Chapter 6 (Part 2)

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This should've been out on AkaKuro day but... but... ;-; Oh well, at least it's still AkaKuro week :3


"Are we going to the beach straight?" Mayuzumi asked as he started the car.

"Yep. Here, just follow the GPS"

"Argh, this useless piece of scrap metal isn't starting!" The drummer growled impatiently as he tried in vain to get the engine to start working. "What kind of stupid quality is this? No wonder it was so cheap! Couldn't you have rented a better one?"

"Its not like I can help it! We're low on budget!" The pinkette retorted with a huff, ringing up the car rental company.

"Now what? We're stuck here for god knows how long"

"I'm sorry, Akashi-kun. Please bear with it for a while"

A tense silence hung in the air as Momoi spoke angrily into the phone.

"They can't get me another car" Slamming the phone down, the band's manager sighed in defeat.

"So now what? Do we take the taxi or train ...?"

~Time skip~

"How long does it take to reach the beach?" Kuroko asked as they boarded the train, which was unfortunately packed.

"About one and a half hours on the train, another half an hour of bus and twenty minutes of walking" Momoi replied, glancing at her phone.

As the train started moving, Kuroko did his best to balance as he searched for available handrails, only to find himself too far away from any to grab onto them. There was no way he could reach out for the bar as there were already people crowding around it. The hand holds hanging from the ceiling of the train were all occupied as well. The train stopped accelerating after a while and the ride became relatively smooth. Relaxing, Kuroko took out his phone, opening his e-book app. He had been halfway through this sci-fi, romance novel recently. The setting of the story was a very futuristic one, where the main character is a half robot. Through the story, the main character struggles to deal with the bullying he gets from his schoolmates for being different. He soon falls in love with a human girl in his class who accepts him for who he was and the two slowly starts a relationship. Years pass and just when things began to get better, it worsened. The girl falls gravely ill and passes on. Crushed, the main character shut himself off from the rest of the world, locking himself up in his basement where he began to build his lover from scratch, piece by piece, not forgetting to include even the smallest details, every single perfect imperfections.

My heart swelled with a whirl of emotions as she opened her beautiful blue eyes, slowly focusing on me. This is the product of my decades of work. I've brought her back to life. She was exactly as how I remembered. Pale, smooth, porcelain skin. Long, silky hair that cascaded down her shoulders. Thin, pink lips. Small, petite frame.

Picking up her warm, gentle hand in mine, I ran my fingers through her soft locks, tears burning in my eyes. She stared at me with a blank look, face lack of emotion. That's right. There was still one last thing to do. Leading her to a machine beside the bed, I sat down facing her as I placed the cold, metal device over the top of her head. She gave me another empty look through the dark, currently transparent screen, blinking slowly. I smiled, placing another seemingly akin device over my own head. With a trembling hand, I reached for the switch, closing my fingers around the handle, pulling it down. A shock ran through my robotic body. It didn't hurt. Glancing over to her, she looked surprised as images, videos, memories, specifically, flashed on the transparent screen and through her mind. Hot tears flowed down my cheeks as I relived the moments we had together, both sweet and bitter.

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