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A/N (please read): Sorry its not very good and took me so long..To be honest i never planned on making this story so long. I think I might start to not follow the actual TV show plot. What do you guys think? 

After the angel disappeared, Bobby slowly began to come to.

"C'mon Bobby...let's go home." Dean bends down and half lifts Bobby off the ground, ignoring the dirty look that Bobby shoots him. Bobby begrudgingly throws an arm over Dean's shoulder when his legs begin to tremble,  and put half his weight on Dean as they slowly walked out of the warehouse, broken glass crunching under their boots. 

"So.. Do you believe it Dean? Angels?"  Bobby asked as they approached the impala, and Dean helped him to the passenger side. Dean tensed up, before shooting Bobby a  half hearted smile.

"Angels? Please. Think about it Bobby. Not once have we ever heard of angels, let alone seen one. And now, they suddenly appear just to pull me out of hell?" Dean rolled his eyes, and closed the car door after Bobby had gotten in. Dean walked to the drivers side, and as he was about to open the car door, he felt it. A warm tingly feeling ran up his arm and he shuddered, when suddenly a warm  gust of air blew past his left ear.

"Dean…" He heard someone whisper, but when he glanced around, no one was there. Yet, that voice was so familiar.

"You getting in or what Dean?" Bobby shouts from inside the car, and jolts Dean out of his weird trance like feeling. Dean glanced to his left once more, before getting in the impala, just to see a flash of...wings? He shook his head, I'm losing it. Dean got into the car, and peeled off the gravel road.


Dean paces around Bobby's kitchen.

"So.. What happened guys?" Sam asks.

"All I know is… I WAS GROPED BY AN ANGEL!" Dean half yells as his hands make air quotes, ignoring the tingles in his arm.

"Right so… why would this...Castiel lie to you?" Sam looks up from the book he was reading, and gives Dean a questioning look.

"Well maybe he's a demon! Demon's LIE Sammy." Dean says exasperated, leaning on the kitchen counter. Dean grimaces when his heart clenches a little. For some reason, he couldn't bring himself to believe that. But then again, Dean didn't know what to believe. Sam opens his mouth to speak, but Dean cuts him off.

"Don’t you think, Sammy, that if there WERE angels, hunters somewhere would've seen one? EVER?" Dean began to grow mad. Angels couldn't exist. If they did, mom wouldn't have died.

"Uh. Dean, you just did." Sam sighs. "I think it could be possible-"

"Ok. Look, that's the thing. WE don't know FOR SURE, Sam. So I am NOT going to believe  that this THING is the angel of the lord!" It's a trick. It has to be. There is no way God sent a freaking angel just to save me. There's no way that they even exist..or...or mom would still be alive. Plus, I'm not worth the trouble. I don’t deserve being saved.

"Dean c'mon. Stop being so unreasonable. Just because we've never seen one, doesn't they don't exist alright? Maybe they just didn't have a reason to show up until now."

"Yeah but there's so many good Samaritans out there; why would they choose me?"

"Maybe God needed you for something?" Before Dean could open his mouth to talk, Bobby cut him off.

"Boys, quit your yappin', we've got a case." Sam shoots Dean one more look before pushing himself off the chair.

"Alright Bobby. Let's head out." Dean sighs, and is about to walk out the door when his arm begin to tingle. Dean stops in his tracks, and looks around wildly. He's watching me. I can feel it.

"Dean , you coming?" Sam yells from the impala, and Dean shakes his thoughts clear. I'm definitely losing it, he thinks to himself before leaving the house. Hell really screwed up my head 

A/N: btw guys ive got a twitter now: eloquentfk <-- remind me for updates, more comments, or what not.

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