Reunion (pt. 1)

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A/N: Sorry for that previous cliffhanger- two updates before my school starts again tomorrow. I didn't entirely follow the actual conversation script word by word, it's mostly different. Enjoy! (Un beta'd) Tell me if they're mistakes.


“You sure you did the ritual right?” Dean asked while sitting on a wooden table, twirling his knife. Bobby didn’t reply, and glared at Dean.

“Sorry…” Dean looked down at his shoe, bored and very anxious. Suddenly the ware house began to rattle, becoming more and more violent by the second. There was something out there, something big.

“Maybe it’s just the wind.”

“Yeah…right.” Just as Bobby replied, the lights in the ware house began to explode one by one. Dean and Bobby glanced at each other in fear as they attempted to avoid the falling glass, and Dean gripped onto his knife more tightly. The door suddenly blew open, and both Bobby and Dean’s eyes snapped towards it. A man in a dirty trench coat, lopsided tie, and mussed up hair began to walk in, and with each step towards him Dean could sense the power oozing off of this man. The lights began to rain sparks as more began to explode, showering the mysterious man, and making him seem more powerful despite his ‘tax accountant’ looks. The man didn’t say anything, but continuously walked towards Dean and Bobby. They grabbed their rock salt shotguns and began firing, but each shot they fired didn’t affect the man at all, and he continued to stalk towards them, as if stalking towards prey. Bobby and Dean gave each other terrified looks before Dean unsheathed his knife, and despite the urge to run he stood his ground.

“Who are you?” Dean asked, relieved when his voice didn’t tremble. When he glanced into the man’s eyes, the striking blue color shocked him. It was so….familiar.

“I’m the one who gripped you tight, and raised you from perdition.” The man replied so earnestly, and Dean wondered if he actually believed all the crap that was coming out of his mouth.

“Yeah? Thanks for that,” Dean sniped at the man, his temper flaring when the man nodded. That was when Dean acted; he lunged forward and plunged his knife into the man’s heart. The man however, seemed unfazed and merely glanced at the knife, before pulling out and dropping it to the ground. Dean was panicking, fearing for both his and Bobby’s life. He glanced at Bobby, and Bobby swung his crow bar at the man, just to have it grabbed mid-air. The man turned around and faced Bobby, before lifting two fingers to Bobby’s forehead and touching it. Bobby fell to the ground, and the man let the crowbar fall. Dean stared in horror as the man who was practically his dad, collapse into a heap on the ground. The man turned back around to face him.

“We need to talk, Dean.” Dean glanced at Bobby before looking at the man once more, horror written all over his face.

“Alone.” The man added after seeing the worried looks Dean was giving Bobby. He let Dean kneel down next to the man, and watched as Dean felt for the man’s pulse.

“Your friend is alive” the man added unhelpfully, flipping through one of Bobby’s books.

“Who are you.” Dean asked, anger evident in his voice.

“Castiel,” the man replied, not even bothering to look at Dean.

“Yeah I figured that much. I mean, what are you?” This time Castiel did look up.

“I’m an angel of the lord.” What the hell?

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