Two - The Hall Ball

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Princess Velvet Bishop

I saunter out the door, and Finn rushes behind me. All four of my personal guards walk in stride behind me, and Finn walks beside me. Nobody except the Patrol Guards are in the halls, and they stand in salute from the moment they see me to the moment I pass them. I take deep breaths and act confident, when really I'm terrified. I can't screw up. We get to the staircase that leads up to the balcony, and we meet the rest of my family right outside the closed door.

"You know what to do." Mother whispers to me, kissing my forehead. "Good luck, Darling."

"I'll make you proud." I nod, determination in my eyes.

"My Heir, you look stunning. The boys will fall over themselves for you." Father envelops me in a hug, and I breath against his heartbeat. It's always calmed me.

"Thank you, Father."

"The Ladies and Princess Loral have all been announced. It's time for your entrance." The tired servant runs to whatever her next task is, and we all fall silent to face the door.

"Now announcing, King Kylan and Queen Siaren of Alkali!" The actor chosen for the job of announcer pronounces it a-call-e instead of all-call-e. What a shame. He'll probably be fined a great deal by the look on Mother's face, though she quickly masks it into a smile as the doors open and they step onto the balcony. The crowd goes wild, but fall silent when Father clears his throat.

"Thank you all for joining us on this joyus occasion. I look forward to having words with each and every one of you." Then they walk down the stairs that slide out from the balcony, and take a seat at the Royal Table.

"Fourth Heir to the Throne and the youngest child of the King and Queen, Prince Sayer!" The crowd again cheers, though not as loudly. Sayer doesn't seem to care though. He gets off the balcony as quickly as possible and sits at his place at the table, next to Mother. "Third Heir to the Throne, Princess Raelynn!" Raelynn is well liked among the people for her exceptional beauty, and she blushes at the attention before gracefully walking down and sitting next to Sayer. "Second Heir to the Throne and twin to the Heir, Prince Axel!" I give Axel's shoulder a squeeze as he walks out, and I hear all the young ladies go crazy.

Then, it's my turn. I take a deep breath, and wait. I can't mess this entrance up. I won't fall. I can't fall. "Finally, Heir to the Throne, Princess Velvet!" I walk through the doors and into the Hall. People cheer and clap almost as loudly as they did for Mother and Father. I smile, and start down the steps. Nothing goes wrong as I take my seat between Axel and Father. "Let's eat!" The announcer proclaims. At least he's enthusiastic.

Dinner is delicious, but at the same time rather dull. The growing knot in my stomach makes it impossible to eat. I'm just preparing for the dances, when every eligible boy is sure to storm me and ask for a dance. Who was I supposed to look for? A Rooke... Koi Rooke! Yes that's it.

"Doesn't it just make you sick?" Axel whispers to me.

"What?" I whisper back.

"The fakeness of it all. There's so much pressure! Do you know how many girls Mother wants me to get with? I don't want to talk to any of them, much less get physical." Axel shudders, and I offer him a smile and shrug my shoulders.

"Things will change when I'm Queen." I joke. "You'll never have to marry if you don't want to."

"Thanks." Axel lets out a sigh, the air sending a piece of blonde hair out of place. I fix it quickly, and then go back to looking at my food.

Too soon, the music starts, and Mother and Father get up to take the first dance. Then the married Lords and Ladies join them, and finally the casual couples. Raelynn is soon dancing with a boy, and Sayer has run off to a corner giggling with some of his Noble friends. Axel and I stand, and I barely have a chance to turn around before I'm faced with my first boy.

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