Chapter 3

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I nervously walked up to the door and knocked on the door. I'd never met any one famous before never mind my favourite band! A few seconds later, the door opened and Luke was standing there. "Hey Jess" He smiled, "Hi Luke" I replied as he gave me a hug. We went upstairs to what must be his room where Ashton, Calum and Michael were. 

"Guys this is Jess, she lives next door" Luke explained as the three boys got up to give me a hug. "So where did you move from?" Calum asked, "Bristol in England" I told them, trying to keep a smile despite the memories of home coming flooding back. "Lets do 20 questions!" Luke suggested. "Sure" I replied. 

"Favourite colour?" Michael asked, "Turquoise". "Favourite food?" Calum asked, "Pizza". Calum then ran up to me and gave me a high five as Pizza's his favourite food too! "Relationship status?" Ashton then asked. "Taken" I smiled, thinking of my amazing boyfriend back home. I looked over at Luke to see that the smile had disappeared off his face. Why would he care that I had a boyfriend? "How long have you been dating?" Calum continued, completely oblivious to Luke, "Er, 2 years" I smirked. Nobody really believed me when I told them that.

"What do you want to be when you leave school?" Calum asked. "Music Producer" I told them. "Awesome, so you have all the equipment and stuff?" Ashton asked, "Yeah, I got quite a lot of it for my 16th" "When's your birthday?" Michael asked, "19th May" I told them. "Wait, that's tomorrow!" Luke exclaimed, "And it's your 17th!"

"We should go somewhere" Ashton suggested. "Where do you want to go?" Calum asked, "I don't mind, I don't really know anywhere around here so it's up to you" I told them. "We'll make it a surprise then" Luke winked, "We'll pick you up at 3pm tomorrow, dress casual". "Are we rehearsing now?" Calum asked, obviously desperate to pick up the bass.

They started off by singing Out Of My Limit. It was one of my favourite songs by them and I couldn't help but smile all the way through it. They sang a few covers that they were planning on performing during the shows then they finished off with Beside You. A felt a tear roll down my cheek as I thought of Ollie back at home in Bristol. Leaving him was the last thing that I wanted to do. Just as the song finished, my iPhone began ringing. Ollie.

"Hey Jess, how's Auz?" He asked, "Good thanks, the house is amazing" I explained. "I'm guessing you haven't met them 5 Seconds of... whatever band yet?" He laughed, "Well as a matter of fact, I have" I smirked. "In your dreams" Ollie laughed. "One second.." I smirked as I put my phone on loudspeaker. "Guys say hi to Ollie" I said to Ashton, Calum, Luke and Michael who looked confused to who I was talking to. "Hey" They all replied at once. "Okay this is unexpected" Ollie laughed, shocked at the fact I'd actually met them. "How did you meet them? Stalk them or something?" He smirked. "Yes, yes she did!" Michael teased, "Nah I live next door to her" Luke explained.

"Well I've got to go now Jess, I'll Skype you at 11am your time tomorrow for your birthday!" Ollie told me once I'd turned loudspeaker off. "Sure, bye Ol", "Bye babe, love you", "Love you too". I ended the call and turned back to the boys. 

"Sorry about that" I told them. "No worries" Calum said. "Do you guys want food, I could order pizza?" He offered. "I'm starving" I laughed, not having eaten since the plane. "At last, a girl that actually eats something!" Luke exclaimed. Calum ordered the pizza and I went to the bathroom. By the time I got back Calum was already in there and I heard them talking about something.

"Mate she has a boyfriend though" Ashton said, "I know but I can't help the fact she's perfect" Luke said. Whoever he's talking about is lucky! Wait, I shouldn't be saying this when I'm dating Ollie! "Just wait a few weeks, you'll see what I mean then. He didn't seem the most loyal guy" Calum said. Who were they talking about?! I decided to wait another 10 seconds before heading in to the room.

The pizza arrived and was eaten pretty much straight away. I then had to go back home and put Nathan and Kieran to sleep seen as it was 9pm. I unlocked the front door and the boys came running up to me. "Hey guys" I smiled, bending down so I was their height. "There you are" A stern voice came from behind me, Dad. "I told you, I was next door" I smiled, picking Kieran up in one arm and taking Nathan's hand. "I'll put them to bed" I smiled as I walked upstairs with them.

Their rooms were on the first floor with Dad's room and the main bathroom while my room was the only one on the second floor. I put them to bed before going upstairs. It was too early for me to go to sleep but I decided to watch a DVD. I put "Rock Of Ages" in to the DVD player that was connected to the large flat screen TV on the wall and watched the film. 

After the film had finished, at about 11.30pm, I decided to go downstairs and get a drink and say goodnight to Dad. What I didn't expect to find was Dad snogging the face of some woman that he'd probably only just met today. I quickly got myself a drink and went back upstairs, pretty disturbed at what I'd just seen.

I drank the drink and got changed before going to bed. I checked my phone to see I had five texts, one from each of the boys as I'd told them my number and they were going to text me so that I had theirs and one from Ollie:

"Message From: Unknown Number,

Hey Jess, it's Ashton :) x"

"Message From: Unknown Number,

Hiiii it's Luke :D xx"

"Message From: Unknown Number,

Hey it's Cal :)"

"Message From: Unknown Number,

Hi it's Michael x"

"Message From: Ollie,

Night babe, Happy 17th Birthday for tomorrow, can't believe you'll be 17!

I quickly saved the numbers in to my contacts then replied to Ollie before putting my phone on silent and going to sleep to make sure that I was ready for the next day. I couldn't be tired on a day out with my favourite band could I?!

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