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A/n: I am so terribly sorry for the wait! People definitely lied when they said highschool will be the best four years of our lives. Maybe it was sarcasm that I didn't understand as a kid. o.o it kind of just sucks the life outta you. I stayed up the night writing this, so sorry if there are mistakes. Anyway, HERE IT IS! :) Tell me if you like it, and I apologize for the wait; I'm a terrible person :( Forgive me please? 


Castiel woke up to the sound of growls surrounding him, and hot air against his body. Oh no. His head was pounding and his eye lids felt like it weighed a ton of bricks. He has to check on Dean. Dean! His eyes flickered open, and the moment he did, he regretted it. Bloodhounds immediately pounced onto him, a sour, rotten smell invading his nose, and they began tearing at him. He used his arms to block the viscous attacks of these monsters, unable to do much in his weak state. He heard a groan next to him, and- oh no, Dean. The hellhounds immediately whipped their heads around and advanced onto Dean. Without waiting a moment longer, they happily tore into Dean’s already battered soul. With renewed strength, Castiel leapt up from the ground and began tearing the bloodhounds away, tossing them behind him. Yelps of hounds began to fill the air, and soon, only whimpers could be heard, then the scampering of feet as the dogs fled.

“Dean…” Castiel breathed out, dropping to his knees in front the scattered pieces of Dean’s soul. “This was all my fault…I’ll fix you, you’ll be okay. I’ll fix you...” Castiel began repeating the words as if he was a broken record, and emotions that he has never felt in his life welled up, and overwhelmed him. Slowly he began to collect the soul pieces, placing the broken shards, one by one, next to each other. “I’ll fix you…I promise…” With shaky fingers, Castiel pieced together Dean’s soul, putting Dean back together like an unsolved puzzle. “His soul isn’t piecing back together…why isn’t it piecing back together!?” His eyes searched around desperately, but he received no reply from the trees that surrounded him. Stuck between the realms of hell and earth…with no one to help him…Father…Father! Hope instantly rekindled in him, and spread like wildfire. He instantly straightened up, and clasped his hands together. “Dear Father…Thank you for giving me strength to bring Dean out of Hell. I’ve come this far…please aid me once more. Aid me in bringing Dean back. I know these emotions aren’t allowed…I am willing to take the consequences. My gra-” That’s the answer! His grace! Leaning over Dean’s soul, he pressed the pieces together, and with each touch, he infused a part of his grace to stick the pieces back together. Castiel didn’t know how long he kneeled there, putting together the broken soul. “You’ll be okay…you’ll be okay…” He began repeating this once more, and after what seemed like eternity, Castiel finally fused the last piece of Dean’s soul together.

“Cas..” Dean coughed out. “Thank you…” He said, before passing out. Castiel kneeled there, looking at his handiwork. There were still small pieces of Dean’s soul missing, and one gaping hole next to where his heart lies. This…this he couldn’t fix. The rest was all up to Dean now, when Castiel sent him back up to where he belonged. At this thought Castiel began to panic a little, and a loss at what to do overcame him. Leaving Dean…he couldn’t think what’d he do without Dean. Dean would literally be taking away a part of him. His grace began pulsing in a silent protest, and he quickly he made a decision. Castiel shook Dean awake.

“Dean I’m going to-”

“Do it. I want you to.” Dean nodded, and Castiel didn’t hesitate. He grabbed Dean’s arm and slowly helped Dean up. Holding Dean by the arms, he held Dean close against his chest, and unfurled his wings. “See you on the other side.” Dean said hoarsely, before closing his eyes. The thing was… Castiel knew that he could only get one of them through. The other…will be left here to be torn to pieces.

Castiel charged towards the barrier, and used his grace and burned a mark onto Dean’s arms. “Remember me,” he whispered to Dean, and closed his eyes. Castiel punched through the barrier, and once he created a big enough hole, he heaved Dean upwards as hard as he could. The hole immediately closed, and repelled Castiel’s damaged form. With his eyes screwed shut, he began to fall, with all the energy in him gone. He had completed his mission, and it was time to pay for his wrong doings.

Castiel’s scorched wings fluttered uselessly in his descent, and he began to submit to the darkness that continuously beckoned to him. “Thank you Father…” He waited for the impact of the ground, but it never came. A pair of arms caught him, and he finally lost consciousness.

“Oh Castiel…dear old brother of mine.”


A/N (again): So who do you think it is?! :O 

*and thanks to my friend who isn't a Destiel shipper who used part of her sleeping time to read this over anyway, to see if it made sense though/cause I'm/we're both wiped. Hahaha*

It would be awesome if you guys could vote for me here: It's for a contest, and it'd mean a lot to me if you guys did!

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