Chapter 2

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So sorry for the long wait yet short chapter :( I didn't really have much time to write. For those waiting for "Our Future", I'm kinda stuck halfway through chapter 6 so I worked on this story first since I knew what to write. So sorry >< It'll be up by next week



"The Shadows?!" Midorima asked, eyes wide. This was the biggest reaction Akashi had ever seen the megane give. In this life at least.

"Yes. Do you know this band?"

"I have a... um... a friend there" The green-haired male stammered, face turning a brilliant shade of red. Its the same face he used to make when anyone mentions Kazunari.

"Oh? What does he or she work as? Manager? Make up artist? Camera man?"

"Uh... No... Actually he's one of the band members... The guitarist"

"Hmm, I see... Why is your face so red? Are you alright?" Akashi asked innocently, mentally bursting out in laughter when the megane blushed even harder.

"I-I'm fine. Anyway, he already gave me a VIP pass. You should keep yours and go"

"But I know next to nothing about that band. I don't see the point of going"

"Not that I care but I can tell you more about their band"

"Sure" Akashi chuckled at the tsundere, watching curiously as Midorima began giving him details about the band. Despite his attempts to sound neutral, his eyes sparkled as he spoke, much like a fangirl talking about her favourite band or idol.

"Well first of all, The Shadows is a newly formed band made up of three people, a lead singer, a guitarist and a drummer. They all prefer to go by nicknames, because apparently, according to my friend, 'it sounds cooler and its easier to remember'. The guitarist goes by the name, Hawk, the drummer, Grey and the lead singer, Phantom"

"Phantom?" Akashi couldn't help but repeat the lead singer's name in bewilderment.

"Yes. Both the lead singer and the drummer have unnaturally low presences, especially so for Phantom. He's known to scare his co-workers very often"

No... This is too much of a coincidence... It can't be real...

"That's interesting... Do you know their real names?"

"The guitarist is Takao Kazunari. The others... Takao told me some time ago but I can't really remember them... One of them was... I think Mayuzuki...? I'm not too sure. The other was... Kuroko I think"

Kuroko T-tetsuya... It took all of the redhead's self control to keep himself from shooting up from his seat and demanding the megane to spill out every single piece of information he knew about that boy. He couldn't believe it. The lead singer of The Shadows was his Tetsuya... Its Kuroko Tetsuya... right?

"Ah, I recall overhearing these names from a group of girls in one of my classes. Mayuzumi Chihiro and Kuroko Tetsuya was it?" Akashi lied, asking to confirm his suspicions.

"Yes, that's it. I personally think that they're pretty talented. I'll send you a few of their songs, not that I have many. My friend just sends them to me once in a while to ask for my opinion on them"

"Okay then, thank you"

"I've sent you three of their most popular so-"  Midorima informed, before being interrupted by the ringing of his phone. "Hello?"

"Hello Shin-channn~! I miss you so muchhh! Are you free later? Can we skype? I really want to see you~" Akashi smirked at the loud voice coming from the green-haired's phone. Midorima covered his speaker frantically, blushing furiously.

"I-I'll call you back-"

"Its okay, go ahead. I won't judge"

"Are you with someone, Shin-chan?"

"Its my colleague. I just ended work as well. We're just walking to the carpark"

"He's just your colleague... right?"

"Yes Takao. He's just a fellow teacher in the music school"

"Put your phone on speaker. I want to speak to him"

Midorima rolled his eyes but did as told.

"Hey, Shin-chan's colleague. You better not have anything to do with Shin-chan, or else! I am Shin-chan's one and only!"

"Yes of course, Takao-san. I won't interfere with yours and Midorima's relationship. I'll be leaving now" With a small chuckle, Akashi replied, walking away, towards the direction of his car. Once inside, Akashi gave a sigh, letting his mask fall. Kuroko Tetsuya... Are you really the one I've been looking for all this time...?

~Time Skip~

Upon reaching his apartment, Akashi took a quick bath before climbing onto his bed, propping his back up against the pillows. Plugging his headphones into his phone, Akashi put it over his ears, clicking on the first audio that Midorima had sent him. The redhead's heart almost stopped when a familiar voice reached his ears. It was his voice. Kuroko's voice. The voice of his lover. The voice that he had been longing to hear for the past twenty and a half years. With shaky fingers, Akashi opened his safari and typed the band's name and his lover's name in the search bar and tapped on "images". He was instantly bombarded with pictures, both candid and photoshoots, of his precious Tetsuya. He hadn't changed much in terms of looks. The only difference was the makeup which made him look much hotter than he already was. In some of the photos, there would be a beautiful smile spread across his face, light reflecting off his cerulean orbs, hair blowing in the wind. There were others that had a darker background, the smile replaced with a smirk, a playful glint in his eyes. There were also gloomy themed ones and casual ones, group photos with his band both in the studio and out in public.

Tears welled up in Akashi's eyes, his heart clenching painfully as he turned off his phone. He was finally going to see his long lost lover. Two weeks suddenly felt like a really long time. Akashi wanted to see Kuroko right now. He wanted to hold him in his arms again. He wanted to kiss his soft pink lips, and tell him just how much he missed him. But... What if Kuroko doesn't recognise him? What if like the others, he had completely no recollection of his previous life? What if in his beloved's eyes, they were complete strangers...?

The Shadows [AkaKuro] &lt;HIATUS&gt;Where stories live. Discover now