chapter nine

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Kay's pov

He smile's and says. " Mmm ignore it mmmm they will come mmmm back ". I smile and carry on. I even put my hand's on his chest. I move them up and down. He moan's and arches.

Then all of a sudden the bedroom door burst's open.

I'm at a lost for word's. I'm in the middle of mating with Matt when my Father come's in through the door. How the hell did he know where Matt lived. " Father I can explain ".

He grab's my arm which I'm using to cover my breast's he hit's me. " You are no longer my daughter, You have digraced us by sleeping with that Dragon ". Matt is out of the bed in second's.

" How dare you enter my house and hit my mate ". He is angry, I can see it. " Matt it's fine ". He is getting ready to do something bad.

 I can feel it.  " Matt please calm down ". He seem's to calm a little when I touch his chest.

" Fine I think you should now leave. Mr Snow. He turn's and leave's I know in my heart this is far from over.

" Matt I'm okay ". He is looking at my face. " I should have killed him ". That will do no good, all that will do is cause pain for us.

I pull Matt back to the bed. I just want to be held. He does he hold's me in his arm's. I can't say, I will cry over the lose of my pack.

 They haven't been there for me for year's. I was only wanted because, I was the alpha's daughter.

Power mad they all are. There was only one that ever show interest in me and that was Noah he was my friend for year's.

He made laugh all through school. We have alway's been close. Even when I was banished we would meet.

Oh no what if he decide's to come after Matt.

Matt's pov

I can't believe her Father just burst in to my house and in to my room. It doesn't bother me he caught us in the act of mating.

It was the fact that he just burst in here. Then he hit Kay. This is far from over I will have this out with him once and for all.

She is mine and he can't have her. I have marked her as she has marked me. We just need to finish the bonding by mating but I doubt she is in the mood for that now.

 I move my hand up to her neck and touch the dragon mark. Kay moan's and wriggle's.

I smile, maybe I can turn the moment back. I roll on to my side and face her. " Are you alright ". She nod's. " Yes, I'm sorry ".

Her bottom lip is swollen. I lean forward and kiss it, Kay kisses back. I could feed of her lip's forever. I deepen the kiss. She respond's.

I pull her on top of me. Mmm I move so we become one. As we make love again. I roll us so now she is under me.

 I make love to her and kiss and lick her neck. As we both climax. I roll off her and she lie's on my chest. I feel her fall asleep. I get up and dress.

I'm going to see her Father Micheal Snow to have it out with him. How dare he touch her. He will answer for that one.

I leave my realm and enter the wolve's realm. I walk down to the his house. I do the same to him as he has done to me. I burst in to his home.

I then burst in to his office. " Right let's sort this shall we Kay is my mate. I wont give her up ". He get's up and come's to me.

" You have a nerve Dragon coming here after you took my daughter's body and soul ". Oh that's it.  Okay let's sort this outside shall we ". 

He nod's We exit his house with two other male's. We go to a clearing. Just as I'm about to shift. One of the wolves says.

 " I will do the honor as Kay was to be mine before you took her from me ". I nod. I then shift in to my black Dragon self as the wolf shift's in to a big black dog.

I wait to see what he is going to do. I then hear Micheal say. " Be careful Noah ". He lunge's at me. This goes on for a while.

 I have a few scratch's on my front leg's. The final straw is when he goes for my throat he catches me and hold's on it bring's me down.

My temper snap's and I start to use my power of illision. I feel the dog let go of my throat and then I hear his scream before he dies.

 I shift back bleeding but okay. I think. " Anyone else ". They pick up Noah's body and walk away. But Micheal stop's and turn's to me.

" She is your's keep her away from here is no longer belong's here ". I sigh and walk away. I return to my realm.

 I make it in to my house. I collapse on the sofa. Ah my neck and shoulder are sore. I remove my top to see three long claw mark's down over my shoulder.

Kay's pov

I wake up alone. I get up and dress. I go downstair's and see Matt covered in blood. He look's badly hurt. I go to him.

" Matt what happened ". As I look closely at the mark running from his throat down his shoulder it end's at the middle of his back. There wolf claw mark's.

" Matt not my Father ". He shake's his head. " Someone called Noah ". Oh no Noah will be dead, I know what Matt's power's can do.

 I have seen them in my vision's. I leave Matt. I shed a tear for my lost best friend. I get some water in a bowl and some other thing's.

I go back and clean up his wound's and then dress them. I cook him something to eat. He look's tired. I help him up to bed.

I then bring his food up. He eat's it. " Kay I'm sorry ". I'm sorry that it has to come to this. But I think, I have made the right choice for me. Love is more important than loyality.

" It' okay just rest now ". He grab's my hand. " Stay with me ". I climb on the bed beside him. I hold him while he sleep's. Yes I made the choice. I love Matt and, I wont give that up.

hope you enjoy, love you all, vote and comment please XD

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