"Are You There God? It's Me, Dean Winchester"

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A/N: Sorry for the slow update guys... I've a confession to make, I actually meant for this to be a oneshot, but it went on longer than I thought.  I planned on writing more about their time in hell, so I think I'll throw in a lot of flashbacks. 

Should I start veering off from the actual storyline? I'll still include some however.. I appreciate all your patience and support with my writer's block and busy schedule!


The ghost threw Dean across the room, and he landed wit ha thud, breaking it in the process.

"YOU'RE THE REASON THAT I DIED DEAN. IT WAS ALL. YOUR. FAULT. What kind of hunter are you?" The ghost shouts angrily, as it begins to stalk towards Dean. Still slightly dizzy from the fall, Dean attempted to scoot himself back, but to no avail. He couldn't tell which was right or left, which way was up or down. His head was hammering with a pain that consumed any logical thought he had, and looking into the face of the girl he had failed to save, Dean found that he couldn’t move. Or more so that he didn't want to move. I deserve this. I deserve to die at the hands of the people I couldn’t save. I failed dad, Sammy, and Bobby. I'm a failure. I don't deserve my second chance. Dean closed his eyes, waiting for the blow that would kill him. But as he closed his eyes, he slowly began to lose consciousness. A burning sensation began to travel up his arm, rapidly taking over the rest of his body. As Dean finally gave in to the darkness, he felt fingers brush against his forehead.

"You don't deserve it Dean…" He heard someone whisper, and then he was out.


"Dean? Are you okay?" Sam began to shake Dean, and Dean slowly opened his eyes. Everything was sore, and Sammy was still a blur in front of his eyes.

"Yeah..yeah I'm good Sammy. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Dean shakily pushes himself off the ground, before running his unfocused eyes across Sam's body, searching for injuries.  Sam rolled his eyes.

"Of course you'd ask me that after passing out." Dean grins weakly,  before rubbing at his eyes.

"What happened? Where'd all the ghosts go?" Sam shot Dean a disturbed look.

"I..I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know..?"

"One moment I was fighting them off, the next everything became bright and they all disappeared… I went to search for you, and found you here on the ground lying on top of the broken table…" Dean gave Sam an incredulous.

"Are you sure you don't have a concussion Sam?" Sam's face transformed into what Dean called 'bitch face number 2'.

"Are you sure you don't have a concussion Dean?" Sam snipes back, before walking towards the door.

"This is all too weird. Let's go back to Bobby's and get some rest yeah? You look like you need it." Dean didn’t argue and nodded his head, before taking out his car keys and heading outside. Shooting the house one last glance, he shuddered before getting in the impala, and driving off. Weird…


The moment Dean got back to Bobby's he went upstairs to the guest bedroom, and passed out, dirty clothes and all. He felt himself slipping into a dream, but he was too tired to jerk himself awake.

** "I'm sorry! Please! Don't do this...Sammy!" Dean jerked roughly against the hooks imbedded into him, ripping  muscles and tissue as he struggled against the searing hot hooks. Blood flowed freely down his back and arms, and he held back a scream as the hooks began to twist. Throughout all the pain, Dean refused take his eyes off the figure laying on the floor.

"GET UP SAM! GET UP!" Dean helplessly watched as hell hounds began to advance towards his brother, who was laying on the floor with bloodied scratches running across his chest. Dean watched as Sam weakly pushed himself up, even as the hooks began to pull Dean in different directions. With his throat torn and bloody, Dean's shouts for his brother turned into gurgles as blood flowed freely from his mouth. Dean tugged at his arms desperately, and managing to tug his arms off the hooks, his left shoulder dislocated as he fell to the ground. Dean screamed in agony as he landed on his dislocated shoulder, and heard loud crack come from his arm when he landed on it. Dean wished he could pass out, but he knew that the Alastair had removed his ability to lose consciousness. The hellhounds pounced on to Sammy, and teared into his body ferociously.

"NOOO!" Dean gurgled as he began to pull himself forward with his right arm, not even noticing the gaping hole in it as he attempted to reach his brother. Centimeter by centimeter, Dean managed to push himself closer, dragging along the ball and chain that was connected to his feet.  All of sudden, Dean switched places with Sam. The hellhounds were tearing into Dean's stomach, and from the side of his eyes, he watched as his own brother walked away from him. Dean closed his eyes as new waves of pained coursed through him, unable to escape the endless torture.

"Dean!" A voice yelled, and Dean's eyes fluttered open. His head was laying on someone's lap, and all the pain he had felt earlier had disappeared.

"Cas…?" Dean asked, tears streaking down his face.

"You're okay….you're okay...I've got you now…" **

Dean jerked awake from his dream, and shot up from the bed. He looked around wildly, and for a second he didn't recognize where he was. Thundering footsteps could be heard as whoever was coming traveled up the stairs, and Dean soon realized that it was Sam's footsteps.

"Dean?!" Sam yelled out, as he burst into the room. Dean forcibly swallowed, trying to even his breathing as he faced his brother.

"What's up Sasquatch?" Dean asked, faking a grin.

"I thought I heard you scream…" Sam stated, and gave Dean a concerned look.

"Naw… I just dreamed that there was a pie shortage in the world. That's all." Dean gave Sam a shit eating grin, but even he knew how weak that excuse sounded.

"Yeah...sure...okay Dean." Sam gave Dean a 'I don’t believe you look,' but luckily he didn't push the subject. Sam left the room, and Dean huffed a sigh of relief before falling back onto the bed. That was a close one. Dean felt sleep take over him once more, and still too tired to fight it, he let himself go. This time, Dean didn't dream. 

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