued, "then I support you with your decision."
"Thanks, Andi," she told back to me as she hugged me tightly and I hugged her back.
Moments after, I left my room and headed to he atrium, so I can sit under the tree to think. But it looks like y me that someone already beat me to it.
I walked over towards him and asked him, "Luke, what are you doing here?"
I sat next to him and gave him a smile with my hands on my lap as he looked back to me and gave me that fake smile to me, so I asked again, "Luke, are you okay?"
He looked away and looked down to the ground when he respond, "Andi, last night at the activity room."
"Yeah?" I said looking at him. "What about it?"
"I told you that I will never stop loving you." He finally told me as I looked down realizing now what he is talking about and he continued. "But maybe, I should."
"Luke, what are you talking about?"
"I love you." He stated. And you know that. But I have a feeling that you don't feel the same way I do." He paused. "And it hurts knowing that."
"But Luke, I-" I said, but Luke interrupted me by saying when he stood up. "Andi, it's okay."
He gave me a smile and continued. "I'm okay. I will be."
The his smile went away as he did when he left the room silent.
I sigh and looked down as I started to think about what's happening between me and Luke.
But unexpectedly, I heard a noise from the plant that's sitting still by the wall from my right side.
So I sigh and then said out loud, "come on out. I know you're there."
So she did.
She came out and sat next to me and asked, "what's going on between you and Luke?"
"None of your beezwax." I said rudely.
"Andi, it's just me." She said with a smile. "You can tell me anything."
"Nice try, Jessie." I told her. "I know your little friends are hiding with you behind that plant."
"Andi, I need to talk to you." I heard a familiar voice from behind me.
So I quickly panicked as I told Jessie when I pushed her towards the plant. "Quickly, go hide."
So she did before he saw her.
"Philip." I said facing him. "What a surprise!"
"We need to talk about something important." He told me as I tried my best not to give away the position of those idiot wits nothing better to do but just to spy on other people's problems.
"About what, Philip?"
"You and me." He stated with no facial expression and paused. "I need to know if you still love me. Or you already love someone else."
I looked down and realized when I said, "you're referring to Luke, aren't you?"
He looked down when I face towards him as he took a deep breath and face me when he said, "I am."
"Philip, how many times do you i have to tell you guys," I said. "I'm not Emma. I don't want to choose."
"But you have to." He quickly respond back to me. "It's something you needed to do."
"But Philip-" I said, but quickly interrupted me by saying, "you just can't keep us waiting, Andi."
Then he walked away from me, right passed me.
I sigh afterwards as I looked down and said out loud, "you guys can come out now."
And so, they did.
"What's going on between you and Philip?" Ethan asked.
"None of your business." I responded back.
I sat down under the tree as Jessie joined me when she asked me, "what are you gonna do?"
I sigh and looked down on the ground, "I-I don't know."
"Well," Emily said. "You're gone have to choose one way or another."
"Don't you think I know that!?" I scolded her and the others as I looked down and stopped to continue saying, "I'm not Emma. I don't want to choose."
"But you know that you have to, Andi." Jessie told me.
"I don't know what to do." I stated followed by Ben saying as he sat next to me. "Guardian Andi, just so you know, we're always here for you."
Suddenly, I just realized how desperate I'm doing. Taking advice from children? Seriously? How desperate can I get?
I quickly stood out of my chair and told them, "wait a mi ute, you're just kids, you have no idea what I am going through."
"You're right," Jessie said, standing up. "We don't. But we know more than you think."
I rolled my eyes on her and the others, "I have to go."
I walked away from them after that.

No one's POV:
Jax walked into the cafeteria to meet Emma for their lunch date there. So he saw her sitting alone at a table in front of him. So he walked towards her and kissed her on the cheek and said, "hello, gorgeous."
"Oh," she said surprised. "Hi, Jax."
She gave a fake smile to him as he sat down on the seat in front of her and he noticed that she's not okay, so he asked, "Emma, are you okay?"
She didn't respond.
She looked down that made Jax asked her one more time, "is something wrong?"
She then looked at him and said back when she showed him the ring she was wearing, "what are we gonna tell our parents about this?"
Jax unexpectedly smiled back and said, "Emma, don't worry, I will tell them myself."
"You will?"
"I will." He said so sure of himself.
"But I have to tell my father myself about the whole marriage thing." Emma tiled him followed by Jax saying, "okay then. I will go to my father's office and tell him about this situation while you will go and tell your own father about this."
"Okay." She gave a smile afterwards.
Moments after, Jax went up to his dorm room and started packing his stuff, until someone came barging in his room saying, "Jax, you can't tell dad."
"Jessie," he told her. "This is something I must do."
"He'll kill you."
"He won't." He said with a smile when he face towards her and continued. "I'm his son. His only son."
"Dad is going to hate you." Jessie stated.
"Jessie," I said. "I have to do this."
As I was about to walk away, Jessie ran to me and hugged me for me to stop, but I let her go off of me and I kneeled down to look at me when I said, "Jessie, don't worry. I will be fine."
"But, Jax-"
"I will be gone only for two days." I stated. "I will be back soon."
"Just promise me you'll come back." Jessie said followed by me saying, "don't worry, I promise."

Moments after Jax left, Luke was alone practicing at the activity room. Luke looked tired and exhausted from his training since this morning.
"Come on, Luke." He told himself. "Once more."
And he kept continuing with his exhausting practice.
"So this is what it looks like when you won the final match." He heard a sudden voice from the door when that same guy came walking in.
Luke faced towards him when he took his towelette and wiped his sweat to say, "uncle, you came."
"Of course I did." He told me as he came walking in towards me. "Now, why am I here again?"
After wiping Luke's sweat on his forehead, he sat down on the bench and said, "because I'm your nephew. And because I need your help. Your expertise."
"On what?" He finally said excitedly. "Evil witches? Guardian skills? Secret gadgets?"
"Andi Cruz." Luke interrupted with that smile of his on his face.
"Oh," he said disappointed. "What's going on between you two lovebirds?"
Leopold Archer then sat next to Luke and looked at him directly in the eyes when Luke told me, "I told her that I will stop loving her if she won't choose."
"What!?" He said out loud in a confused kind of way. "Why would you say something like that?"
"Because I think that she still likes her previous boyfriend." Luke stated as Leopold said back, "did you actually hear her said those exact words, Luke?"
"Uh," he paused when he started to think about it. "No, not exactly."
"Then you're not really sure of what Andi is really feeling." He replied. "You can't just assume things like that right away, Luke. You have to be sure of what you hear and see."
"So what am I gonna do?" Luke asked.
"Tell her that you love her." He responded. "Tell her that you I'll never give up on her. Tell her."
Luke looked down and sigh as Leopold stood up and fixes his suit when he continued telling Luke, "by the way, I am so proud of you when you finally become an official guardian of the chosen one."
"Actually," Luke said like he was scared to tell his uncle something.
"Andi won the exam." Luke continued.
"What!?" He said in shock and disappointed. "Then how come you won the game?"
"She threw the competition for me." Luke explained followed by Leopold asking, "don't tell me she did this for love. Because this is just stupid."
Then Leopold crossed his arm, waiting Luke for a proper explain may ion as Luke continued, "she overheard me and the chosen one about how much Emma needed me to win the game, Andi was heartbroken because of it. So she threw the game away."
Before Leopold could say anything else, he heard slight noise ringing from his watch so he take a look on it and said to himself, "great, in late."
"Uncle?" Luke said. "Is something wrong?"
"You have to fix this, Luke." Leopold stated as he quickly rushed out of the room, leaving Luke sighing alone in the activity room as he sat down on the bench, with his towelette on his shoulder and he wiped his face using both of his hands, covering it.

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