Tortured and Lost

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a/n: its short i know :/ sorry! 

Castiel awoke with a cry, and began to panic when he couldn’t feel Dean’s presence within him.

“Dean?” Castiel tried to look around, only to find his neck and head ensnaredby barbed wires. His hands and feet were staked onto a cross, and a ring of holy fire encircled and burned him. He began writhing against the wire, but he was too weak from lingering in hell for too long, and could do nothing.

“CAS!” He heard someone scream his name, with a voice laced with so much pain and sorrow it made him shudder. Dean. Just as he began to struggle against the wires once more, Dean suddenly appeared in front of him in the same predicament, except the barbed wire was set on fire. Castiel watched torturously as Dean bit down on his tongue, refusing to scream, refusing to give the demon the satisfaction of causing him pain. The demon that tormented Dean earlier stood behind him, and Castiel could see pure evilness emitting from this sick being. He merely grinned at Castiel, and took another step towards Dean.

“GET AWAY FROM HIM!” Castiel screeched and tugged harder against the wires, but to no avail. The demon appeared purely amused at his reaction, and reached a hand out towards Dean’s head. Suddenly, Dean’s whole body began to shudder violently, as blood squirted out from his ears. Dean opened his mouth once more, but no sound came out.

“Let’s see what’s hidden in his brain, shall we? Oh such excitement” the demon said, chuckling to Castiel, and dug his vicious nails into Dean’s head.

The pain consumed Dean so much he barely acknowledged Castiel’s presence anymore. As Alistair poked and prodded around in his head, memories began to pop out one by one, lasting for a few seconds before changing and helping him forget the pain.

“Dean?” a tiny voice asked, confused and sad. “Where’s dad?” The miniature Sam asked him.  Sam blew his floppy hair out of his face, and stared up at Dean with huge brown puppy dog eyes. Dean reached out to touch him, the need to reassure his brother stronger than ever. Just as his fingers neared his brother’s face, the image disappeared. A minute later, he heard the same voice cry out.

“Dean!” The voice was so familiar, sounding so scared, so lost.                                                         

“SAMMY?!” Dean cried out into the darkness, his eyes flicking around desperately. The only reply he got was a loud scream, and then a guttural choking sound as Dean listened to Sam choke on his own blood. Dean suddenly found strength, and began thrashing wildly, spikes digging into his face and tearing down his arms. “SAM!” He cried out once more, sobbing as tears mixed with blood, trailing down his face.

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