Chapter 8

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Okay, first of all, I'm, once again, really really really sorry for the lack of updates. I know many of you have your summer holidays and stuff but I don't and it's almost exam period ;-; I've been really busy the past few weeks cuz of some stuff so I literally had no time to write. It's over now so... yay? But I still won't get much time to write cuz of my upcoming exams so yep... expect even slower updates ;-; I'm sorryyyyy :( Please don't forget about this story... nor Our Future which will probably take another few weeks for me to update...

DarlingTragicClown Different_so_what Here's your potato XDXDXD



Akashi sighed as he stepped out of his car, looking up at the school building. It was his last day here. Although he had only been here for a little over two years, the place still held several fond memories for him.

Climbing the stairs up to the third floor, Akashi made his way to the classroom of 2A to find that all of the doors were closed and the lights and fans were turned off. Akashi raised a brow in confusion, peering into the empty classroom. Silence. Puzzled, the teacher twisted the doorknob cautiously, stepping into the dim-lit classroom, glancing under the tables. Empty.

Two deafening pops shattered the silence, multi-coloured, shiny confetti raining down on the surprised Akashi. Students burst out from the cupboards and from under the tables at the shadowy areas of the classroom. The projector screen was lifted to reveal the words "Akashi-sensei's Farewell Party" written in black whiteboard marker ink, decorated with small drawings of various instruments, textbooks and stationary.

"Sensei, today is your last day here so we planned a farewell party for you! This is our class present to you! Don't open it until you reach home" The class chairperson smiled, passing Akashi a rectangular box wrapped up neatly in wrapping paper and a jar full of cookies. "We made some cookies for you too "

The other students came forward as well to pile the teacher with their own personal gifts.

"Thank you so much everyone. I have prepared gifts for all of you as well" Akashi beamed, handing out his presents which included a handwritten, personalised letter for each student and a special gift depending on the likes or needs of each individual student.

"I'm so excited for you Sensei! Will you be leaving tomorrow?"

"No. I'm leaving tonight"

"So soon? When will you be starting work?"


"Woah! Will you be in the next concert?"

"Can you ask The Shadows to schedule the next concert in Kyoto again but in the school holidays?"

"Can you help me say hi to Grey?"

"Oh! Say hello to Phantom for me! Please, Sensei!"

"I'm not sure whether I'll be in the next concert but I'll definitely help with the composing of the songs. I'll try to ask them to schedule the next concert where and when it will be more convenient for you all and I'll tell the band you said hi"

"Sensei, can I get your autograph?"

"Me too!"

"I want your autograph too!"

"What do you want my signature for? Don't you already have it on your report slips?" Akashi chuckled.

"Oh yeah! That's so cool!"

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