chapter four

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Kay's pov

I'm lie in my bed at my friend's house. " Kay are you alright ". I look up. " Lisa I have two week's to find my dream man. Or my Father is going to make me mate with Cal ".

I shudder at the thought of being with Cal. He is Big and black in wolf form. He does not belong to our pack .

No he belong's to the pack on the other side of our land. A mating of me to him will unite our pack's. I just can't do it.

I know he is the alpha but, I just don't like him one bit. He is a bully and very possessive. I don't want that. I want freedom and fun.

I also want a man to love me for me. Not what I can get him. I think this man can do this for me. If only I can find him.

" Kay have you worked it out yet ". I look at her and frown . " Is this man and the dragon the one and the same  ".

I shug. " I still don't know ". I like Lisa she know's when to leave me alone. I lie back on my pillow and close my eye's and, I see the man.

I then see the dragon. Then all the piece fit together. I see the man shift in to this black dragon. Come on vision's don't fail me now.

I need a name to go with this. I then see someone else talking with him. " Matt come on ". His name is Matt .

Now I need to find him. Just as I'm about to get up. I'm hit by a vision of Matt. He is about to do something to another dragon. My vision's only jump three day's ahead.

So I need to find him now .

Matt's pov

I am still walking around this huge place. I put a disc in the player and listen to linkin park. This help's to relax me and I need today.

I wonder what that girl is doing right now. I wish, I could see her. No more than that. I wish, I could hold her .

Stop thinking about her Matt and get on with sorting this house out. I start to remove the dust cover's from the sofa and stuff.

Yes this place is defo to big for one. A family would be fine here. But I'm all alone. Well I need to go shopping.

As I go to do my shopping. Someone bump's in to me. I look at him. I walk down the meat isle when the same man bump's me again.

" Do you have a problem with me ". He look's me up and down. " Yes you are the problem ". Okay this guy is asking for it.

I ask him outside. He smile's and follow's me. Just as I'm about to shift. I hear. " Matt stop don't do this ".

I turn and see her. How does she know my name. " What ". She then run's up to me and put's her hand on my arm.

I feel her heat. She is a Darcion. She pull's me away and I let her. She then turn's and look's at me. " My name is Kay ".

" Hello Kay ". She smile's. " Is there somewhere we can talk ". I nod and, take her to my home. As we enter the house.

She turn's to me and smile's. " You have alovely home ". I know, I should be thanking her for saving me from making a mistake, but she has confused.

" How do you know my name ". She laugh's. " Yeah sorry. I have vision's and, I saw you about to fight and I heard your ".

I nod. " Thank you for stopping me ". She nod's. Okay this is awkward. " Would you like a drink ". She nod's. " Yes please ". I leave the room and grab two can's of coke.

" Sorry I haven't been shopping yet ". She laugh's. " This is fine thank you ". We sit and talk.

hope you enjoy, love you all XD this will get longer as I find my step in to

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