Seven - Disposable Murder

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Lady Catalina White

Siaren can't do this to me! I've just found out that I'll bear twins, a most miraculous thing, and my sister is going to take that from me too. First she takes my husband, then she takes my baby. Tomorrow she'll make the announcement, and there will be nothing I can do. My chambers feel too small, even though they were made for a princess. I used to applaud myself for manipulating these chambers from the Princess Loral, the awful scum doesn't deserve these chambers anyway. Now however, I would sleep with the Commoners in order to save my baby. I feel defeated as I slump farther into the bath, letting the hot water try and relax me. It won't work.

"My baby sister learned from the best teacher and became the master." I shake my head to myself and put my hand on my growing belly. How did I ever think I could outsmart Siaren and Kylan? Together they're unstoppable. At the thought, I think of Dane. He thought he was unstoppable all by himself, being able to get a Lady to fall for him, when in reality it's what ruined his life.

As a display of what happens when you touch a member of the Royal family, he'll probably be executed. I think of him, in his maximum security cell, so sure that I'll testify for him. Tell the court that I love him, and the whole thing was a misunderstanding. That he's the father of my child- children, and that I worked it out with Siaren and Kylan.

In reality, I'll testify against him. No one can ever know he's the father of the twins. A guard, not even a Noble Guard at that. That's all he is. I'll say he came in with the intentions to murder me, and when I screamed he punched me to try and quiet me, but then everyone rushed in. I'll lie for all I'm worth. Say that at the time I couldn't believe he'd try and assassinate me, but after reviewing the scene in my mind that's the only conclusion I could come to. The twisted thoughts make me smile again. I might not have been able to beat Siaren this time, but we'll work together to make a show of Dane Quill.

The bath starts to get cold, and I get out. The maids can drain it later. I dress myself in my silken nightgown and soft robe, and wait for the clock to strike seven, when my maids will come in and finish getting me ready for bed.

Sitting at my desk, I pull out some paper and a pencil, since these are just informal notes. It really is a shame, since Dane was the only person to really love me besides Mother, but at her age she hardly remembers her own position, much less things about me. It's quite a bore to talk to her. Lonely as I am, Dane is disposable. Soon I will have another life to look after. One that, if I raise right, will love me unconditionally. I focus back on my notes for the trial.

What to Say (Dane Quill):

Came in with his dagger drawn

Punched me when I screamed

Cry at this point

Always thought he was loyal, "I guess I was mistaken"

He didn't know he was punching a pregnant woman

"My Lady?" A knock at the door. The maids are here, right on time. I tuck the notes away, and call back.

"Come in."

Once I'm laying in bed with the lights off, I find my eyes wide open. Baby names circle through my head, the only thing I can think about. Should I do a family name, or something new? I think of my great grandmother Ella when there's a knock at the door. No, I tell myself. Ella is too old of a name. "Lady Catalina?"

"What?" I try to keep my voice level, but the servant could have interrupted my sleep. This must be something important, from someone with more power than myself.

"The Queen Siaren has asked me deliver this letter straight away." The servant sounds tired and nervous. Nervous I'll refuse the letter, probably. But the servant cannot see me in such a tired and unmade state.

"Slip it under the door." I call. I hear the rustle of paper, and then the quiet footsteps as the servant walks away. I get up, and take the envelope. The seal is still waxy, so Siaren must have just written it. Amazing how fast the servants move to carry out her requests.

Lady Catalina White,

I hope you understand now that you cannot beat me at my own game. I love you, sister, but you make it quite hard. I have given you a place to live, and even helped you get the chambers you love so dearly. This act is a reminder that I have more power than you ever will. Next time, ask and maybe we can come to an agreement. Now, as for what's going to happen, we're going to keep you out of public eye, saying that due to your age the baby is taking a toll on your body and you're bedridden. Don't worry, the same will be said for me, as I obviously will not look pregnant at all. Thanks for the child by the way!

-Queen Siaren Bishop-White

I crumple the note into a tiny ball, vowing to set it on fire in the morning. Both Siaren and I know we couldn't have come to an "agreement", and that she just wants me to die alone. The note reminds me that as wonderful of a queen my sister may be, she gave up her heart long ago. Staying out of the public eye will be easy for me, I'm hardly in it as it is. But for Siaren? The city will go crazy worrying about their beloved queen. Beloved queen indeed. Wouldn't it be a shame if she died during childbirth?

King Kylan Bishop

"Well Raelynn could have taken that better." I shake my head as Siaren finishes getting ready for bed.

"I don't know why she got so upset!" Siaren's gaze is focused on the mirror as she applies her many creams. "The betrothal isn't even final yet! Sayer didn't freak out when we told him about Story."

"He's too young to comprehend. I never liked Story."

"Me neither. We just need a marriage to get her family under our foot, and then we can dispose of her if necessary. Good children are so hard to find these days."

"Do you worry Velvet and Axel won't marry?"

"Every night. But they will, I'm sure." Siaren climbs into bed, and snuggles next to my arm. "Especially once the Kingdom decides they want Velvet to have a baby."

"Do you know what you're going to say at the press release tomorrow?"

"I've prepared a speech." Siaren nods against my shoulder. It always amazes me how much I love her, and a little how I fear her. "At least your sister isn't causing problems."

I laugh at the thought. Loral has always been nothing but trouble. Now she wants to marry of Cashmere according to her letter, which she should know she can't do. First Velvet will need to marry before any other Royal child can.

"Are you excited for our new child?"

"I'm happy that I don't have to give birth to it. And the people should be pleased." Siaren dodges the question. I think she's just happy to have once again gotten the best of her sister. It's not like she'll raise the child anyway. Those duties will fall to the nannies and other caregivers.

"Goodnight." I yawn, and turn over. Siaren sighs, and claps the lights off.

The next morning, I get up and get ready. As King, I've ordered that no servants be sent to my chambers to help me bathe or dress. They have more important things to do. Siaren is still passed out, as if she's only had three hours of sleep. I comb my hair out, and think about what a stressful day it will be. It must be worse to be Siaren. Like usual I'll just stand there while she does all the talking.

"Your Majesty?" A knock at the door. It jolts Siaren awake.

"What?" I call back.

"Breakfast will be served in five minutes in the dining hall."

"Thank you." I sigh and finish with my hair. Siaren sits up, still yawning.

"Here we go." She stretches and stands up. I walk over and kiss her cheek.


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