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No one's POV:
Everything is fine now. They all seem pretty satisfied with what's going on with their lives. Andi and Luke's relationship were now known to the panthers and everybody else, as for Jax and Emma, they seem pretty much happy with their marriage, being now married to one another, but t looks like that Emma is keeping something a secret, that Jax must NOT know. As Jax came going after Emma as he took her arm facing him and said, "Emma, we need to talk."she

Andi's POV:
Unexpectedly, we heard a big explosion right after we all were done packing and was about to head out as we were going back to Miami. But that big commission caught my attention, all of us. We turn our heads to see what it was. And we saw a man, wearing a mask. And he's floating in air. His clothes seem normal enough, until he spoke:
"No lives will ever be normal again."
"Do you even know us!?" I stated followed by Maddie saying, "we're way passed normal a long time ago."
"You don't understand," he stated. "I am going to cast a spell that will trap you all in a place that you can never escape, a place that is impossible to escape."
"You can't hurt us," Jessie gloated. "We have the chosen one with us. It's impossible for you to hurt anyone of us oath the chosen one on our side."
The guy suddenly looked at Emma as she wanted Emma to stop gloating, then he lowered himself down to Emma while saying, "ah, yes, of course, the chosen one."
"Aren't you scared?" Jessie asked as she noticed that he's not scared of Emma, not even a little, which worries me a little bit.
She looked at Jessie and said, "why would I be scared of the chosen one?" He paused. "She's my daughter."
My eyes widen up in shock like everyone else did and gasp in shock as I immediately panicked and I jumped on Emma, yelling, "Emma! Get down!"
As we both got down on the floor with my hand covering Emma's head as her face was facing down, then the entire class was starting to use their power against him as he immediately higher he himself above, then Jax helped me protecting Emma.
"I'll be back, my daughter," he told all of us. "I will. And all of you so called wits and guardians. Beware!"
Unexpectedly, he floated himself out the broken window and he was gone. I didn't know what happened. If he's telling the truth, what about Emma's father. The guy who doesn't have who powers, because if he's telling the truth, then who is he? Is it really Emma's father who turns out to have powers after all? Or is it another guy who is actually the biological father of the chosen one? Emma Alonso.

Anyway, after all that commission is over, Jax and I helped Emma up and Jax doesn't look pleased about what just happened.
I can tell he's upset, so I feel awkward standing between them, so I said, "I'm gonna give you guys some alone time. See ya."
And I walked away and walked towards Luke, who is seeing the wits' injuries.

No one's POV:
As Andi left Jax and Emma alone for them to talk, she went and check on Luke to see his broken leg, along with the rest of the wits, who were badly injured.
"You alright?" Jax asked looking away, as Emma looked at him and sigh as she told him, "Jax, I know you're mad, but can you at least talk to me."
"What's there to talk about, Em?" He questioned as he faced at her and continued, "you lied to me."
"I didn't have a choice, Jax," Emma stated. "He's going to hurt my dad. The dad that I grew up with. And I can't let that happen."
"I understand all that," Jax said. "But why didn't you tell me?"
Jax asked Emma a question that she couldn't answer, that made her speechless, which made Jax really upset as he walked away with his head down and his hands in his front pocket, as Emma sigh when he did.
All that Jax could think about are the voices that Emma and his voice are speaking in his head.
He went in his room as he sat on his made bed with packed boxes around his room and luggages that are paced, with nothing on the shelves. He started to think deeply and being stressed out.

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