Up In Heaven, Down to Hell

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Meanwhile….  Up in heaven

Castiel was talking to Uriel when the soft patter of fluttering wings swept through the air. One of his brothers swooped down next to Castiel and tapped his shoulder.

“Castiel, I need to speak to you in the private room.” Castiel stood up, sighed and followed the angel. Uriel gave Castiel a hard look, but he just shrugged as if they were communicating through an unspoken language. Once Castiel and the angel were in the room, the angel turned around to face him.

“Father commands you to save the righteous man from Hell. Assemble your best warriors and go.” The angel glanced at Castiel and waited for him to ponder this demand.

“The righteous man?” Castiel managed to say.

“Dean Winchester. He traded his soul for his brother’s life, that idiot.”

“I’m sure he had his reasons,” Castiel replied, a little impatient to get out of there. The angel just nodded and disappeared as Castiel thought this over carefully. Another Winchester? What has that got to do with me? Castiel just sighed at the bright walls, and went to gather his brothers.

In ten minutes a band of angels were all readily clad in battle armor and had a map spread out between them. They listened intently as Castiel talked about the plan to break into hell, and some stamped impatiently as they glanced at Castiel from time to time.

“Uriel, you’re with me, in the front.” Uriel gave a nod and picked up his knife. Their faces turned grim as they got ready as some of them won’t be able to make it out. Castiel dropped downwards, spreading his wings as he soared through the air. The pulsating sound of wings filled the air, and soon a flock of white descended down to Earth, and soon, Hell.

The second Castiel and his brothers entered Hell’s gate, the bloodthirsty fight began. Demons charged forward from every available side and the angels pulled out their own weapons as they slashed at the devils from side to side. Castiel advanced with Uriel hot on his heels, and his other brothers finishing off whichever demon Castiel and Uriel didn’t get to. Bloodcurdling screams cut through the atmosphere as the hideous monsters perished here and there, but almost immediately, the air filled with his brothers’ cries as well.

“All this for a stupid mud monkey,” Uriel muttered under his breath, but Castiel heard him anyway. He threw Uriel a glance and grimaced as the heat began to scorch his wings as he ventured deeper into Hell. When he entered the second lair, he could see souls being tortured. The screeches of the battle soon disappeared, and new screams came to meet Castiel. He watched as souls were tortured by demons, begging them to stop. Castiel couldn’t help but shudder as he quickly flew past them; Dean Winchester wasn’t here. How he knew Castiel himself had no idea, but he did. Castiel slowly began to drift towards the left, when Uriel grabbed him. “The rest of the souls are this way,” Uriel said urgently, and began to tug on Castiel’s arm. Castiel defiantly shook his head, and continued his journey left.

It wasn’t even 5 minutes when they heard a voice groaning in pain. “Please…stop! I beg you!” Castiel listened to this man plead, and even though he knew this wasn’t the soul he needed to save, but he felt compelled to follow the voice anyway.

“Shut up!” A gruff voice drifted towards Castiel as he got closer. He poked his head inside the room with Uriel trailing behind, and that’s when he saw. Dean was dragging a knife across a man’s chest, and a demon was behind him egging him on.

“Good, good job Dean,” the demon cooed at him. Castiel shuddered and looked at the demon with disgust. Uriel charged forward before Castiel could give the word, and striked the demon across the head. When they became a flurry of movements, Castiel reached towards Dean’s soul which was now huddled in a ball shivering with fear. His soul was so bright, so beautiful, Castiel thought to himself. Though Dean’s soul was tainted with black, Castiel didn’t hesitate. He beckoned to the soul, whispering soothing words. As he reached out the grab the soul, the soul immediately wrapped itself around him. Castiel pushed the soul into his grace, and Dean’s soul nestled there happily.

“GO!” Uriel yelled as he gave another kick to the demon’s groin.

“Quickly!” Castiel quickly flew out of the room and began flying upwards. The longer Dean’s soul stayed with his grace, the more his grace began to pulsate.

“Who are you?” Dean’s soul whispered it so lightly, Castiel almost didn’t catch it.

“Castiel.” He replied as he began to fight off the group of demons that charged at him, trying fruitlessly to get the soul back.

“Cas?” the soul replied back, and began shivering violently when a demon tried to grab him.

“No, not Cas. Castiel.” He hacked out at another demon. His wings began to feel heavier, and Castiel began to panic. He has been in Hell for too long, and it has begun scorching his wings and grace.

“Cas…” Dean’s soul whispered once more as it drifted into a slumber, while Castiel pushed on.

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