Chapter 9

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Finally, an update. It's been forever :'D Are you guys dead yet? You still there? I hope so >< I missed you guys~ It's a little short but I'll try to improve. If there's anything you'd like to see in future chapters, please comment! Like more Aoki, less Aoki, more Akakuro, more Mayukuro, more MayuAkaKuro, more chatroom styled conversations, less chatroom styled conversations, the band dancing? Tour? Holiday? Or just a silly little scene? I'm planning on making each chapter like a mini scenario-like thingy? I'm not sure. Oh yeah, please tell me if you spot any grammer/spelling errors, thanks. Anyways, enjoy~



"I'm back" Kuroko greeted as he unlocked the front door to find his family members sitting around the living room as per usual while they waited for him. I'm so lucky to have such a warm, loving family while Akashi-kun never did...

"Welcome back, Tet-chan. Go have a quick bath and we can start dinner" The oldest member of the family smiled, the deep wrinkles by the corners of her eyes crinkling as she did so.

"Alright. I'll be out in a few minutes"

Quickly getting into the showers, Kuroko sighed in content as warm water poured down upon him, instantly soothing his tired body. As he soaped his hair, the blunette let his mind wander off.

I can't believe Akashi-kun lives 7 floors above me... I wonder if he's done unpacking his belongings... Should I lend him a hand...? Would that be weird...? I shouldn't be randomly going into someone else's house. I barely even know him. But somehow I really want to get to know him more... Why though...? I'm not usually keen on getting to know people... I'm not a socialite like Takao-kun or Kise-kun. I feel like I should know more about Akashi-kun... And the dreams... I want to know more about them too... There must be a reason why Akashi-kun appears in my dreams despite me not knowing him... But if I ask Akashi-kun... it'll make things awkward... What should I do...? Come to think of it, Kise-kun was acting rather weirdly when he saw Akashi-kun... I wonder what they talked about... Akashi-kun was quite out of it after the break too... Takao-kun didn't see any differences with their behaviours but I still think they were being weird...

Turning off the tap, Kuroko dried himself off and changed into a set of comfortable clothes before heading out to join his family for dinner.

"How was work today? Did you guys make any progress on your songs?" Kuroko's mother asked worriedly, passing him a pair of chopsticks.

"Yes, we confirmed the melody today and even managed to come up with some drafts for the lyrics"

"Wow! That's great! I was so worried that you would have to pull another all-nighter. It's really bad for your health"

"It was all thanks to Akashi-kun though. He did practically the whole melody"

"It's his first day at work?"

"Yes. He just moved into Tokyo last night"

"Oh? Where is he staying?"

"On the 11th floor"

"11th floor of wh-... He lives in the same block as us?!"


"Wow, what a coincidence!"

"I managed to find out more about Akashi-kun today. It seems he is the one you were talking about though what he told me was slightly different" Kuroko briefly explained Akashi's side of the story.

"It is him then! My former boss was exactly as you described. He frequently flaunted his money and once, he was quarelling with one of my colleagues when he fired her, throwing a fair wad of cash in her face, before leaving. Everyone knew about his son as well and how there wasn't a single area he didn't excel in. We were quite surprised when we found out he had run away from home. That boy's really something"

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