Chapter 10

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I didn't want to emotionally ruin you at the very end of the chapter cuz that would be just sad so let me give it to you at the start, then slowly heal you with some Akakuro fluff XD I kinda like the idea of a secretly fun-loving and silly Akashi so pardon the red emperor's OOC-ness XD This chapter was partially inspired by Yuri on Ice and my crazy kpop fan friend.

If you're not a kpop fan, you may find this a little boring...? I don't know. >< I'm personally not really a fan of kpop either and my knowledge of kpop is VERY limited, the only two bands I'm slightly more familiar with being BTS and Vixx (cuz of my friend forcefeeding me with them) but hey, if you've never tried listening to kpop, you should give it a shot XD BUT, if you do somehow get into Kpop then... uhh... don't come talking to me about it cuz I'll probably get a little irritated...? I have enough people trying to push me into Kpop already please don't do this to me anymore :'D

More notes below.



"Ah! Be gentler!" Kise yelped, frowning as the medic cleaned his wounds. He had just returned from a case involving a mentally unstable drunkard and his family. The man had apparently been verbally and physically abusing his family members to the point where they themselves had to resort to calling in to beg the police to take him away. It had been a struggle even to approach the enraged madman as he flung bottles and various furniture at them while his crying family members cowered in a corner shaking in fear.

"Be patient, Kise-san. Please refrain from fidgeting so much." The medic replied calmly, bandaging the gash on his arm.

"But it hurts!"

"What are you? A girl?" A sneer came from behind the blonde. "It's just a cut. Man up for god's sake"

"Aominecchi, so mean-ssu!" Kise whipped his head around, his usual playful pout hung on his lips. The harsh gaze that met his eyes sent a pang to his heart. There wasn't a hint of mischief in those dark blue depths. Nothing but annoyance and repulsion. Kise didn't understand what went wrong. Aomine wasn't like that with anyone else. He had somehow, unknowingly gotten on the tan male's bad side and he had no idea why. Since the day they first met in this life, he had been treated with hostility, menace and disgust by the older male. Watching his former lover from afar as he smiled, laughed, joked around and even fell in love was tearing Kise apart. His naturally insecure and pessimistic personality was swallowing him up, eating him alive, making it harder and harder for him to pass each day with another of his signature smiles. He wasn't a naturally bubbly, optimistic person but he tried-he had always tried, to keep his smiles bright, to chase the dark thoughts out of his mind, to be the friendly, fun-loving, approachable person he wanted to be. It was tough but he managed. For how long more...

He wasn't sure anymore...


A little over a week had passed since Akashi officially joined the band and everything had been smooth sailing since. Their song writing process had quickened considerably since Momoi's suggestion was put into action and Akashi had warmed up to the band members in the short period of time. Fan sites and forums had exploded with enthusiastic comments and speculations on the "mysterious silhouette in the background" since the photos from the shoot had been disseminated online and majority of fans were highly looking forward to the possibility of the introduction of a new member, much to the band's relief.

"Takao-kun, what are you watching?" Kuroko asked, walking over to peer over the raven's shoulder to peek at his phone. Takao had his earphones plugged in, looking completely enthralled by whatever was playing on his screen.

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