Eleven - The Truth About the Royal Wedding

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Princess Raelynn Bishop

I'm ashamed of myself, I really am. My very first thought when I heard about the war and Father was that I wouldn't have to marry Arium. Not that we'd be in danger, or that Father might die, just my own selfish wants. The thoughts make me cry harder, especially after Velvet leaves the room and no one holds my hand. Axel and Sayer comfort each other, Sayer still safely in Axel's arms, and Mother holds Father's pale hand. Me, and sit in the seat in the window, curled up in a small ball.

"Mandatory Viewing" The TV on the wall turns on, the automated voice blaring. My head snaps up. I want to hear this. I wonder if Velvet will bring up my engagement to Arium, and how it's no longer a possibility. "Mandatory Viewing" Now the words scroll across the screen, until Velvet's face replaces them. The only other person with her is the Commander of the Army. I forget what her name is.

"People of Alkali, I come bearing tragic news. What times we have gone through are blissful and gone! During a meeting with the leaders of Alkaline, my Father, King Kylan, was shot. He is is critical condition, but is expected to make a full recovery."

"I wish..." I hear Mother whisper.

"Of course, we will not stand for this, and have declared war on Alkaline!" Velvet speaks with such passion and conviction. She'll make a good Queen one day. "There will be a sign-up for military positions, some higher than soldier, at the Front Gates of the Castle starting after this announcement. After this there will be a draft should we not have enough volunteers. Finally, there will be a Mandatory blood test coming around tonight to the Inner City and tomorrow morning for the Outer City. Thank you." Just like that, the TV shuts off, and Velvet is gone. Silence fills the hospital room once again, weighing down on all of us.

"Go." Mother says. "All three of you. Go to dinner. I'm staying here." No one dares argue with Mother. Axel gently sets down Sayer, and the three of us walk silently out the door. In the lobby our guards stand ready, staying respectfully behind us.

"Is Father gonna be okay?" Sayer's eyes are red and puffy. He loves Father, and my poor brother isn't very emotionally stable.

"Yes Sayer, he'll be fine." Axel nods. We arrive for Family Dinner, where Velvet already sits, talking to a servant. He hurriedly leaves at the sight of us, and I take my seat again. Velvet is quick to fill Axel in on everything that he doesn't know yet, leaving me alone again with my guilty thoughts. I'm such a bad daughter...

"Raelynn?" Sayer asks quietly.

"What is it?"

"Am I really gonna have to marry Story? She's mean..." Sayer looks like he's about to cry. I never knew it bothered him.

"You should bring it up to Velvet, I'm sure she won't make you." I nod, and take his hand as reassurance.

"I don't know... now is time for the grown up talk." Grandmother Promise walks in, followed by Aunt Loral and Cashmere.

"You're a prince Sayer! No one tells you when and where to speak!" I smile, trying to cheer him up, and he nods back, determined. Finally, Aunt Catalina walks in, stomach prominent in a new tight dress. She sits down, and the food is served. Then, Velvet stands.

"As you all probably know, my Mother is in the East Wing Medical Center with my Father. Until she returns, I will run these dinners." She pauses, and I suppose Sayer thinks she's finished because he stands up nervously.

"Can I say something?"

Velvet looks a little surprised at first, but then smiles. "Go ahead, Sayer."

"Well, it's just that, I don't want to marry Story. She's really mean, and... um... I don't think she's someone we want to have power." His eyes are misting over, and he really looks and sounds much younger than ten. "I was wondering if since you're acting in charge, you could do something about it."

"I wish I could, Sayer. I'll talk to Mother and Father, okay? I don't like her either." Velvet speaks kindly to Sayer, and he sits down a little happier. He must think he's done good. "Now, Aunt Loral." Velvet's expression quickly changes to one Mother would wear. Full of poison. Nothing at all like the face she had a moment ago. "What is this about trying to betroth Cashmere again?"

"I think it's good for her to know her options." Aunt Loral states plainly. "I am well aware that she cannot marry until you do." Her eyes narrow.

"Well, she's coming off to strong. Almost desperate. Now even the servant boys whisper about how they could marry her, as she'd clearly marry anyone!" Velvet says the last part sarcastically, to hammer in her point. Aunt Loral looks horrified. I have to hand it to Velvet, that's the best way to get Aunt Loral to lay off. She'd never listen to Velvet, but if it was hurting Cashmere's reputation...

"Aunt Catalina, how's your pregnancy going?"

"Better than your Mother's." She glares.

"So well, I presume." Velvet ignores her blatant sarcasm. "One last announcement before the children go. As you all should have assumed, the betrothal between Princess Raelynn and Prince Arium Redd is no more. Children may go."

And this time, I don't leave crying, but happy.

King Kylan Bishop

This is torture. Laying here, and not being able to respond. Not being able to squeeze her hand, let her know I'll be okay. I lay there in the hospital with my wonderful wife of almost seventeen years, and relive the days before our wedding.

I was supposed to marry Catalina, because she's older than Siaren. We'd gotten betrothed the day before my sixteenth birthday. For months leading up to our wedding day, I planned how I would kill myself so I wouldn't have to be with her. My mother had died a few years prior, in the two thousandth one hundredth ninety fifth year, and my Father, King Miles Bishop, loved Catalina. Siaren and I were having a secret affair, and I loved her with all my heart. But I didn't tell her I was going to commit suicide my wedding night. She'd want to die with me, I knew. And I wasn't about to let her do that.

A week before the wedding date, my father fell seriously ill from food poisoning. Although Siaren never claimed responsibility, I suspected it was her. After that I started to question if I loved Siaren, since she did such a thing to my Father. Then, the night before our wedding day Catalina said she had poisoned him so I would be King and she'd be Queen. This threw me into a rage, and I spent the night debating if I could kill my bride to be. In the end I decided I couldn't be responsible for ending a life. Father died that night in his sleep.

The day of our wedding, the Third day of the Sixth Month of the Two thousandth two hundredth year, I declared that I wasn't going to approve the Royal Marriage and instead proposed to Siaren on the spot, as the new King. She accepted, wore Catalina's wedding dress, wrote her own vows, and we got married that day. It was the happiest day of my life. I was nineteen and Siaren was twenty.

Now, four kids, three big laws, two assassinations, and one happy life together later, I'm not ready to leave her. I feel her hand in mine, I hear her words and her sobs, and start to smell her perfume. Every fiber in my being wants to squeeze her hand, move it even a little... but I can't. It hurts too much. Too... much... 

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