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A/N: Sorry I actually finished it a 2 weeks ago, but my friend who usually edits for me has been swamped with tests etc. And this is test month for us in highschool, so bear with me here :( Sorry!  THIS IS STILL UNEDITED

Cas’ POV

Castiel looked around wildly in the dimly lit room, his eyes locating for Dean. But all he could hear was Dean’s screams echoing around him, disorientating him. Alistair approached Castiel, grinning.

“My my… look what we got here hmm? Let’s have some fun…. Shall we? Cas, my dear angel,” he said with smirk, the mocking tone when he said Castiel’s name obvious. He snapped his finger and disappeared, and all of a sudden Castiel was somewhere else. He was met with complete and utter darkness, no matter where he looked.

“Dean..?” he asked warily, his hands out in front of him, searching wildly, trying to grasp something other than air. All of sudden, something rushed past him. He whipped his body around, trying to identify who, or what it was.

“CAS!” he heard a familiar voice cry, one filled with pain, anger, and betrayal. “How could you leave me here with these… these monsters?” the voice said, accusingly.

“Dean please…I didn’t..I” before Castiel could finish, he heard a chuckle next to his ear. It sounded like… Alistair. Castiel lashed out, but his hands met with nothing but emptiness. He cried out in frustration, threw his arms back and screamed. Streams of light began to pour from his body, his grace fighting the darkness that surrounded him.

The next thing he knew, everything was visible, and he was back onto the chains that were imbedded deep into him. He wished he could just rip himself off but in order to enter Hell he had to take a false form, or he’d burn in his true form. A piercing scream made Castiel snap his head up, and when he looked up; he was face to face with a lifeless Dean, with blood pouring from the cuts and bites that made him almost unrecognizable. Castiel was furious. He began tugging at his chains again, but was helpless as he watched Alistair approach Dean once more, his dogs not far behind, with a malicious smile that splayed across his ugly features. Castiel couldn’t look away, couldn’t close his eyes as Alistair healed Dean again, and then use the machete in his hand to carve pictures out of Dean’s body once more. He felt sick. He needed to get Dean out of here, now. Castiel leaned his head back, and closed his eyes as he began to pray.

“Dear father, you have handed me the task of saving Dean Winchester, and I am honored to receive this mission. I know I have sinned, broke rules down here, but Father, please help me now; give me the strength to carry on. At least give me the strength to save Dean, I am willing to sacrifice myself to do so.”  Castiel opened his eyes, and waited, attempting to block out the screams that assaulted him.

His hopes began to falter as nothing happened, and he hung his head in defeat. Not a second later, a burning sensation consumed him completely, and his wings burst out from the form that he has taken for the time being. Strength surged into him, and he ripped himself off the hooks. He punched Alistair with all his might, his renewed strength sending Alistair flying back into a pit of fire. He carefully unhinged Dean from the hooks, and he flew upwards. The fire seemed to follow him as he flew, licking at wings, as he cradled an unconscious Dean in his arms. Castiel just kept flying upwards, never looking back, knowing the hell hounds and demons were nipping at his heels. He ignored the fact that his wings were scorched, feathers trailing behind him as he flew. All he could see was the barrier ahead of him, the barrier that separated Hell from everything. His Father had answered his prayers, and had given him what he wanted. He was sacrificing himself for Dean.

As Castiel neared the barrier, his body began to glow even brighter than before, if that was even possible. He wrapped himself around Dean even tighter as he crashed through the barrier, and screamed as the pain took over his body, spreading like wild fire. He was tossed into darkness once more, and he was unconscious.

 A/N (again):

Hey guys, if you liked it please comment or something, that way I know that people are actually reading and enjoying the story, and I'd actually update more often instead of once in a longgg while. Thanks :)

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