chapter three

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Matt's pov

I have to be tested to prove, that I have the power's. I was born with. I don't like the thought of using my power. But i suppose. I have no choice.

I walk in to the arena. I see two different people. One warlock, one vampire. I can see where this is heading already. And I don't like it .

I move to the middle of the arena. I look up and see the three elder sat in a box. Kezegake stand's up and says. " Let it begin ".

The vampire come's at me and I stand there. I know what they want from me. But do I want to do this just to get back in to the pack.

As I am thinking this through the vampire attack's me. I see the blood on my arm. Anger run's through me and I shift in to my dragon form.

I breathe fire and the vampire turn's to ash. I can hear the council mumbling how happy they are. Next the warlock come's at me.

And I see myself in a field covered in butter cup's. I then see the girl. I have been watching with me. We are kissing.

I can see through the illusion. I in return stare at the warlock. As I do. You can hear him scream as my illusion of his worse fear's come to him.

Then it is over. He is dead . I look to the council and this time Tsuchikage. Stand's and says. " Welcome back to the pack Matt ".

I bow and then leave the arena. I'm then met by Raikage. Who show me to my family home. As I walk inside. I see picture's of my mother.

The wall's are white. The room's are big. Raikage says. " Welcome home my Lord ". I nod and he leave's me to wonder around alone.

Kay's pov

I have been asked to come home to the pack . So I'm on my way back to my pack to see my Father the alpha.

I walk up to the door and knock on it. The door is opened by Dom. " Hello kay ". I nod to Dom. " Where is my Father ". He point's to the office.

I go to the door and knock. " Come in Kay ". I walk in and shut the door. " Father you wished to see me ". He nod's.

" Yes I think you have learnt your lesson ". I bow my head . " Also it is mating season, and we are short on female's ".

That is why he brought me home. " Father I'm mated with a dragon ". Why did I say that. I have no idea. But I do know I will be with this man. I bumped in to, in town.

My Father doesn't look happy. But he is not mad. He was mad when found out, I was dating a human. " Is that all you wanted Father. He shake's his head .

" I want you to return home. I also want to meet this dragon ". Damn I should have know this would come back and bite me.

" I will return Father once my mate has returned to me ". He nod's and allow's me to leave. I do then. As I walk down the  path. It hit's me .

I need to find this man and hope the hole's in my vision's. Will  become complete and the man I am seeing and the dragon are the one and the same.

Now all I have to do is hope . I can find him. Before my Father want's me home. I have two week's .

Hope you enjoy, love ya all XD

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