Chapter 4

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Ack... ten minutes late according to my phone >< Still, enjoyyyy~~~



"I curious to see who are the lucky four that got our VIP tickets" Kuroko thought aloud as he put on his jacket.

"Some crazy, screaming teenage girls obviously" Mayuzumi deadpanned, adjusting his attire in the mirror.

"You're half correct! Shin-chan just texted me that there are two, I quote, "really noisy girls who won't stop talking". The other recipient is, coincidently, his colleague. A redhead named Akashi Seijuro. He teaches the class of gifted students. The last one is either late or not coming" Typing away at his phone, Takao informed, leaning back on a chair with his feet propped up on the makeup table. Kuroko's eyes lit up as he heard the word "redhead". No one else other than the band knew of this but Kuroko had been having dreams of a redheaded male for as long as he could remember. Kuroko would see him every single night as he lay on his bed and closed his eyes. Sometimes, he would look younger, wearing a school basketball jersey of some sort. The school name on the jersey was always blurred, giving him no clue whatsoever to who the redhead might be. Other times though, he would look older, dressed smartly in a suit. Either ways, it was still the same fiery hair, heart-stopping crimson eyes and breathtaking smile. Kuroko was sure that he had never met the male, nor was he even sure of the redhead's existence but he had this strong urge to meet him and maybe find out what relations he had with that mysterious guy.

"Kazu-kun! Get your legs off the table!" A feminine voice snapped. It was Momoi Satsuki, the manager of the band. "Its almost time. Have fun with the fans, boys! Remember to smile and good luck Tetsu-kun! One of the recipients is a redhead and he looks pretty hot!"

"Thank you Momoi-san" Blushing slightly, Kuroko smiled as the band did a final check on their attire before leaving for the meeting place. Don't get your hopes up too high... It may not be him... What are the chances of it being him anyway? Kuroko thought to himself, heart pounding in suspense as Takao opened the door. The band winced as two ear-splitting screams shot through the air.


"HAWK PLEASE SIGN MY CD!" One of the fans begged, practically shoving a CD and a permanent marker in Takao's face. The ravenette however, only had eyes for his boyfriend, recieving the CD only half-heartedly, his eyes locked with Midorima. However, as Kuroko looked the the direction of the megane, his eyes were instantly captivated by the shorter figure standing beside him. The crimson locks, milky skin and piercing eyes. It was all the same... It was him... The man in his dreams. Kuroko's mind went blank, his eyes fixed on the figure before him, not knowing how to react. The redhead too, had his eyes on Kuroko, an unreadable expression on his face. It was like a mix of shock, wonder, awe and... longing...?

The surroundings turned quiet all of a sudden, five pairs of eyes staring at the two males. Swallowing, Kuroko finally found his voice.

"Who are you?"

Disappointment flashed through the other's ruby orbs for a second.

"I'm Akashi Seijuro"

The awkward silence continued-neither of the two knowing how to continue the conversation. Loud footsteps rang through the quiet corridors as a lady in heels ran up to the little group.


"Its alright. Let's head inside"Takao grinned, inviting the backstage pass recipients into the lounge. "Is coffee alright for everyone?"

"Yep!/Anything Is fine!/Sure!/Yes/Yeah"

As everyone took their seats on the couches, Kuroko and Takao got a few cups and prepared the drinks.

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