Nine - Court of the Broken

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One Month Later

Mother and Aunt Catalina have been out of the public eye for a week now, as it's clear Mother isn't pregnant and Aunt Catalina is too pregnant. Father briefed me on exactly what's going on, and now I have been given the duties Mother would have. "Queen Training" he calls it. But today is the day of the Apollo Arves and Dane Quill cases, and Father has just been ushered away to an urgent meeting with Alkaline's King, as relations have been stiff for a while, and now seem disastrous. That means all the responsibility falls on me to run the court today. Axel will help me, but really I'm the one in charge. It's a lot of pressure.

"You'll do great." Axel squeezes my hand as we start the private court hearing of Apollo Arves. The court is a circular room, with seating all around. On the back part, a little way out from the seats, is a platform with two thrones on it. Axel and I sit in these seats, normally occupied by our parents. My white cape falls all the way to the floor, and my red dress reaches my knees, white leggings underneath. The red heels I wear are at least four inches, making me taller than Axel. Rae, Sayer, Cashmere, Aunt Loral, and Grandma Promise all sit in the seats in the first row behind us. Amélia Moon and her brother Beaux Moon, our Royal Attorneys, sit at desks on either sides of our platform.

"The court calls the defendant, Apollo Arves." Amélia speaks in her loud, wonderful, court voice. I feel so regal, so powerful sitting in Mother's throne, making the decisions instead of quietly listening in the background. And this is only the beginning. "Do you plead guilty on charges of rudeness to the Heir and failure to understand your job description?"

Apollo looks up, his eyes are red and he has dark circles under his eyes. His hair is no longer gelled, instead messy and tangled. I smile at his pain. Maybe now he'll know his place in the court.

"I plead guilty on all accounts." His voice is hoarse and scratchy.

"My Heir?" Amélia turns to me, and I clear my throat.

"The court appreciates your honesty, Mister Arves. You're sentenced to a fine of a thousand facere and fifty hours of community service. Court adjourned."

"You did good." Axel stands as everyone files out of the room. I hug him, and let out a deep breath.

"Well this was a nice warm up. What if the people don't like my sentence for Dane?" We walk slowly out, tailed by eight total guards.

"Everyone's expecting you to execute him on the spot and defend Aunt Catalina's honor." Axel snaps his fingers in the hall, and servants with plates full of sandwiches and fizzy drinks fall at our feet. I only take a drink, as I don't feel hungry at all.

"I suppose that's the logical course of action." I nod as we walk in synch farther down the hall. I take a long drink of the fizzy substance, and it helps clear my head. "Do you think he'll have any supporters?"

"Only me, my Heir." The chef from the Hall Ball walks up, and I hope she didn't hear the part about the planned execution if she's really on his side.

"And why is that?" I toss my empty drink at her, and she catches it mid air.

"Dane Quill is my brother." Her eyes narrow. "He's all I have left, and you won't take him away from me!" She's almost snarling when Axel steps in between us.

"You can't talk to the Heir like that!" Axel snaps his fingers and two guards immediately jump on her. "You can spend the trial in the cellar!" He spits, and the guards hall her off.

"Remember the name Sona Quill!" She calls out as she's dragged away.

"Crazies." Axel mutters. "You okay?"
"Yeah. It's nice to think she won't be at the trial, and it sounded like he didn't have any other family."

"Why do you say that?" Axel gives me an inquizitive look.

"Sona said he was all she had left. Obviously no parents or siblings or kids." We walk back towards the Court, where I can see members of the public already filing in. Commoners and Nobles alike are all here today, united by their hatred for this man.

"That's why you'll be Queen." Axel shakes his head and laughs.

"Yeah, I guess." I mutter under my breath. The stress is getting to me.

"Your Highness? Whenever you're ready." Axel's guards that took away Sona come back, and again we have eight guards tailing us. Axel takes my hand as we walk towards the doors, which are pulled open by other guards.

"There she is! Princess Velvet!" A Commoner cheers as we walk out. The arena like space is filled with hoots and cheers of all sorts, people calling my name and Axel's. We take our seats in the thrones, and the crowd quiets. I look to Amélia, letting her know it's okay to start.

"The court calls Dane Quill." Dane enters through the same doors on the opposite side that Apollo entered from, though he looks much worse. He looks ready to die. Guards walk on either side of him, pulling on tight ropes that bind his wrists. A smile almost flickers across my face before I can stop it. "How do you plead to charges of assault of a Royal Lady, attempted murder of a Royal Lady, and resisting arrest?"

"Guilty to all but attempted murder." Dane doesn't look afraid to die. Like he doesn't care if he challenges the Court's sentence. Whispers rise from the arena, and the TV station covering the event suddenly perks up.

"And how do you plead to attempted murder of a Royal Lady?" Amélia asks, still quite professional. We trained her well.

"I plead not guilty." He barks. The guards who stand on either side of him tighten their grips. These people are desperate, and I've seen some make a run for Mother and Father before. They were shot down instantly.

"Your Highness?" Amélia turns to me.

"Plead your case." I state simply. This is the part I know how to do. I know what to say, just not what the right moral decision is. But since when has anyone in the family had morals?

"The Lady Catalina had... said something to me that upset me greatly and I lost control, punching her. I'll admit to that. But I would never, ever, try to kill her."

"That's your case?" I scoff. "Let me read you a something." I stand, knowing that everyone in all of Alkali is watching me. "This is what my Aunt, the Lady Catalina wrote to me when she found out that due to pregnancy complications she wouldn't be able to attend the trial." I unfold the paper, and clear my voice. There is no sound, only silence.

"You cannot let that man go free. I trusted him with my life to guard and protect me, and this is how he repays me? Let me tell you exactly what happened that night, about a month ago. There was a knock at the door, and I recognized his voice, so I let him in. What a mistake. The moment the door shut Sir Dane Quill started yelling nonsense, and drew his dagger. I screamed, panicked, and he punched me in an attempt to quiet me, I suppose. There is still a light mark on my cheek where he punched me. However, upon hearing my screams, my other guards rushed in and saved me. A pregnant Lady with no way to defend herself, except for the guards she trusts with her life. I learned a lot about trust that night, and I thank my dear sister Queen Siaren Bishop-White for comforting me and helping me through this time. So I beg of you, My Heir, do not let Dane Quill go free. Please."

I pause, having finished the letter. Whispers take up in the crowd, Commoners and Nobles alike sharing their hatred of this man. Dane looks heartbroken, but resigned. Like nothing mattered anymore. His fate was sealed. It takes everything I have not to break out in a wicked smile.

"Upon hearing this, I think I know exactly what to do." I continue, looking at faces in the arena. They all hang on my every word. "For the honor of my aunt, and the honor of this country, I sentence Dane Quill to immediate death." I can't look as the guards at his sides take their cleavers and lop off his head in one swift movement. The crowd cheers, and Axel stands to join me.

"You did good. That was the right thing to do." Axel nods. We don't even get out the door however, when a servant stops us, breathing heavy. I look at him, a tad annoyed, as this has been a draining day already. What could be so important?

"My Heir and Prince, urgent news! The kingdom of Alkaline has declared war, and shot the King Kylan!" 

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