Chapter 6 (Part 1)

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Haish... School is sad. I don't have time to write at all :< I'm barely halfway through the chapter but you guys are probably getting old from waiting for an update so I'll just post whatever I have so far. >< I don't know when I'll be able to finish the chapter though. For those who are waiting for Our Future, yeah, I think you can guess, I'm stuck again .-. Welp... I hope I'll be able to get that chapter over and done with soon so I can move on to the wedding and akakuro babies >->

Anywayyy, enough notes, enjoy~



"You hesitated a little at this part. Let's try that one more time before I dismiss you. Whenever you're ready" Akashi feedbacked as he pointed to the a part on the score sheet. The student nodded, her small nimble fingers flying across the piano keys while Akashi supervised her.

"Beautiful. See you again next week, Hikari-chan"

"Thank you, Sensei!"

Waving back at the little girl, Akashi collected his bag as he prepared to leave for the day. While he waited for his car to warm up, Akashi decided to check his phone.

*Message from <unknown number>*

4:42pm ???: Hello, this is Kuroko. I got your number from Takao-kun. I apologise if this seems a little random and unexpected but I would like to ask if you are available tomorrow to spend the day with the band before we return to Kyoto the day after. Midorima-kun will be joining as well. I understand if you feel uncomfortable or have something on. Sorry for the intrusion.

The message was sent nearly two hours ago. Akashi stared at the screen in disbelief. Tetsuya??? Why would he get my number? Why would he message me? Why would he invite me to hang out with the band? Why- Okay, okay... Just calm down... This is your second chance to meet Tetsuya... Get to know him a little better and maybe improve your relationship with him...

With trembling fingers, Akashi typed a reply, his heart pounding in excitement.

6:30pm Akashi Seijuro: Sorry for the late reply. I am available tomorrow. Where and what time will we be meeting?

Pressing the send button, the redhead saved Kuroko's contact. The reply came almost immediately, as if the blunette had been waiting for his message. Just that thought had Akashi's heart skipping a beat.

6:30pm Kuroko Tetsuya: We will be picking you up from your house at 12:00pm. May I get your address?

6:30pm Akashi Seijuro: xxx-x xxxx, xxxx xx, xxx xx, xx xxxxxxx I hope its not too much of a bother. May I know where we will be going?

6:31pm Kuroko Tetsuya: Thank you. I'm not too sure either. Our manager refuses to tell us anything other than to dress casually.

6:31pm Akashi Seijuro: Ah, I see.

6:31pm Kuroko Tetsuya: I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Reading that last message from Kuroko, Akashi leant back on his seat and closed his eyes, letting a small sigh escape his lips as he tried to calm his racing heart. I guess that's something to look forward to tomorrow... If I don't mess up at least...

~Time Skip~

What should I wear...? Akashi frowned as he flipped through his wardrobe of clothes. He didn't exactly have any "casual" clothes for the summer. Sure he had a few dry-fits but they would look weird with long pants and basketball shorts would be unfiting for the occasion. Dry-fits aside, he didn't have any other short sleeved T-shirts. Dry-fits, formal attire, hoodies and long sleeved T-shirts aside, all he had were shirts, shirts and more shirts. White ones, red ones and black ones. Groaning, Akashi flopped back onto his bed. A quiet buzz from his phone made him pick it up to see a message from Kuroko.

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