Chapter 5

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The next morning I woke up next to Luke. He was sat up on his phone after we both fell asleep last night. "Morning Luke" I smiled, getting up. "Morning Jess". I went in to my walk-in wardrobe and chose some clothes. I picked out a pair of dark skinny jeans and a turquoise fitted vest top. I quickly took a shower and got changed before tying my hair back and applying the usual make-up.

"You don't need make-up you know babe?" Luke told me giving me a hug from behind. I smiled  at him as I continued to apply the mascara. I put on my Pandora bracelet and some hoop ear rings. I picked up my phone and put it in my pocket to find no reply from Ollie what so ever. What a surprise! 

"I'm off to get Nathan and Kieran ready" I told Luke. "Do you want a hand?" He offered, putting his phone in his pocket. "Sure" I smiled as we both went to get them ready. An hour later, it was 11am and they were both ready. 

We all went downstairs to get them some lunch to find a note from Dad.


I've gone out for the day with a work colleague. Please look after the boys and I'll be back before midnight,


What a surprise, a "work colleague". Probably that woman that he was snogging the face off the other day. We ate lunch and then had to decide what to do. 

"I was planning on recording some vocals today but I guess that isn't happening" I groaned. "Why not?" Luke asked, "I can look after these two". I looked over at him joking and playing with my brothers. He'd be such a good Dad. Wait, why am I thinking this?!

"I can't expect you to look after them Luke!" I told him, "Why don't we all go outside and play football or something?". I got three looks of approval from Luke, Nathan and Kieran and we all went outside. Nathan and Kieran had a mini fight over who got to go on Luke's team and eventually they decided that they'd swap half way through to make it fair.

Kieran and I beat Nathan and Luke in the first game then Luke and Kieran won the second game. After we'd been outside for a couple of hours, we decided to go back inside. We watched some TV before Luke had to go home as his family were going out for a meal.

I cooked some food for Nathan and Kieran and put them to bed before I went upstairs and decided to record some vocals. I started with Sparks, by Cover Drive, another of my favourite bands. 

"Happy to see you setting me off like sparks, you ignite all the colours inside my heart, on the doorstep, like we've never been apart, don't you know that I'm happy to see you" I began, before I was interrupted by Kieran and Nathan running in to my room. I immediately stopped the recording and ran over to them and picked them both up. 

"What's wrong?" I asked them. They both pointed at a woman that looked about 40 who was standing at my door. The same woman that I found Dad with yesterday. "Hello?" I said, unsure of how to start the conversation. "So you're Jessica?" She  said,  she seemed rather nice. I could tell she was genuinely smiling rather than it being fake.

"Yeah" I smiled back. "I'm Sarah, your Dad's girlfriend" She smiled. I put the boys down and gave her a quick hug. "Nathan, Kieran, this is Sarah" I introduced them. She seemed good with them and I had a sigh of relief that I might not have to do quite as much to help now. As much as I love them, I'm a teenager and need some me time!

Sarah took them for a bath giving me some more recording time, well so I thought. Dad came up and talked to me about Sarah and how she would look after them. She seemed nicer than she did when I found her with Dad yesterday on my birthday.

I was back at school tomorrow, well we all were, for the next two weeks then it's Summer. I finished my GCSEs a year ago and I did my AS levels back in the UK so now I'm just studying for the equivalent to A Levels. I'm studying Music and Politics. 

I got my bag ready for school putting in everything that I might need and got some sleep before I met up with Luke in the morning to walk to school and meet Calum, Michael and Ashton there.

I checked my phone to see another text from Alix, we'd been texting all day.

"Message From: Alix,

Hey babe! Ollie seems distraught! He needed a lesson though, hope school goes okay tomorrow with Luke ;) Love Al x"

I quickly replied before laying down in bed. Did I actually like Luke in that way? Does he feel the same way? Was what he said to the guys on the first day I met him true? Is he boyfriend material? Well that's a stupid question, of course he is. He's just generally perfect, but he can't find out until I know that he feels the same way.

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